Official site of the “Michael” Journal
journal of Catholic patriots
For the Social Credit monetary reform
Through the education of the population
And not through politicial parties
other languages
to the new on-line version of the “Michael” Journal, which exists
since 1953 in its printed version, to promote Catholic principles and the
Social Credit monetary reform, conceived by the Scottish engineer Clifford
Hugh Douglas. You will find in the following links a mine of information
on all that is related to this journal:
(What Pope John Paul II said about the Internet)
will find on this page details about the origin of this Canadian journal,
about Social Credit and the necessity of such a monetary reform (including
the famous article “The Money Myth Exploded”), about its
Louis Even and Gilberte Côté-Mercier, about the Pilgrims of St. Michael
or White Berets — devout Catholics loyal to all the teachings of Pope
John Paul II.

will find in this page the articles published in previous issues of
“Michael” classified by topics, for example, the articles of Louis
Even and others on Social Credit and its various aspects (dividend, debt,
compensated discount, taxes), social justice, the teachings of the Roman
Catholic Church on the family, education, morals, sacraments, as well as
articles on spirituality and Marian apparitions, etc.
this page you will find most of the articles published in every back issue
of “Michael”, but this time classified by year and issue. (To see
the current issue, click on What's new.) Make
sure to visit this page again soon, for issues of past years will be added
will find in this page the latest free offprints available (4 or 8 pages
taken from the regular 16-page “Michael” Journal), as well as the full
text of Louis Even's book In This Age of Plenty (over 50 chapters),
a masterpiece on Social Credit, as well as two other booklets, What do
we mean by real Social Credit — Above political parties, and A
sound and efficient financial system.
is certainly the most important link, since this website is only a “foretaste”
of the journal, which contains more articles that are not put on this
site, and which remains the best way to be kept updated about the latest
developments of the “Michael” Movement. Moreover, since it is not
everyone who has access to the internet, you are strongly invited to also
subscribe your friends to “Michael”, which is published 5 times a year,
and available also in French, Spanish, and Polish.

will find in this page the usual information to contact us — our postal
address, phone and fax numbers, e-mail address, either for our head office
in Rougemont, Canada, or in other countries. You are also invited to
attend our monthly metings in Rougemont or in other areas.

will find in this page the most recent cartoons published in “Michael”
(including the one shown on the left), which represent very well the
swindle of the present banking system. It is said that a picture is worth
a thousand words, so these cartoons speak for themselves. You can
reproduce them to make our message known around you.

© 2004 The Pilgrims of St. Michael. Reproduction
of the contents of this site is permitted, provided you mention credits: our website address (www.michaeljournal.org),
as well as our phone number and postal address to subscribe: “Michael”
Journal, 1101 Principale St., Rougemont, QC, Canada J0L 1M0), or the
address in the U.S. or another country, if it applies..