A new slavery; Canada and the New World Order

Written by Pierre Marchildon on Monday, 20 September 2021. Posted in World Government

An interview with Pierre Marchildon on Radio Maryja in Poland

We would like to present to our readers a transcription of a radio program that was broadcasted on the Catholic station Radio Maryja of Torun, Poland, on August 11, 2002. This radio station is owned by the Redemptorist Fathers, and its programs are broadcasted all over Poland and through satellites all over the world. It is very popular among Polish people in North America, and of course in Poland. The most popular program of this station is called "Unfinished conversations", which is broadcasted every evening between 9:30 p.m. and 11:30 p.m., and often is continued after midnight until 2 o'clock in the morning.

Our dear deceased Pilgrim Pierre Marchildon (who passed away on December 17, 2007, at the age of 59) was in Poland in 2002 during the last visit of Pope John Paul II. He was invited by Radio Maryja as guest of "Unfinished Conversations." The formula of this program first includes the presentation by the guest of a specific subject, and then there is an open line in which listeners can ask questions and make comments. Mr. Marchildon's topic for this program was: "Canada and the New World Order."

"Michael" and Poland

Pierre Marchildon:

I am very happy to be in Poland to speak on Radio Maryja. I was invited here by the directors of Radio Maria. I am privileged to be in this land where the Polish people fought very strongly against Communism. I came to Poland to help the Polish people understand the harm that globalization and the one world government has done to Canada. Also I came to see the development of the "Michael" Journal in Poland

This land of Poland and the Polish people were strong instruments that overthrew the Communist regime. Through this there was much bloodshed, but we are walking here in the land of the saints that have been canonized by Pope John Paul II, such as Saint Maximillian Kolbe, Saint Sister Faustina, and many others.

Why are we here and how have we come to be here? It began quite a few years ago when Bishop Kraszewski translated the book of our founder Louis Even, "In This Age of Plenty." This book explains the fraud of the banking system in the whole world and it introduces a technique to apply the Social Doctrine of the Church. Because there was a great interest among the Polish people in Poland and we received many letters, we decided to print a leaflet in the Polish language. And then I, myself, wanted to have a "Michael" Journal in Polish for the people of Poland to have a continuation of the Work of the Pilgrims of Saint Michael. In 1999 we founded the "Michael" Journal in Polish. And then in 2001, we edited another of the three brochures that our founder wrote. The title of the book was "The Global Fraud." Bishop Frankowski gave a wonderful recommendation for this book.

In the past, Louis Even wrote often to Cardinal Wyszynski. Louis Even also admired Poland and the fact that Cardinal Wyszynski worked to defend the Catholic Church in Poland. That is why the Pilgrims of Saint Michael have a tender spot in their hearts for Poland. That is also why I am very happy to be here tonight at Radio Maryja to give more information about the Masonic, international, financial, and globalist plan to destroy my country of Canada, and what they are doing to every nation in the world. So this evening I would like to give you some of the history of the work of our enemies in Canada.

A global plan

One of our biggest downfalls was in 1913 when Canada's Prime Minister, Robert Borden, added the Bank Act to our Constitution, and gave away the right to create money to private banks. Of course, we have to understand that in the United States in 1913 the Federal Reserve Bank, a private corporation, took over their money system. Not long after, in 1914, the International Bankers started the First World War by financing it. That is when Canada started to get into debt. Then in 1917 the same International Bankers funded and financed the Communist Revolution with the Wall Street Bankers in New York. That was the enemy's plan.

But Heaven had a plan too because in 1917 Our Lady of Fatima came to visit us to ask us to pray so that we could get rid of the Communist regime. Then at the same time in 1917 and 1918, C.H. Douglas came out with the principles of a national money system. A monetary system that would be without usury and interest, and that would belong to society. That is why he called it a Social Credit money system. Later in 1939, there was a big depression worldwide, and we really felt it in Canada.

