
March 9, 2016: The
of Canadian Artists (Visual Arts)
published one of my caricatures: (do this search to find it: "Jude")
Jude Potvin, cartoon, in MICHAEL
Special Free
Edition, date of issue: January 2015, 75th anniversary, published
by the Louis Even Institute for Social Justice (Canada). This
journal was delivered free of charge at my residence in Ottawa,
during the summer of 2015. I would like to thank the artist for
his permission to reproduce (9 March 2016).

June 22, 2015:
Message de LuBo:
Ave Jude... ... it's beautiful / good ... ... you have a lot of
talent ... ... we must find someone who can give you an opportunity in a
newspaper / magazine ... etc ... Good day ...
.......... Let you lead by the Spirit............ PAUL 1 Galatians 5:16
april 12, 2010:
Message de MiLe:
Regarding your
drawing, I realise that you really are a cartoonist. Better than our
national cartoonist... I recognised the family album: M. R.L., M. D.,
both in many occasions. The album has many faces, your father which
I never saw him; our politiciens :R.
Lévesque, "Mul Ronnée", etc. This make us to "se tordre de rire!"
(french expression: means that we laugh so much that our body is twisting.)
You must draw this funny expression. This is extra, extraordinary
all this artistic work ! And the drawing with the
of the ladies: their car is nice,
but we don't see the plate Ave Maria. You should also add the flag !
Please. Thank you !
october 10, 2007:
Message from EL:
A Canadian cartoonist
in Quebec sends me updates when the Michael Journal website uploads his
newest cartoons and caricatures. VD employs his artistic talents to teach
people the truth about how:
the private banking system, which we have been deceived into believing is
a 'national' bank as part of our government;
manipulates our governments into imposing more and more taxes to pay off
unnecessary debt that could be wiped out instantly;
if the government would simply stop breaking the law by allowing a PRIVATE
corporation (international bank) to create money (imaginary money);
which the government then 'borrows', when it could and should be the only
one creating our money;
thus creating 'national debt', which they use as an excuse to levy more
and more taxes to 'pay off'. (Never happen...never meant to happen.);
as well as creating 'personal debt' among the taxpaying citizens;
thus resulting in a system in which debt is deliberately created 'out of
thin air' by the private banks and our government for citizens, who then
are seduced and forced to pay the 'national debt' by going into 'personal
In this system, those who work for and create wealth are made the slaves
of corporations like private banks and corrupt governments, and all the
wealth of the hard working citizens winds up in the pockets and vaults of
bankers and crooked politicians.
VD's caricatures encourage citizens to 'starve' this gluttonous illegal
banking and monetary system by abandoning it to the thieves who created it,
and instead support the Social Credit monetary system wherein our work and
efforts produce rewards for us, instead of paying the thieves to rob us
and then mortgage the poorhouse they've suckered us into building for our
Do avail yourselves of the message VD attempts to convey through his
cartoons and caricatures. You can learn a lot without having to read
thousands of words.
Reply from VD:
Thank you !!!!!!!!!! Yes, it is incredible that privates banks
has such a power. But with the Social Credit system, there
would be no more public debts and less private debts.....
Find more explanations
july 8 2007:
Message from FrDe:
The caricatures are wonderful, bravo. I look for this one: the white
sheeps who look at a black sheep, and the black sheeps who look at a white
sheep, who can help me ?
Reply from VD:
Thank you, yes, I still have about 100 caricatures to scan and put on
my website. The problem is that I have no much time, but be patient, I
will do it. Bye.
february 3, 2007:
Message from PV:
It is
super !! A wonderful idea the website of caricatures and the guest book,
it is also a great apostolate to show things with humour !!!! God
bless your work ! A big thanks !
Reply from VD:
A big thanks for you also !
january 23, 2007:
Message from EL:
message in the picture showing the
apes in the trees eating fruit and the
man with empty pockets standing in front of a store window loaded with
fruit, should, hopefully, awaken your viewers to consider that of all
creatures, man, the one who labours for his food, is the only creature
denied the basic necessities of life simply because he doesn't have
'money'. People still suffer from the deception that 'money' has made
getting our material needs met more easy and convenient, but they haven't
seen how money has been created by a demonic spirit as an obstacle that
stands between man and the things he needs to survive on earth.
Is is not insanity that we
have stores and warehouses full of food and rather than give it to people
to eat, it will be burned or dumped in the garbage. Corporations 'over
produce' everything, more than there is money to buy, so people will
borrow from other corporations owned by the same corporations to buy
things we don't need but corporate advertisers tell us we need and want
and must have. And yet, there are millions of people starving to death in
the world. We have homeless people when there are empty homes and
apartments, vacated churches and government buildings that could be homes
for these souls.
It is satanic. The Lord
gave us all things freely and no man, much less a 'corporation', has the
right to deny any other man the basic necessities of life. When Judas, the
betrayer/thief criticized Jesus for letting the woman pour out her
fragrant ointment on Him before His crucifixion, saying the perfume could
have been sold and the money given to the poor, Jesus knew what Judas had
in his heart. Jesus knew that the reason Judas carried the money box was
because he was stealing from it. People gave Jesus and the disciples
'gifts' or donations to help the poor, and that is what that money was
for. But Judas stole that money from the poor. That is why Jesus said to
Judas, "The poor you have with YOU always.", because it is man robbing and
exploiting his fellow man that creates poverty for man. Judas was just an
early example of the banks, governments and corporations which have grown
up on the 'love of money' the root of all evil.
Ok. Thanks for letting me
share that. But see the kind of things your cartoons can inspire?
