'The Planners' popular newspaper, The Daily Mirror, has for a full-week carried a double page feature article on what it terms 'the robot revolution', and summarises its conclusion in monster headlines: 'Political Planning Or Chaos ?' It quotes the Socialist M. P., Mr. Ť. C. Pannell:
" 'Now is the time to prepare. If automation comes in with the speed which is prophesied, the dock strike, the rail strike and the seamen's strike will be as chicken feed compared with the trouble at that time."
“The Daily Mirror asserts that “if we go wrong, mass unemployment and the dole queue will be back again.'
“The answer is quite şimple, and we are happy to tell The Daily Mirror and others what it is. It is that if an automatic factory produces the same amount of goods with the labour of five men where fifty were employed before, then the forty-five men who are displaced from work should have the goods and services, which they previously enjoyed, without the work. In other words the automatic factory should pay a dividend in lieu of a wage. The millions of workers who are thus released from paid employment, and who are alleged to be so keen to help the backward countries will then have paid leisure, which, if they so choose, they can use to go to these countries and help the backward peoples to develop their own factories."
- VOICE (Belfast), July 16, 1955
“The industrial machine is a lever, continuously being lengthened by progress, which enables the burden of Atlas to be lifted with ever-increasing ease. As the number of men required to work the lever decreases, so the number of men set free to lengthen it increases."
“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil, is that good men do nothing".