Louis Even, the founder of "Michael"

It was in 1934 that Louis Even read some of the writings of C.H. Douglas. Louis Even was a great Catholic; he knew his Faith and also the Social Doctrine of the Church. He knew some of the quotations in the encyclicals of different Popes. In one of these famous quotations, Pope Pius XI stated in his Encyclical Letter Quadragesimo Anno in 1931 that those who control the money control the lives of the people; those who control the economy control everything, up to the point that « without their permission no-one can breathe. »

In 1939, Louis Even began the foundation of our French paper called Vers Demain to reveal to the people that it was the banks that made a restriction of money during 10 years of the depression. When war was declared in 1939, they found money overnight to finance the war and to kill people by the millions and to destroy nations. So Canada got into World War II, which was financed by the same banks, and sunk deeper into debt.

Bigger debts and taxes

After the war, during the1960s, we elected Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau, a socialist. He received some of his education in Moscow, and he was a Fabian from the London School of Economics. He brought Canada deeper into debt, from 50 billion to 200 billion dollars. Now with the burden of this huge debt, we could not even pay the interest on the national debt. And while we are on this subject of Pierre Trudeau, he is the one who also passed the abortion law in Canada. So up to now, in the 1980s and 1990s, our national debt of Canada to the private banks is over 600 billion dollars (in 2002).

After, Prime Minister Brian Mulroney came in power who had inherited this debt. In his campaign before the election, he said he would never accept the Free Trade Agreement between the United States and Mexico. But two months after he won the election, he signed the Free Trade Agreement between the United States and Mexico. Then many of our big companies moved to Mexico because of cheap labor. There was a lot of loss of jobs in Canada and then, the Canadian people were taxed to pay the interest on these debts. Being the income tax was not enough; the Federal Government had to add another tax on the goods and services, called the Goods and Services Tax.

Also in 1981 the interest rates jumped to 22% and many people who had mortgages experienced a double in the cost. During this time in 1981 and 1982, 300,000 families in Canada lost their homes, farms, and businesses. At the rates of 22%, with the increase in the taxes, people had to pay for their houses three and four times with the property taxes. And this is what we called democracy in America, and in Canada. But I call it a new slavery.

And then after that with all this increase in taxes and interest rates, the mothers had to go to work. This was the beginning of the breaking down of the family life. The mothers put their children in daycare centers. Children came back home and were raised in front of the television with its corruption and pornography. The abortion rate also increased. Today we have up to 110,000 abortions a year in Canada. In some parts of Canada we do not even reproduce ourselves; there are 1.3 children per family.

Now our federal, provincial and municipal governments, with all of these debts, are cutting into our social programs dealing with hospitalization and education. The governments have started to privatize what they own to private corporations. Also we lost a lot of farmers. We used to have 600,000 farmers, but now we are down to 200,000. Most of the farms that are left are mortgaged to the banks.

A catastrophic monetary system

One of the worst things that happened is that we lost our schools because we accepted the government handouts, such as grants. And when these grants were accepted, we had to teach sex education beginning at age six. Now what has happened to our children? After they receive the sacrament of Confirmation, we do not see them in church anymore because they are ready for sex, because this is what they are being taught! Just to give you an example: Before the Pope came to Canada for the World Youth Day (in July, 2002), they were saying that the amount of youth practicing their religion in different parts of Canada, especially in Quebec, was down to about three to five percent. So this is part of the disaster that the monetary system and the International Bankers have done to Canada.

We could have freed the whole world in the year 2000, the Jubilee Year, when Pope John Paul II asked for the cancellation of the international debts, because all of these debts have been paid at least ten times over with all the interest payments that have been made to the private international banks. Being this was not done (the cancellation of the debts), the global people are working now, stronger than ever, to take over the world's resources and all the capacity to produce in the world.

Total control

Lately, in the year 2001 with the terrorist situation, this was used as a way to bring new laws and new control over all the nations. They want to introduce a new identification card, like a credit card or a smart card. For the last ten years they have been talking about the microchip. They started to implant the wildlife animals and they are injecting the microchip in all the domestic pets. We could see that after September 11, 2001, Canada, the United States, Australia — where I just came back from — and other countries have passed what they call the terrorist laws.

