All over the world fear and insecurity are rife, creating unhappiness and tragedy for countless victimised individuals. No accident, this is but the natural fruit of the war that the Credit Monopoly and its henchmen are perpetually waging against ordinary people, who everywhere are denied their individual fair share of credit inheritance, and written down as "debtors" instead. So long as Central Banks are permitted to make war on the public, first, by; regarding themselves as the sole owners of public credit, and, secondly, by abusing the powers thus acquired, there can be no peace, no security, and no permanent prosperity for the general public in this world.
The technical remedy is Social Credit, and it will be applied as soon as the people themselves are spiritually developed enough to insist on a better way of life than that of continuing as mere slaves of toil, trouble, debt and war, for the benefit and glory of the Banking Monopoly. - George Hickling ("Credit Notes", Leeds, England.)
...better weapons are needed than a parliamentary majority which turns against its user and breaks in his hand.. *(H. E. In the Social Crediter, March 6, 1954.)
Rougemont Quebec Monthly Meetings
Every 4th Sunday of every month, a monthly meeting is held in Rougemont.