Comments of Michael

on Saturday, 01 January 2000. Posted in Diverse Articles

These words of the Holy Father are right in line with "Michael", and of course, also in line with the Jubilee Year 2000, during which a spirit of justice must prevail. Pope John Paul II says that "the time has come for a new and deeper reflection on the nature of the economy and its purposes." Louis Even never missed an opportunity, in his writings, and especially in his masterpiece "In This Age of Plenty", to remind people that the primary purpose of the economy is to satisfy human needs (to produce what people need, and make sure that products reach those who need them), and not to create jobs or make money, which are only means. A "model of development" based on the creation of artificial needs, simply to create more jobs, brings about the waste of resources and the destruction of the environment.

The Pope is right to talk about "the pervasive influence of monetary and financial interests" on the economy, since the bankers' monopoly of the creation of money gave them a truly dictatorial power over economic life, according to the famous words of Pope Pius XI in his Encyclical Letter Quadragesimo Anno: "This power becomes particularly irresistible when exercised by those who, because they hold and control money, are able also to govern credit and determine its allotment, for that reason supplying, so to speak, the lifeblood to the entire economic body, and grasping, as it were, in their hands the very soul of production, so that no one dare breathe against their will."

John Paul II also says that the economy must serve "every person and the whole person". To our knowledge, there is no better method than the dividend to all, as advocated by the Social Credit philosophy, to guarantee every human being a minimum of earthly goods which, still according to the words of Pius XI in Quadragesimo Anno, "must be abundant enough to supply all needs and an honest livelihood, and to uplift men to thąt higher level of prosperity and culture which, provided it be used wisely, is not only no hindrance but is of singular help to virtue."

The Sovereign Pontiff talks about - « finding definitive solutions to the longstanding problem of the international debt ». The readers of "Michael" know that the only way to prevent the creation of debts is to have the sovereign government of each nation resume its power to create its own debt-free currency, and stop borrowing money at interest from private banks. For even though present debts are cancelled, if governments continue to borrow money at interest from private institutions, other debts will inevitably build up. The only "definitive" solution that will solve this debt problem once for all is the one proposed by the "Michael" Journal.

Dear friends of "Michael", your program of action is all set for this current year 2000: let us diffuse the Michael" Journal, so that the social doctrine of the Church may be applied, to obtain justice for all and economic security for every individual, which will bring about true peace in families and nations.

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