The Zionist-Communist Middle-East Squeeze

on Sunday, 01 January 1956. Posted in Communism

"Soviet Communism will succeed in its attempt to conquer the world in direct proportion to the support which America gives to Zionism. This may sound startling, but it is grimly true." — Benjamin H. Freedman.

Is the shadow of Armageddon shaping up in the Middle East? Are ancient prophecies concerning the last days of this period of history about to be fulfilled? Certainly the world struggle is shifting to the Middle-East and focussing on the ancient land of Palestine.

History of Zionism

A brief history of modern Zionism includes these points:

Founded by Theodor Herzl in the last years of the 19th century. First international Zionist congress met at Basle, Switzerland, in 1897, perfected its permanent organization and created a world-wide power political machine.

Objective: the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine.

THE BALFOUR DECLARATION, made by the British Prime Minister in 1917 in return for the promise of Jewish support in war against Germany, promised that the British Government would view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a National Home for the Jewish people. It made no reference to a Jewish State, and, as a matter of fact, specified that it was clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of the existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine."

The Wilson Administration in Washington, by the terms of the King-Crane Commission report, took the same view.

HITLER'S POLICIES and World War II provided the excuse for scrapping the original promises to the native inhabitants of Palestine and propelling Jewish refugees into the Holy Land.

This chapter is one of the blackest in the pages of Zionism. Most Jewish refugees were desirous of emigrating to America and Western nations, and these lands were prepared to take them and solve the refugee problem. But this was not in the Zionist Plan. Theirs was a political strategy, not a humanitarian undertaking, and it called for a large-scale immigration, compulsory if necessary, into Palestine, preparatory for later moves.

BRITAIN was carrying out her mandate to maintain law and order in Palestine, but following World War II the Zionist underground, financed with U.S. dollars, stepped up its campaign of terror. And as British soldiers were murdered in cold blood, property destroyed and hotels blown up by these Zionist terrorists, our press carried ads promoting Zionism and raising funds for these gangsters; and our auditoriums and churches were turned over to the Albert Kahns who returned our hospitality by hissing that Britain should be pushed into the sea.

Washington-Moscow Nexus

The U.S. and U.S.S.R., since the formation of the UN, at least on the surface, have been carrying on a noisy feud, able to agree on only ONE major issue. Is it not significant that this one issue was the establishment of the Zionist state! It was in 1947 that the Kremlin and Washington closed ranks and pressured through the Partition of Palestine, London opposed"'the "plan"; Washington, Ottawa and Moscow championed it.


Benjamin H. Freedman is a Christian of Jewish descent. This well-known U.S, industrialist, in the National Economic Council Letter, Oct. 15, 1947, said:

"The threat of political Zionism to the welfare and security of America is little realized. It is a dangerous mistake to think of it as a localized, Arab-Jewish struggle. There may soon take place in Palestine an explosion that will set off another World War. Every American citizen, every head of a family, all members of Christian Churches, every non-Zionist Jew, should be brought to understand that the consequences can be fatally disastrous."

"The influence of the Zionist organization", continued Freedman, reaches into the inner policy-making groups of nearly every government in the world — particularly into the Christian West. This influence causes these groups to adopt pro-Zionist policies which are often in conflict with the real interests of the people they govern."1

Freedman then points out that all Jews are not Zionists, but that the Zionists have found means of silencing opposition and used the 'Jewish vote' in several of the large, key states to blackmail politicians into doing their bidding. By dividing Christians, they make themselves the balance of power in national politics.

Let us consider these further facts:

The Moslem population is over 400 million, stretching from Morocco on the Atlantic coast of Africa, across North Africa, the Middle East, Asia, Indonesia, and the Philippines.

The Moslems control the policies of countries with more than a billion population.

The Arabs comprise the largest racial Moslem group, numbering some 100 million.

Mr. Freedman points out that a large proportion of funds raised in the West through 'charities' and Israeli bond sales have been used not to care for unfortunate refugees, but to purchase arms for Zionist aggression which has actually created refugees and suffering. He shows how this support of the Zionist aggressor is costing us the confidence of the Moslem world, which can not understand how we allow a small minority of Zionists to exploit and use our resources and wealth to further their ends. And eight years ago he pointed out that these facts are intimately related to the threat of Communism, as the Moslem-controlled countries are vitally strategic in any global war. The Moslem world, Freedman warned in 1947, constituted the most important potential ally the Soviet Union could acquire.

