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Mrs. Luke Murphy (née Katherine Shiposh), of Chicoutimi, died on April 28, at the age of 93

on Tuesday, 01 August 2023. Posted in Obituaries

Mrs. Luke Murphy (née Katherine Shiposh), of Chicoutimi, and formerly of Charlemagne, died on April 28, 2023, at the age of 93. A Pilgrim of Saint Michael since l978, she faithfully attended all the monthly meetings of the Pilgrims of Saint Michael, both in Montreal and Rougemont. She was a regular participant in the Rosary Crusade's visits to families in Montreal, for as long as her strength allowed. Living in Charlemagne, a suburb of Montreal at the time, she took the bus early in the morning to join the team, and travelled by bus again in the evening after the day's apostolate. She would also crusade in her community with a companion. She always welcomed visiting pilgrims to her home for meals and accommodation. She was the mother of our pilgrim Léonard Murphy, who is responsible for the Saguenay Lac Saint-Jean region.

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