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God comes to our rescue

on Saturday, 01 October 2011. Posted in Testimonies

“God comes to our rescue”

Here are some thoughts of Most Rev. Gerard Mulumba Kalemba, bishop of the diocese of Mweka in the Democratic Republic of Congo:

I have been a bishop for twenty-three years, and a priest for forty-three years. For years now, I have been receiving your Vers Demain Journal (French edition); I knew about its religious side, but had never paid attention to its economic side, Social Credit. I met Bishop Bernard Kasanda (who came to Rougemont last March) and asked him for Louis Even’s book In this Age of Plenty. I started to read it before leaving Congo and I read it throughout the trip. So, I had read the entire book when the instruction started here, I practically already knew what the topics were going to be.

Bishop Gerard MulumbaI discovered something that I have never imagined, that the problem of the asphyxiating debt of our countries, could have an explanation. Unbelievable! Even the poverty of our country, in our countries, could now be explained in a certain way. This I understood starting with the system of Clifford Hugh Douglas, through Louis Even. I have a great inner joy since I started to read the book of Louis Even. During my trip to come to Canada, all I did was read so that I could finish the book before arriving.

When I arrived and the instruction started, I was astonished by the clarity with which our professor, Alain Pilote, proceeded. All became clear and I became more and more convinced that I had understood something; Social Credit. And it is a great weapon! It will prevail because it does not come from men but from God. It is certainly God Who saw the misery and slavery of His people, like He did in Egypt, when He said: “I have seen the misery of my people... and I have come down to rescue them. (Exodus 3:7-8.) With St. Michael leading the army, under the patronage of the Mother of the Lord and our Mother, with Jesus who overcome evil, the victory is certain!

The time that I have passed here showed me the atmosphere of fraternity and solidarity, of which Social Credit speaks, that will prevail everywhere this experience can be realized. Even now this speaks of a possibility, it is certainly possible. I can only encourage those who are permanently engaged in this work, those who are here full-time. I encourage you. The fire must be lit everywhere so that the entire world will be consumed.

Back in Africa, we will see how we may educate and form the people. We count on your prayers.

Bishop Gerard Mulumba Kalemba

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