"Do the Russians know it?" he asked. — "They do."

Then he added: "But today the most momentous fact in the whole world situation is that Russia and the Moslem world are finding something in common. By our almost incredible stupidity in backing political Zionism we are driving the Moslem into the welcoming arms of the Soviet."

This warning was given in 1947.

Palestine and the Khazars

Mr. Freedman continues in these words:

"But here are facts most Americans do not know:

"Political Zionism is almost exclusively a movement by the Jews of Europe. But these Eastern European Jews have neither a racial nor a historic connection with Palestine. Their ancestors were not inhabitants of the 'Promised Land'. They are the direct descendants of the people of the Khazar Kingdom, which existed until the 12th century.2

"The Khazars were a non-Semitic, Turko-Finn Mongolian tribal people who, about the 1st century A.D., immigrated from Middle Asia to Eastern Europe. There they created one of the largest kingdoms of their time. At its greatest extent it covered an area of about 800,000 square miles. About the 7th century A.D., the King of the Khazars adopted Judaism as the state religion, and the majority of inhabitants joined him in the new allegiance. Before that date there was no such thing as a Khazar whose ancestors had come from the Holy Land.

"In view of this fact, what becomes of the cry for 'repatriation' to the 'homeland'? These Eastern European Yiddish-speaking Jews have no historic or racial connection with Palestine...

"At best, the cry of truly Palestinian-descended Jews for a return to the 'homeland' would be highly dubious. What right have peoples whose ancestors departed nearly two thousand years ago to claim territory in which the present inhabitants have lived for 1,300 years? If the Indians should demand America back, would we all pack up and return to the lands of our ancestral origins? Yet the Arabs have been in Palestine a thousand years longer than we have been here. And if the claim of Palestinian descended Jews is so dubious, what of the claim of Khazar-descended Jews? Would a single Christian support their trek back to the 'homeland' or want to oblige them by expelling the Arabs, if it were known that these Eastern Europeans, Yiddish-speaking Jews who form the Zionist group practically in toto, have neither a geographic, historic or ethnic connection with either the Jews of the Old Testament or the land known today as Palestine.

"If the Jewish claim to Palestine is stated on the only other remaining ground, the religious, it may be summarily and finally replied that religiously both Christians and Moslems also have religious roots there. The reason it is called the 'Holy Land' today is because Jesus of Nazareth lived and died there. To Christians he is the Son of God and Saviour. To Mohammedans he is a great prophet. To official Jewry, he is an executed blasphemer...

"The ability of Zionists to have things their way stems from the organized pressure they can bring upon people who do not agree with them. By holding the threat of being called 'anti-Semitic' over men engaged in public or business life, they have been able to stifle opposition — even among American Jews...

"It will take courage for Americans of whatever origin to think these facts through and take public positions upon them. They will be smeared. They will be slandered...

"But America and American Christianity stand at a crossroad. The majority must decide whether it will longer submit to being the tool of a small but ruthless and unscrupulous minority of a minority people. The great majority of American Jews also must choose. Will we all acquiesce in the program of political Zionism? Will we follow it out to its inescapable consequences?'

"If we do, we shall be walking the road to ruin."

ALFRED LILIENTHAL, the distinguished American Jew, formerly with the U.S. State Department, in his book What Price Israel confirms much of what both Freedman and Beaty say. Showing how the West deliberately pursued policies designed to turn the Moslem world toward Communism, on page 159 we read:

"While Soviet Russia made her Eastern Zone of Germany court the Arabs, Western Germany, under U. S. influence, courted the State of Israel (with 'reparation' grants of more than 800 million dollars — R.G.)."