Reply from VD:
In the Gospel, the parable of the
rich man who let the poor Lazare starving to death is repeating today in a
larger scale !
january 23, 2007:
Message from EL:
What a great idea, setting up a Guest Book for
your site for those of us who have had the benefit of seeing your work, to
acknowledge you and your enduring efforts in a more public way!
You can publish this or keep it private if you prefer, but I want to say
that even more than your volumes of artwork and the thought provoking
messages you speak through imagery, I appreciate the tender, gentle and
humble spirit of the man who commands the pens and pencils. I bless the
Lord for the gift of you and for the gifts He has given you to share with
the many. I am grateful to have you as a brother in Christ and to know
your heart and soul seek to glorify Him.
Thank you, for being faithful in so far as you
know the Lord and may your knowledge of Him continue to grow until He is
all there is in your life and experiences.
Be blessed, brother.
P.S. I only know of one true 'Professional' and He is the Judge of us all.
Reply from VD:
Thank you very much ! I will
publish your message to encourage people to bless the Lord for all the
graces He gives us. I just finished to update the
page 2.
I would be very happy if I would help people to understand the importance
to work for social justice because so many people lives in great poverty
and 40,000 are starving to death every day in the world, it is not their fault, it
is the fault of the bad banking system. God bless you and union of prayer
january 16, 2007:
Message from Jolinda:
I like your work. Good stuff!!! :)
Reply from VD:
Thank you Jolinda, I have to
update my website with 100 cartoons I made
for the Michael Journal from 1979 until today. I will add 1 or 2 every week.
Just check it sometime.......
Message from Jolinda:
Thanks VD. I've saved your page in my favs!
january 16, 2007:
Message from GordMacDonald:
So I take it you think we
are overtaxed (understatement) nice style/drwing. Gord
Reply from VD:
I think yes we are overtaxed, for example, we pay our bridges, roads, etc,
many times in interests to the banks.... It's too long to explain
here but I suggest you read these articles:
december 8, 2006
Message from EL:
!! Sad to say, ad funny as the cartoon is about
guy 'plugged in' to the T.V. set, it is too true. Of course,
these days, the computer monitor is in heavy competition for the
attention...for the same reasons...entertainment. Such a waste,
considering how much useful information we can find on the internet if we
look in the right places. I especially like your portrait of
Jean Paul II.
You have a huge portfolio of your cartoon and portrait work! You've been
adding to it for a very long time! I see that you began to do cartoons and
caricatures even in your childhood. You obviously have a gift and a talent
for expressing it. Great stuff ! And thank you for sharing your creations
with us all. God bless and keep you.
Reply from VD:
Thank you so much for everything ! Yes it is a gift, everything
is given to us by God !
He gaves to all of us talents that we have to put at the service of the
june 23, 2006:
Message from JNC:
I always asked to myself who is drawing these caricatures in the
traditional style
of the Michael Journal... Congratulation - they are excellent.
Réponse de VD:
Thanks, compliments give me duty: I have no choice: I must continue !!!
june 11, 2006:
Message from CB:
I have just finished looking at the carricatures that you just sent to
me. I never laughed so much in all my borned days!!! I even saw one that
you made of me when I had my car accident back in 1997. I'm sitting on a
and heading for the Jericho in Rougemont. I had forgotten that you did
that. Very good indeed!!! I'll talk to you later Amigo!!!
Reply from VD:
Thank you for your appreciation,
Amigo !!!!!!
june 10, 2006:
Message from Joshua:
Are your caricatures free ?
They are very good... It would be good that many people see them.
Reply from VD:
I guess you ask if there is author rights. Yes, but I give autorisation to
publish them as long as you put the adress of my website.
Thanks !
june 10, 2006:
Message from Krevard Kiki:
caricatures are nices, you draw well !
Reply from VD:
Thanks !
june 9, 2006:
Message from Sakura:
Sympa ! (It's 30 minutes I make the horses to sing lol)
very sympa the caricatures.
Reply from VD:
Thanks !
Haha: the horses: I like this link, I laugh so much !
june 8, 2006:
Message from Rossoff:
Very well your website and very well done the caricatures.
Reply from VD:
Thank you very much !
may 24, 2006:
Message from EL:
Your drawing
speaks by themself. Also it is interesting to see your first drawing and
the development of your technics.
You've still got
it, I see! Very well ! I pray many will see your cartoons and understand
the important truth you reveal in them so that more and more people will
wake up and pray to God to deliver us from our complacency about the truth
we already know... Thanks again, for sharing your creations with me.
Stay strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.
Reply from VD:
Thank you and God bless you also !
may 22, 2006:
Message from RL:
dear friend ! A great bravo ! I did not know you have a so good hand to
draw ! And also have a huge production, from your childhood ! Bravo !
It's interesting and entertaining.
Reply from VD:
Thank you ! I hope to continue still for many years.
may 22, 2006:
Message from Divalvel:
Yes, funny, but I would not say amazing...
Reply from VD:
I know that..... :)
may 22, 2006:
Message from Revo:
Anyway, it is not a professional work... but it's a must to see them....slowly.....lool
Reply from VD:
For sure ! But I never said I'm a
professional !
august 2, 2004:
Message from Genevieve:
It is so cool!!!
Reply from VD:
Thanks so much !!!
august 2, 2004:
Message from Remi987:
lolll this is good !!!
Reply from VD:
Thanks !
june 15, 2004:
Message from Tioui:
Reply from VD:
Thank you !
june 12,
Message from Remi987:
ouin I looked at it fast and they are all in english
. the
caricatures are good but there is people I do not know...
Reply from VD:
Thanks, I will put them in french soon....
