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Social Credit apostolate

New Economic Democracy graduates in Cameroon

on Thursday, August 01, 2024.

Report on my tour in Cameroon

on Tuesday, August 01, 2023.

Economic Democracy Not Through Politicians

by Louis Even on Sunday, August 01, 2021.

But Humble Apostles Who Bring About God’s Action

Everybody Wants Social Credit

on Monday, March 22, 2021.

Social Credit In Quebec Province

on Friday, March 05, 2021.

Future Prospects for the Pilgrims of St Michael

by Alain Pilote on Wednesday, May 01, 2019.

Social Credit is a Means to Save Souls

Working Toward a Better World With the “White Berets”

by Louis Even on Tuesday, January 01, 2019.

Fantastic apostolate work in the U.S.A.

on Saturday, April 01, 2006.

My Social Credit apostolate in the Philippines

by Melvin Sickler on Friday, October 01, 2004.

Social Credit in Poland, Mexico and Ecuador

on Thursday, January 01, 2004.

Fantastic expansion in Mexico

by Yvette Poirier on Thursday, May 01, 2003.

A great awakening in the United States

on Saturday, March 01, 2003.

The late Elie-Ange Fortin, a director of the Pilgrims of St. Michael

on Saturday, March 01, 2003.

A full-time Pilgrim for 47 years, he died on a tour of apostolate.

A call on apostles

by Gilberte Côté-Mercier on Tuesday, October 01, 2002.

A warm welcome for our Pilgrims in Australia

by Pierre Marchildon on Friday, March 01, 2002.

The victory belongs to the apostles!

by Melvin Sickler on Monday, October 01, 2001.

Let us join the army of St. Michael the Archangel

on Wednesday, August 01, 2001.

For the triumph of Christ and of social justice!

A good seed of “Michael” in Italy

by Pierre Marchildon on Wednesday, August 01, 2001.

Pilgrim-warriors on the North-Shore

on Wednesday, August 01, 2001.

A warm welcome in the Gaspe area

by Yvette Poirier on Wednesday, August 01, 2001.

God calls you, young and old people

on Tuesday, May 01, 2001.

To be a Pilgrim of St. Michael Every Christian must be an apostle for social justice

82% of Quebecers in favor of a salary to housewives

by Thérèse Tardif on Tuesday, May 01, 2001.

Only the “specialists in lies” do not agree

Collect subscriptions to "Michael"

on Tuesday, May 01, 2001.

The power of truth

Why take the road ?

by Gilberte Côté-Mercier on Thursday, March 01, 2001.

To build a Christian society, we need apostles

by Gilberte Côté-Mercier on Wednesday, March 01, 2000.

Our petitions calling for the cancellation of the national debt Were submitted in the Parliament on October 27, 1999

on Saturday, January 01, 2000.

By the MP for Shefford, Ms. Diane St-Jacques

Fantastic expansion of “Michael” in Poland

on Saturday, January 01, 2000.

The Irish have hearts of apostles

on Saturday, January 01, 2000.

Currents of ideas change the course of history

by Gilberte Côté-Mercier on Saturday, January 01, 2000.

A subscription assault for an assault of ideas

Sowing the seeds of Social Credit

on Thursday, October 01, 1959.

It is the people who speak

by Gilberte Côté-Mercier on Thursday, October 01, 1959.

A Light Out of New Zealand

on Wednesday, July 01, 1959.

Informed, Resolute and Active

on Wednesday, April 01, 1959.

For the realisation of a true democracy both political and economic

Our Brothers Await Us Throughout Canada

on Saturday, November 01, 1958.

The Union of Electors, Only Strong Social Credit Movement

by Louis Even on Monday, September 01, 1958.

Big Social Credit Drive in New Brunswick

on Thursday, March 01, 1956.

Revolt Against Tax Increases in Sherbrooke

on Wednesday, February 01, 1956.

In Nova Scotia as Elsewhere

on Wednesday, February 01, 1956.

Expansion in New Brunswick

on Wednesday, February 01, 1956.

6192 Subscriptions in a Single week

on Wednesday, February 01, 1956.

Echoes of the Nova Scotia Mission

on Wednesday, February 01, 1956.

A Month's Drive for Subscriptions is On

on Wednesday, February 01, 1956.

Social Credit Meetings in Ontario

on Wednesday, February 01, 1956.

This Issue, a 'New Look'

on Wednesday, February 01, 1956.

Good News from Nova Scotia

on Sunday, January 01, 1956.

From Prince Edward Island to Manitoba

on Sunday, January 01, 1956.

Your Duty to Prevent the Ruination of Property

on Sunday, January 01, 1956.


Write to your Member of Parliament

on Wednesday, December 01, 1954.

Going Great Guns in French Canada

on Monday, March 01, 1954.

An Explanation to Our Subscribers

on Monday, March 01, 1954.

Australian Social Crediters Meet

by Louis Even on Sunday, November 01, 1953.

Latest Leaflets

Who are the true rulers of the world ?

In this special issue of the journal, MICHAEL, the reader will discover who are the true rulers of the world.  We discuss that the current monetary system is a mechanism to control populations. The reader will come to understand that "crises" are created and that when governments attempt to get out of the grip of financial tyranny wars are waged.

An Efficient Financial System

An Efficient Financial SystemAn Efficient Financial System, written by Louis Even, is for the reader who has some understanding of the Douglas Social Credit monetary reform principles. Technical aspects and applications are discussed in short chapters dedicated to the three propositions, how equilibrium between prices  and purchasing power can be achieved, the financing of private and public production, how a Social Dividend would be financed, and, finally, what would become of taxes under a Douglas Social Credit economy.  Study this publication to better grasp the practical application of Douglas' work.  

Reflections of African bishops and priests

Reflections of African bishops and priests after our weeks of study in Rougemont, Canada, on Economic Democracy, 2008-2018

A Social Dividend: An Income Guaranteed to Each Citizen

The Social Dividend is one of three principles that comprise the Social Credit monetary reform which is the topic of this booklet. The Social Dividend is an income granted to each citizen from cradle to grave, with- out condition, regardless of employment status.

Books on Social Credit

Economic Democracy

Economic Democracy is a book to explain Social Credit in lessons presented in logical order so it may be easier to the reader to grab the main principles of Social Credit rapidly and somehow easily.

In This Age of Plenty

In This Age of Plenty deals with Social Credit, but it does not exhaust the topic. Social Credit principles address social and political matters, as well as, or even more so, than economics and will put civilization on a new course.

From Debt to Prosperity

From Debt to Prosperity outlines briefly the economic analysis and constructive proposals known as Social Credit.

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