Mr. Lilienthal goes so far as to confirm the statements of Mr. Freedman regarding the 'racial' aspects of this question. From pages 215223 we read:

"Most everybody in the Western world could stake out some claim of Palestinian descent if genealogical records could be established for two-thousand years. And there are, indeed, people who, though not by the widest stretch of imagination Jewish, proudly make that very claim: some of the oldest of the South's aristocratic families play a game of comparing whose lineage goes farther back into Israel...

"When the world Judaism was born there was no longer a Hebrew-Israelite state. The people who embraced the creed of Judaism were already mixed of many races and strains; and this diversification was rapidly growing... Half of those today calling themselves Jews may be descendants of these Hittites, another of the conquered nations or tribes of Canaan...

"Carefully drawn pictures of ancient Egyptian monuments portray a substantial fraction of Hebrews as having had blue eyes and blond hair...

"These 'Ashkenazim Jews' (as Jews of Eastern Europe are called)... have little or no trace of Semitic blood.

"That the Khazars are the lineal ancestors, of Eastern European Jewry is a historical fact...

"Hitler's ancestry might go back to one of the ten Lost Tribes of Israel; while Weizmann may be a descendant of the Khazars, the converts to Judaism who were in no anthropological respect related to Palestine... in anthropological fact, many Christians may have much more Hebrew-Israelite blood in their veins than most of their Jewish neighbors."

Mr. Lilienthal, the Jew, after pointing out that these Khazar Jews are not Semitic people, goes on to say that the Arabs are Semites and "most closely resemble those Jews who are indigenous to Palestine and the Middle East; for they are of purer Hebrew-Israelite blood than most of those who have been 'ingathered'."

The Zionist State

The 'Jews' lead the 'brotherhood' and 'tolerance' propaganda campaigns in the West to outlaw 'discrimination'. But apparently this is only for non-Zionist states. Just consider these facts:

• Only Jews are permitted to immigrate into 'Israel.'

• Christian services were not permitted for the Christian victims of the Israeli aircraft shot down last year by Bulgaria. The desecration of Christian shrines and churches in 'Israel' is beyond description. ("Social Credit," in its May '55 issue carried a full report of this.) 

• "The Jewish Standard" (Toronto), Oct. 1950, published the following figures: Before the end of the British mandate, Palestine's Christian population (excluding British officials, police and army personnel) totalled 145,000. Of these, roughly 100,000 are estimated to have lived in the area now known as Israel. At present, Christians in Israel number only between 45,000 and 50,000. Roman Catholics have dropped in number, since 1947, from 30,000 to 5,000; Protestants from 6,000 to 1,500.

This indicates whether in reality Zionism is the friend of Christianity. Just imagine the hue and cry were we to practice this sort of discrimination!

• As the Reds won the Arabs, we might keep in mind that they at the same time, quietly, are supporting the Zionists — anti-Zionist propaganda notwithstanding. A news dispatch in the Communist Canadian Tribune (Nov. 21) reports the sale by Russia to 'Israel' of "350,000 to 400,000 tons of crude and fuel oil."

• Without Red arms, the Zionists might not be in the Middle East today. Human Events (Sept. 3, 1955) reports:

"The war of 1948 might not have been won by the Israelis without Soviet last-minute intervention. The Israelis, who in those days were unable to obtain any except smuggled arms, were getting down to their last rounds of ammunition when a large shipment, sent at Stalin's orders, arrived from the Skoda works in Czechoslovakia."

The American Nationalist (Nov. 1955) comments:

"Thus by an ironic twist, the very same Jews who used vast quantities of Communist Czechoslovakian war material against the Arabs in 1948 are now utilizing Egypt's attempt to obtain arms from the same source as its prime propaganda weapon against the Arab nations."

Present Zionist Strategy

Robert H. Williams, former U.S. Intelligence Officer, is a leading authority on Communism and Zionism. In the November issue of his Intelligence Summary he reports the Israeli determination to expand, and to command U.S. support for this expansion. Noting how the Zionists choose U.S. election years to induce, coerce and threaten politicians, he adds:

"The strategy seems to be first to get the United States to guarantee Israel's security. Once that is accomplished we will already have been pushed into the next world war which will be the war between the East and the West so long worked for by the far-seeing strategists of Jewish nationalism.

