Personal Responsibility

on Wednesday, 01 June 1955. Posted in Social Credit

In the first issue of Social Credit, published a year-and-a-half ago, we said:

“The reader should not expect to master Social Credit after (a single) issue... As might be expected with a subject of this scope and magnitude, a subject touching all the chords of the universe, the dis-covering (un-covering) of truth and the discerning of reality, the extent and clarity of the vision are directly related to the diligent study and prayerful meditation brought to bear upon the subject.

"The very chaos of our world of 1953 is powerful evidence of a society which elevates error as truth, and preserves disorder as sacred and immutable. Guided ever by the Christian philosophy, we shall fearlessly and relentlessly bring the searchlight of reason and reality to focus upon many of the pet shibboleths of both economic and financial orthodoxy, as well as upon the Satanic web of Marxism.

“We realize that the Christian ethic and personal and national sovereignty are essential to any sound social order. We shall relentlessly expose any and all individuals or groups, whether they operate openly or hide behind the scenes, who would foist upon us policies tending to undermine the Christian ethic or in any way weaken or diminish our sovereignty and control over our own affairs.

“We shall comment on current events, often presenting the very opposite viewpoint to that parroted in the financially-controlled press. These comments will be designed not only to increase your grasp of events, but to challenge your reason and judgment and train your mind, in the light of truth and reality, to accurately weigh up and judge events and reports. Our interest is not in doing the thinking for people, but in encouraging free men, as individuals, to do their own thinking and use their own Godgiven gifts and initiative.

“And if the reading of this paper brings you some light, do not forget to invite others to read it also. Light must shine for all.”

To lay before you vital facts and the Social Credit viewpoint is our responsibility. But to place this information and 'light' before others, and increase the circulation and effectiveness of Social Credit, is your personal responsibility.

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