Social Credit in Australia (Nov 1953)

Written by Louis Even on Sunday, 01 November 1953. Posted in Social Credit

There is a deep-rooted Social Credit movement in Australia. It may not have taken the form of a mass movement, but a number of Social Crediters there have made a profound study of Douglas's works and imbibed the Social Credit philosophy. While they wisely abstain from party politics, they exert on political trends — or more properly against present political trends — an influence out of proportion to their number.

In Australia, as in Canada, centralization forces are at work. This is part of a carefully engineered plot to enslave the world; and our so-called democracies are steadily going in that direction, even while they pretend to combat the totalitarian States of the communist camp. Step by step, under the very pretense of defence against communism, power is transferred from local administrations to a central administration, more responsible to international planners than to the people at home. The individual is thus made to submit to ever more remote control and loses his say in the shaping of policies.

Social Crediters of Australia are keen observers of events, and strongly oppose this centralizing tendency. Only some years ago, through their enlightening action, they succeeded in getting the central Government of Canberra defeated in its referendum seeking the authorization to take over full powers.

About the Author

Louis Even

Louis Even

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