"If the Zionists succeed in getting Eisenhower and Dulles to guarantee their border, then in no time (with the election coming up) the Zionists can bring about more trouble between Israel and the Arab countries, and our sons will be flown to fight our allies the Arabs on behalf of the enemy of Christian civilization, the Zionists.

"This would complete the realignment of the Arabs on the side of the Communists, since we would have intervened against them. Apparently the Zionists want to throw the Arabs to the USSR."

Mr. Williams notes that just prior to the Geneva meeting last summer, Mr. Molotov, visited Bernard Baruch in New York, and they drank what they call a "Bloody Mary" cocktail. The significance is obvious.

"If we furnish arms for Israel," continues Williams, "we will have taken a step almost as decisive, almost as definitively throwing the Egyptians on the side of the Communists and against us, as if we sent soldiers."

In this connection, we might keep in mind that it is America which supplied most of the funds for arming 'Israel,'3 while the West denied modern arms to Egypt and the Arabs, thus causing the past imbalance in the Israelis' favour. This not only invited the Zionist aggression, but at the same time propelled the Arabs towards Russia.

And at the present time the Zionists are lobbying in Washington for more U.S. arms at cut-rate prices, and the Jewish press admits that Canada is being asked to supply arms.


The American scholar, Dr. John Beaty of Southern Methodist University, who was during Word War II a  topflight Intelligence Officer, two months ago wrote:

"A test is coming up. 'Israel' has demanded a 'mutual defense pact' with the United States. If we refuse it, there is still hope. If we grant it, the old, independent United States ceases to exist and we are a slave state of the Jews as we go off to fight Africa and Asia to protect a million gangster Jews who seized the Holy Land by acts of cruelty and rapine unsurpassed in history. Our possible war on behalf of the state of 'Israel' is the more unthinkable when we realize that racially the newcomers in that country aren't Jews at all in the Bible sense, but are descended from a mixed Central Asia stock known to history as Khazars. (See THE IRON CURTAIN OVER AMERICA, Chapters II and III, and pages 123 to 137. See also the Book of REVELATION, THE APOCALYPSE of ST. JOHN, THE DIVINE, Chapter II, Verse 9 and Chapter III, Verse 9.)"

In studying the crisis and challenge facing the West, several factors deserve close examination.

(1) Even the UN has admitted that the Israelis are repeatedly committing aggression and attacking Arab positions4;* but the public is not too aware of the fact that the Israelis occupy not only the territory ceded to them by the UN Partition, but also rich Arab lands seized by force since the Partition of 1947. It will be recalled that UN mediator, Count Bernadotte, was murdered by Israelis in cold blood.

(2) Palestine lies next door to the Suez Canal, Western lifeline to the East, and at the cross roads of the world, between three continents. Dr. Nahum Goldmann, president of the World Jewish Congress, in an address before the Canadian Jewish Congress in 1947, as reported in the Congress Bulletin, admitted that Zionism had selected Palestine because of political and military considerations!

(3) As this is written, news reports tell of fabulous oil strikes in Palestine. Dr. Goldmann, in his 1947 Canadian address, said that there was known to be ten to twenty times the oil in the Middle East that there is in all of North and Central America.

(4) Unknown to many is the fabulous mineral wealth of the Dead Sea; seized by 'Israel', which includes these estimates, in metric TONS:

Potassium chloride... 2,000,000,00

Magnesium bromide.... 980,000,00

Sodium chloride...... 11,000,000,00

Magnesium chloride..22,000,000,00

Calcium chloride........ 6,000,000,00

For practical purposes, the supply of potash may be considered inexhaustible.

At the 1925 price level, the dollar-value of these fabulous resources was in excess of $1,000,000,000,000 — probably over double that figure at today's prices. This is said to be more than the known mineral wealth of all the rest of the world.

Perhaps the key to 'Israel's' future plans for aggression against the Arab nations was revealed in a Nov. 7 dispatch from Karl von Wiegan, veteran Hearst foreign correspondent. He cited the following inscription which appears above the entrance of the new Knesset or Parliament building in Jerusalem:


THE UNITED CHURCH OBSERVER in its viewpoint and orientation usually runs along parallel lines to Zionism. But developments in the Middle East are apparently more than even it can stomach. In its December 15 issue is the following significant editorial:

"Strong and influential pressure is being brought to bear on the Canadian Government to send arms to Israel5. But we can't believe that those who advocate this want to see Canadian men follow Canadian guns to help Israel fight Egypt to retain the territory she took from Egypt — with arms purchased in Czechoslovakia with American dollars in 1948.