On Christmas Eve of last year, they began promoting and advertising a new implantation of the microchip in the people for identification. This year in April (2002), the Food and Drug Administration in the United States approved of the microchip to be implanted. On May 10th of this year, they began in the state of Florida to implant the Verichip in the people. This is so they can have more control on the people, to know our whereabouts and, eventually, all of our financial transactions.

It is what Father Michel Schooyans wrote in his book, what the one world people, the United Nations, the global people want: they want total control of every person, to mutilate everyone and destroy humanity. There would be much more to say on this, but I would just like to mention that it almost looks like we are losing the battle on this. The Catholics and the Christians are doing a bit of what Saint Peter did today in the Gospel. It looks like we are being defeated, but we will have to do like Saint Peter and cry out and ask God's help to save us from all of this world control. The people will have to come back to God, convert and start going back to church, to pray again the Rosary and ask the Virgin Mary to help us.

John Paul II in Canada and Poland

I would just like to say a little word about what Pope John Paul II said when he came to Canada for the World Youth Day. I can tell you that he woke up the whole nation and all of America; North America was awakened by the Pope when he came to Canada. Long live the Pope! And also when the Pope went to Mexico, there were 12 million people one evening who came out to admire the Pope while he went from the airport to his residence.

Now the Pope is coming to Poland. I am very happy to be here. We invite all the Polish people and the people in other countries nearby to come and meet the Pope to encourage him.

We, the Pilgrims of Saint Michael, wanted to give a little help to Poland by bringing some of our pamphlets with the message of the Pope against globalization. The Pope, in his message against globalization, said it would be nice to have a global world, to help one another in every country, but how can we help other countries when we are so sunk in debt that we cannot even feed our own people. I would like to just quote the Pope on what he said on this subject: "Globalization is the loss of sovereignty of every nation. And we will be governed by a few centres in the hands of private individuals." So we have to do everything to stop this.

We will pray that Poland will not accept the global government, the global situation. So we hope to see you at the places that the Pope will be coming: to Our Lady of Czestochowa, the Shrine of Sister Faustina in Krakow, and other places, and we will be there ourselves to distribute the "Michael" Journal in Polish for anyone who wants one.

If you would like to ask questions about what is happening in Canada concerning the farming and the schools, we will accept call-in questions now.

Father of Radio Maryja: Please, we are listening, this is Radio Maryja.

Question from listener: I am listening to this programme and I heard what Mr. Marchildon was saying about microchips. I heard about this on the programme broadcasted by Radio Maryja recently. I would ask a question connected with the subject. I would like to ask how far are things regarding marking the people. I read on the Internet and in the book of John Leary « Be prepared for the era... » about this problem that touches the wealthy societies. That is to say, people who make all financial transactions and own banking credit cards, very easy will take that sign, which is the sign of capital; it means the sign of high developed countries, where of course money will be slowly withdrawn from circulation. the European Union introduced euro money. It is the next step of withdrawal of that money and of establishing cashless accountancy. Is Poland ready for this, and is this dangerous for us? It seems to be a very important problem. I talk with many people from my environment and they don't know what the biochip or microchip is, they are not aware of the smart cards and all this equipment that will make the people become dependant on the system.

This programme that is now broadcasted by the Fathers is a good opportunity to warn people that to take these « goodies » of civilization means that we are lost, because man without God cannot live, and when he takes all these elements of capitalism and economy he is loosing freedom. He cannot decide about his own life and takes things that make him a slave. He will do everything to keep up his own level, own standard of life for the price of exclusion himself from the eternal life with God. I'm asking you to say more, if possible, and let people know of the dangers of the microchip technologies. Thank you for the opportunity of asking the question. Stay with God.

Father of Radio Maryja: Thank you very much.

