God has a mission for each one of us, for every soul that he creates. Some are called to the priesthood or the religious life, others to the married state. Still others are called to the single life. But no matter what state of life we are called to, everyone has a duty to work for social justice, especially the laity.
It was stated in the Second Vatican Council that "the laity, by their vocation, seek the kingdom of God by engaging in temporal affairs and by ordering them according to the plan of God… Being led by the spirit of the Gospel, they can work for the sanctification of the world from within… They can make Christ known to others, especially by the testimony of a life resplendent in faith, hope and charity."
Today we are physically capable of feeding the world's people many times over with all of our advanced technology. But because of a corrupt financial system, half of the world has to go hungry and thousands die every day from a lack of food and proper medical care, all because of a lack of adequate purchasing power to buy their necessities to live.
The Church teaches that the main reason why we must work for social justice and the establishment of a better economic system is because we will be judged on what we have done to help our brothers and sisters in need. It was Our Lord Himself who once said: "Truly I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me." (Mt. 25:40) We must see Christ in each of our brothers and love our neighbour as we love Christ.
As Social Crediters, we understand how the corrupt financial operates and also on how it could be corrected according to the social doctrine of the Church. But this great light is something that we must not just keep to ourselves; we need to educate all the people around the world on this great truth. We must shout from the rooftops that there is a way to correct the financial system of every country that respects the rights and dignity of every human being; that there is no need to have starvation in front of mountains of food production. The people need to understand that there really is a way to have a financial security where all upon earth could have their basic necessities to live.
The philosophy of Social Credit is definitely a great light upon our road. It is something of such great worth that one could not even put a price on its value. As Pilgrims of Saint Michael, we have been given the great grace to understand the value of this light and we have been given the means to bring it to others.
In his encyclical letter Populorum Progressio on the development of peoples (n.75), Pope Paul VI wrote: "More than any other, the individual who is animated by true charity labours skilfully to discover the causes of misery, to find the means to combat it, and to overcome it resolutely. A creator of peace, he will follow his path, lighting the lamps of joy and playing their brilliance and loveliness on the hearts of men across the surface of the globe, leading them to recognize, across all frontiers, the faces of their brothers, the faces of their friends."
When the Pilgrims of Saint Michael do apostolate work by distributing our leaflets and taking subscriptions to the journals (now in four languages), this is exactly what they are doing. It is for the love of their neighbour that they tirelessly devote themselves to evangelize the Faith and to present a sound economic solution that would put an end to the present-day debt-money system.
The Social Crediters of MICHAEL know that it is only with prayer along with education of the population that any progress can be made along the lines of monetary reform. This is why distributing our leaflets and subscribing people to our paper is so important, for the power of the Financiers lies in the ignorance of the people.
But… we need more apostles. We need more men and women who are willing to sacrifice themselves to work for the common good. We need more men and women who have a love for their neighbour, who are willing to say "yes" to give a part of their life, or the rest of their life, to strive for this noble ideal of working for justice. Heaven is calling each and everyone to do his or her part to make this beautiful work of MICHAEL known to others.
Mr. Gerard Mercier, our first full-time Pilgrim (now deceased), used to say in his conferences: "You have been chosen, and you belong to the most beautiful, most important, most necessary Movement for the present times. Don't look elsewhere!" And Mr. Mercier would explain how even many of the so-called good movements do not work to correct the diabolical debt-money system that is the root cause of wars, depressions, starvation amidst plenty. In fact, we can safely say that this debt system is Satan's major weapon to get to the souls of the people! Can we just sit back and ignore what is taking place around us, knowing how people all over the world are suffering and how the International Financiers are busily working to form a one-world government to enslave the entire human race? We can safely say that prayer without action is ineffective at this time!
We are making a special call for all, the young and not so young, to join us in the apostolate. We are asking everyone to even consider joining our Work as a full-time Pilgrim. Why not? What is there to lose? You would have everything going for you — a house with the Blessed Sacrament in permanence, a well-established organization, many God-fearing friends, all kinds of opportunities to travel and reach souls.
One soul is more precious to Heaven than the entire universe. By doing the apostolate work of MICHAEL on a steady basis, one would be able to reach millions of souls in their lifetime. And when all of your actions are consecrated to the Blessed Virgin, as we all are consecrated according to the formula of St. Louis Marie de Montfort, you lead a very meritorious life.
Life on earth is so short compared to eternity. When we die, we will be judged on what we have done to help our neighbour. One that has been an active Pilgrim of Saint Michael, using all of his or her talents to promote the Cause, will certainly have many merits stored up in the eternal kingdom.
It is a great grace to have such a beautiful Movement that is so complete in its apostolate. But it is a even greater grace to be an active member of this organization.
Ask the Holy Spirit to enlighten you as to the plan God has for your life. Pray that you have the courage to follow your calling in life. Reflect on all the good that you could be doing for others. And remember that nothing done for the salvation of souls will go unrewarded!
Melvin Sickler