Beware the Infiltrators

on Sunday, 01 January 1956. Posted in Communism

Fred Rose (Rosenberg), the Red spy who represented Montreal Cartier riding in the House of Commons until convicted and imprisoned at the end of the last war, viciously attacked the Social Credit Movement in Quebec in 1942. In October of that year this Red agent, then at the height of his subversive activities in Canada, published a pamphlet entitled "Hitler's 5th Column In Quebec," in which he threw the typical Red smear of Hitlerism and Fascism at the Social Credit Movement.

But times change — and so does Red strategy. "Combat" is the French-language organ of the Communist Labor-Progressive Party (LPP) in Canada. Its September 1, 1955, issue had much to say about the Union of Electors Congress then assembling.

The front page of this issue carried a 4-line banner headline, "A MESSAGE TO THE SOCIAL CREDIT CONGRESS OF QUEBEC (See Pages 4 & 5)."

A full-page banner headline on page 3, "THE LPP AND THE SOCIAL CREDITERS HAVE FOUGHT TOGETHER," refers to a supposed "agreement between Social Crediters and Communist LPP members in the Levis constituency, asking citizens of that county to vote NO in a referendum on September 19, 1955, regarding a municipal project of floating a loan to meet mounting municipal deficits. This article concludes: "In Levis, Social Crediters and Communists ask the house-owners to vote NO on September 19."

The following are excerpts from the message to the S.C. Congress, signed by Guy Caron, provincial leader (front) of the LPP:

"On the occasion of your immense rally in the Provincial Capital, the Labor Progressive Party sends its warmest greetings. So many things unite us. Together, we want the liberation of our province from the domination of the trusts... Together we want a provincial government, a federal government, that will serve the people. Neither l'Union des Electeurs, nor the Labor-Progressive Party, nor any other current of public opinion, will reach this end alone. And we will only succeed if we have the united action of the unions and syndicates which constitute one of the most vital forces in the coming struggle for the future of the Nation. There can be no national emancipation without (the participation of) the working class and its daily struggle for Bread and Justice.

"It is in this spirit, dear friends, that we extend our hand of friendship. Although we can each keep our own opinions and our own way of looking at things, it is possible to act together to obtain what we want together, we who comprise the people of this province.

"We want Canada for Canadians, Quebec for Quebeckers. We want a social order of justice and abundance. We want Freedom, we want Peace, we want Progress.".

Following this "common front" olive branch, Communist agents, masquerading as Social Crediters, and all decked out with Social Credit badges and berets, infiltrated the Congress sessions, circulating amongst the delegates and distributing Communist literature and propaganda.

Communist demands for Freedom and Justice and Abundance would be a joke were they not swallowed by some uninformed and gullible people. Hundreds of thousands of "New Canadians" in Canada today, who have fled from behind the Iron Curtain, attest to the cold fact that wherever Communism seizes control, not Freedom, Justice and Abundance, but Slavery, Oppression and Starvation, mark the "new order."

"What you cannot defeat, join." has long been an axiom of subversive forces. In other words, if you can't defeat an enemy from without, bore and destroy from within.

This is not the first time the Communists have attempted to use Social Crediters for their own ends. On a previous occasion, to our knowledge, these masters of subterfuge, using their "peace" propaganda, "took in" many unsuspecting, but not too well informed, Social Crediters.

It's time that every Social Crediter were on the alert, realizing that:

(1) Communism, in practice, means mass-slavery: Social Credit points to personal freedom and independence.

(2) Communism elevates the State over the individual: Social Credit policy is to safeguard the rights of the INDIVIDUAL.

(3) Communism teaches materialism, rejecting any order higher than the material and any Law or Law-giver higher than the Red rulers: Social Credit teaches that the Spiritual takes precedence over the material, and that all our actions and policies should be subject to the Moral Law.

(4) Communism, like the false prophet, shouts "Peace! Peace!" while spreading revolution and war. Social Credit teaches that true peace can come only through adherence to God's Word and Law.

Fourteen years ago it was Red policy to attack and smear the Social Credit Movement in Quebec. Today the Red strategy has changed. It's promoting the "common front" technique, hoping to join, bend, pervert, and ultimately destroy from within what it failed to overcome from without. The Reds are immeasurably more dangerous as "friends" within than they are as enemies without.

Communism is a strategy of the Anti-Christ. Social Credit is a policy based squarely upon Christian teaching. They are opposite poles. They have nothing in common. The slogans used by the Reds are sweet for the same reason that one uses honey to catch a fly.

No, Social Crediters and Communists are not walking the same road, and anytime an LPP agent is found on our wagon we should stop short and take stock, for either we have an enemy in our midst, or we have taken the wrong road somewhere.

The really effective soldier on the side of Christ and Country today must be well and fully informed. And it is for this very reason that this publication, in addition to facts and information on monetary reform and economics, publishes revealing articles on every phase of the Anti-Christ conspiracy.

"Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

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