in his booklet, Bank Evasion and Taxation, Mr. W. B. Wray, a New Zealander, commenting on the pernicious financial system under which we live and the scandalous manipulations of the monetary system whereby the people are robbed of their wealth and enslaved to the financial dictatorship, had this to say:
"Only an enlightened public understanding of the issues involved can give our servants in high places the moral fibre to carry our demands to those in a position to accede to them. A vote at an election is not enough. The pressure must be on all the time from to those who have the intelligence to act..."
As quoted in The New Times of November 27, 1959
The italics are ours. We wish to point out what our paper, The Union of Electors and its French-language brother, Vers Demain, are never tired of bringing up time and again, that no reform can be accomplished by merely putting a ballot in an election box or by trying to form just one more political party. It can only be achieved by an enlightened and determined people, prepared to act the year round to exert the necessary pressure upon those whom they send to the parliament as their representatives. That is the purpose of our movement, the Union of Electors, the end of our two papers.
The Social Crediters of the Institute of Political Action and the Union of Electors, assembled at Montreal on Sunday, January 17, 1960 and representing the 10 provinces, unanimously
1) Express to the federal members of parliament their disillusionement in that the government at Ottawa has not seen fit to adjust family allowances to their original worth in keeping with today's cost of living.
2) Reiterate their request that such a law be voted at this session to the end that such injustice towards families should not be continued any longer, and so that it may not be said that the Conservatives, now in power, are more heedless of the nation's children than were the liberals, whom the Union of Electors asked, in vain, since 1950, to readjust the rates of family allowances.
On one occasion the late Lord Norman, who was for long Governor of the Bank of England, speaking of the ineffectiveness of opposition to banking dictates and policy, remarked that the dogs might bark, but the caravan still continued to move on. And here and there, in many places since 1956, the dogs of opposition have done plenty of barking against moves by the Ministry of Health and Local Government to bring about amalgamation and regrouping of water boards and local authorities operating water undertakings into larger and larger units.
The process has been advanced to the point where draft orders for the formation of extended water undertakings are now being submitted to the Ministry for approval. The orders concern the construction of the new boards, the transfer of existing undertakings, election of members, areas of supply, financial conditions and proposals for heavy increases in water charges. To the Social Crediter the most alarming feature of the proposed amalgamations is that they are a further example of progress in menacing remote control in yet another of the nation's affairs.
When water was controlled by the committee of a municipal council, or the representatives of a local water board, the individual ratepayer was able to voice his complaints through local councillors, but mass amalgamation will make this basic civil right more difficult, if not impossible.
A nation-wide water monopoly will place too much power in the hands of permanent officials and the credit creating organizations which will benefit mostly from the scheme.
But there is an even greater danger which will be considerably more difficult to combat.
Red Riding Hood Ratepayer may well-remark: "What very big water boards, you've got Grandma!"
To which the rationalizing, totalitarian wolf will reply:
"Yes! All the better to fluoridate you with, my dear!"
L.-Cecil Keene, in Credit Notes
A short time ago the statement was made that it doesn't take a Philadelphia lawyer to perceive that there is something wrong somewhere in our way of life. As one example, a publication refers to a London loan to New Zealand amounting to 20,000,000 pounds which was issued at 99 pounds for each 100 at an interest rate of 6 percent, repayable before 1980.
This means that only 19,800,000 pounds were received instead of the full sum, less again other charges accompanying the transaction, but that to repay the whole 20 million pounds plus the interest amounts to a grand total of 46,400,000 pounds or nearly two and a half times the amount received.
This can be done only by exporting wealth for a value of 26,400,000 pounds above the value of wealth imported. In other words, in order to pay for the permit to create for themselves wealth, to the value of 19,800,000 pounds, New Zealanders will have to produce above that further wealth to the amount of 26,600,000 for the benefit only of those who neither toil nor spin but just write figures in ledgers.
Does this, not appear to be a swindle of 26,600,000 pounds due to a system which operates world-wide so that Canadian municipalities, school boards, public bodies and private industry are similarly affected?
W. B. SMITH, Oakville.
The above letter appeared in the Hamilton Spectator on January 7, 1960, and was sent in by Mr. W. B. Smith of Oakville, Ontario. The publication he refers to in his letter is The Union of Electors and the article appeared in the December issue under the heading,"A Swindle of 26½ Million Pounds", page 4.
Sending letters in to editors of local publications is one very fine form of Social Credit activity. We congratulate Mr. Smith. who has been one of our readers for a long time now.
Man does not exist for the sake of production, but production exists for the sake of man... No. wonder people are sick and tired of it. They feel that all they do when they work is to make money in order that they may eat, and then eat in order that they may have strength to go back to work again. Coffee is thrown into the ocean, milk poured on the ground; grain stored, bananas thrown into the sea... And why? Because the maintenance of an economic price has become more important than human life.
Life is Worth Living, Second Series,
Bishop Fulton Sheen, 1955.
I am so confident of the soundness of the general propositions which I have spent twenty years placing before the world, that I am reasonably certain that these fundamental ideas will be part of what will ultimately be done. Apart from economic literature, the compensated price is cropping up all over the place. I do not care the traditional celluloid cat in Hades whether my name is ever associated with a single one of these measures or not.
Major Douglas – The Approach to Reality - p. 17
Rougemont Quebec Monthly Meetings
Every 4th Sunday of every month, a monthly meeting is held in Rougemont.