Pierre Marchildon: Concerning the microchip, I believe that it will be a new identification, because since the terrorist attack of September 11th, they already started to implant the Verichip within six months of that attack. And I believe that if there should be another terrorist attack, especially in the United States, the microchip will be the new identification. They introduced the Verichip in May of this year on the health side, saying that if you had that chip; it could save your life. For example: if you were in an accident and the ambulance would come, they could scan the chip and know what drugs not to give you. They also presented it concerning those who have a sickness, like Alzheimer's, and if you become lost, they could find you with the GPS system using a satellite…

(Jacek Morawa gives Pierre's answer in Polish. Part of tape is missing)

So it is very well advanced, but I believe that now with the smart card with a chip, or the implantation of the chip later on, if you do not have that chip, you will not be identified in the new system of banking and government programs. Then you will have to present this new identification. As Dr. Carl Sanders said, with this microchip they would be able to control our behaviour, which they showed with their rat experiment. They could make the rat do whatever they wanted it to do. So we must not at all take that microchip in any form.

In answer to this question: the real history of Canada is not written in the university books. The bankers control the highest authority of our country. If the International Bankers control the highest authority, the government, they control the universities. How come the greatest swindle and fraud of the world is not repeated, is not voiced, by most of the elite? Because they have gone with the system! I could quote a famous phrase from a former governor of the Bank of Canada who said that every time a bank makes a loan, they create money out of nothing!

Father of Radio Maryja: We invite the next listener.

Listener: My name is Beata Bulak, I'm calling from Cisie near Warsaw. I am a regular reader of Michael Journal and on Wednesday I go to the Parliamentary club of League of Polish Families to bring them the book of Louis Even « A Sound and effective financial system » because I heard on the waves of Radio Maryja that the League of Polish Families is preparing a project for healing the Polish economy. Thank you. Stay with God.

Pierre Marchildon: We congratulate you, madam, to have had the courage to introduce legislation in the Parliament on our proposition on money reform that would finance and help the nation.

Father of Radio Maryja: Next listener, please.

Listener: I would like to greet cordially the man who is talking to us tonight. I thank him for opening our eyes on what is going on abroad and on the other side of the ocean. I know something about it because I have my brother in Canada. He has been living there for 12 years now. Why don't the Polish people know about these things that are happening in the world. I think that everything that happens abroad will happen in our country. One more time, thank you very much.

Father of Radio Maryja: Stay with God.

Pierre Marchildon: I would like to say that the people who are going through the universities will learn it their way, and if they want a position in life, which everyone wants, you have to go along with the system. If not, you will not be qualified. They want to eliminate all of the opposition, anyone that will oppose them. So it is the duty of anyone who knows the truth to be a witness to the truth, either in the Faith or in economics. And we have to do a bit like Jesus Christ did — take the whip and whip the money changers.

Father of Radio Maryja: Please, next caller. Hello.

Listener: My name is Krzysztof (Christopher), and I'm calling from Lodz. I want to ask you about the place of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank and of the plot that is happening in our times. If you can give me more information on this subject.

Father of Radio Maryja: Thank you very much.

Pierre Marchildon: The IMF and the World Bank are there as a front for the International Bankers. They are there to lend money to different countries, and when they do lend the money there are conditions. When they lend one dollar, they want eight dollars back. So they are not there to help any nation; they are there to make sure these nations go deeper into debt so they can finally take all of their national resources. Because the goal of the international people… They had a meeting in Canada in 1995, the G7 at the time, where they made a plan called The Global Resource Bank, so that once they will have all the resources of the world in their hands, and the capacity to produce, they will finally evaluate this world wealth and tell the people of this global village, in which you will just be a number… They are even using some of the terms of the social doctrine which state that you would have a right to the fruits of the modern technology. They will give everyone on the planet a global security, and they will send the money electronically and for you to have access to that money, you will have to have a new electronic identification.

Pierre Marchildon

About the Author

Pierre Marchildon

Pierre Marchildon

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