“Social Credit is a Means, the Goal is the Salvation of Souls”

on Tuesday, 01 October 2019. Posted in Social Credit apostolate

Here are excerpts from remarks offered by Fr. Sylvain Coulon, priest from the Diocese of Montpellier, France in September 2019, following a study session on Economic Democracy in Rougemont, Canada.

by Father Sylvain Coulon

This is my third year participating in a study session on Economic Democracy here in Rougemont. The first time was a joy; a discovery. The second year my questions were deeper; there were things I did not understand. This year, my third, I have had a spiritual deepening. What I understood from this third exposure is that a happy life for all peoples and good understanding between nations is possible. It seems we are faced with an apparent failure to apply this treasure.

A Spiritual Battle

We are forced to recognize that those committed to the Social Credit philosophy have a spiritual enemy. We must utilize prayer, meditation, fasting and penance for Social Credit to come to fruition.

There is great gravity in this battle because we are wanting the salvation of souls. I want to thank Mr. Pilote [study week instructor] for the quality of his teaching. He managed our group well by his calm presentation style. There is an inevitable sense of injustice that could evolve to revolt as we come to acknowledge the truth. Fortunately we are soothed at the foot of the Cross of Our Lord and find strength to continue the intellectual journey of learning and understanding.

We must return, often and regularly, to the teachings of Mr. Louis Even. We are fortunate to have recordings of him in French on DVDs and CDs. These are a bible of sorts for Social Crediters! I hope one day the Church will recognize the sainthood of Mr. Even and that he will be raised to the glory of the altars. Perhaps one day a pope will acknowledge Mr. Even as a doctor of the Church, a doctor of the “Social Doctrine of the Church”. One simple thing to ponder is how Mr. Even’s teachings have profit for laity, priests and bishops who come to Rougemont.

We continue to learn by reading the Social Credit material published by the Pilgrims of Saint Michael. We go to the source; the foundation, and so we go to Mr. Even’s teachings. During this week’s study session we were offered his teachings which have shaped our thoughts and formed our understanding of Social Credit. Mr. Even was a master!

Deepening our understanding of Social Credit has required taking a spiritual path that brings us to the foot of the Cross. The Cross announces God’s love even at the price of one’s life, if necessary.

At the annual Congress of the Pilgrims of St. Michael in Trois-Rivieres, Canada in 1957, Mr. Even was asked: “When will Social Credit be applied?” He answered: “It depends on the Lord, it is in the heart of God.” His answer is taken from the Gospel. Much like the return of Christ, only God knows when the Social Credit monetary reform principles will be applied. It is apparent that Social Credit will lead to the full realization of the Gospel. So it is “for tomorrow”; not for today.

The Salvation of Souls

I will conclude with one last thought. What is the goal or purpose of Social Credit? We talk a great deal about well-being, respect and equity in economic exchanges so that everyone can live... Is that the goal of Social Credit? Or is it only a means given to us in accordance with the Social Doctrine of the Church?

The answer is clear: it is only a means. The real goal of the application of Social Credit is the salvation of souls. It was Pope Pius XII who said: “Social Credit would create a climate in the world that would allow the development of the family and Christianity”. But why the family? You, parents, why did you give life to your children? To have them go to heaven, to populate heaven; not to populate the earth and then fall into hell. It is like a ladder: we are populating the earth in order to get to heaven; this life is a stepping stone toward our goal, heaven. And it is through the sacraments of the Catholic Church that we go to heaven.

Today, the world is in a complete mess; Mammon has created chaos. The chaos increases a disordered conscience and heart. For example, money undermines the values taught by Christ.

So, if we put order in society, there will be peace; peace in homes, peace within nations and peace between nations. Then we can help each other grow into holiness. It will be so when we have Social Credit in one country, and then others, and then in the entire world.

We can give a trophy to the first country that implements the monetary reforms of Social Credit. It will spread like the fire of charity; the fire of love; like a chain of dominoes! Other nations will want to imitate the first when they witness abundance correctly distributed. The happiness that will inhabit the first country! Others will want the same, and then the entire planet! We will all live in well-ordered conditions, in which everyone lives peacefully and in harmony with one’s brother and neighbor and with neighboring nations. This is when the moral education and faith will be in full swing and we will gain many, many souls for the Lord. Prayer for our faithful dead in purgatory will flourish.

I say all this because I am from a nation that holds the banner of the French Revolution; a butcher shop with torrents of blood and the destruction of both culture and religion. At the same time there is great hope that France will be converted, as Venerable Marthe Robin [1902-1981] said: “One day France will fall so low that it will rise again, but by the grace of God and by the Immaculate Heart of Mary”.

This is where, in fact, the battle for Social Credit must be first fought. It must begin early in the morning, each day, on our knees in a chapel praying before the Blessed Sacrament; before His Sacred Heart. This likens St. Mother Theresa who worshipped the Lord before she went to care for the poor.

Fraternity among people is a pleasure! It has been a joy to be here in the House of the Immaculate and the House of St. Michael in Rougemont. We are from many continents and we do well to get to know, appreciate and love each other. God has placed many riches in hearts and in our cultures. Amen!

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