"This is a great complex problem with its roots deep in history. All we have space to say here is that there are two sides to it. But Canadians are hearing mostly one side. And we are in danger of becoming victims of a smooth propaganda campaign. The pastor gets his letters; professional speakers tour the big club circuits; distinguished visitors go to the East, see Israel and come back and write pro-Israeli articles.

"We even forget that there are three times as many Christians in Egypt as there are Jews in Israel. We fail to understand that recent treatment of the Arabs has created more misunderstanding than anything the West has done since the days of the Crusades.

"To raise even a quiet voice to say let us look at the other side of this hot situation which may lead to war, is to run the danger of being called anti-Semitic. But we are not discussing the aspirations of a great people, but the ambitions of a Secular state. Jews and Zionists should not be confused. Editor William Zukerman writes in the JEWISH NEWSLETTER: '...never before has a propaganda campaign in behalf of a foreign government been planned and carried out more blatantly and cynically... He was speaking of Zionists in America...

"Before this gets to be another Korea it should be taken to the Council of the United Nations, and the body which created Israel should have something to say about its boundary troubles. Ben-Gurion is standing in his battle dress on the border saying that he will not give up one inch of territory. He is speaking not of territory given by the U.N. (which was not its to give in the first place — R. G.), but of that taken by arms from Egypt, and boasting 'Our might was right.' "


"Watch — watch at all costs — the Middle East; for in that area events without historic precedent are about to occur... The climax will come in the Middle East."

In our Feb. '53 issue we said:

"Students of Communism and Zionism know that the success of neither would have been possible without the support of each other (Jewish leadership in the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution, and leadership in Communist spy rings throughout the world, and reciprocal Communist support and arms for the founding of the Zionist state of Israel)."

Freedman warns that Communism will succeed in proportion to the support we give to Zionism.

Today the Moslem world is the balance of world power. And our support of Zionism is pushing that balance towards Moscow. This suicidal policy must be reversed. The West must lose no time in apologizing to the Arabs for past wrongs, and then, instead of financing Zionist designs, make restitution to the Arab world for the bloodshed and loss our policies have visited upon these unfortunate people.

In other words, we must return to spiritual values and make all our acts and policies subject to the Moral Law. Our politicians, press and radio fail to stand on principle because on this continent the Zionist 'vote' and influence is many times that of the Arabs. But events demonstrate that there is no substitute for Moral Principle. And until we recognize this in practice how can we expect to invoke God's blessings in this the climactic struggle of the ages.

- Ron Gostick

NOTE: This article is reprinted from the January ssue of THE CANADIAN INTELLIGENCE SERVICE (Flesherton, Ont., $2.00 a year).


1.) When partition prospects looked grim in 1947, Bernard Baruch (who, though he holds no office, is considered by many to be the most powerful man in the U. S.) 'talked' with the French, who could not afford to lose Marshall Plan aid. France quickly switched her voting position!

2.) The Syrian Ambassador to the U.S., Farid Zeineddine, recently stated that most JewishZionists are "mongrelized Russians." Beaty's "Iron Curtain Over America' deals thoroughly with this question.

 3.) A report in the "Jewish Chronicle" (Aug. 12) estimates that more than 100 million dollars of official appeal funds have reached 'Israel' since 1947. And it is estimated that foreign governments have contributed nearly 2,000 million dollars to the Zionist state.

4.) Arab appeals to the UN are not likely to be favourably acted upon. As late as 1950 no less than 60 per cent of the permanent personnel the UN were Jewish, although this group constitutes less than one per cent of the world population!

5.) For a full documentation of the activities of the Zionist underground which coerces writers, editors and commentators, blackmails politicians and business leaders, and constitutes a veritable gestapo on this continent today, read Major Robert H. Williams' "Anti-Defamation League".

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