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An Explanation to Our Subscribers

on Monday, 01 March 1954. Posted in Social Credit apostolate

The March-April issue of SOCIAL CREDIT comes out late. We owe an explanation to our subscribers.

SOCIAL CREDIT is published by the Institute of Political Action, as is also the French paper VERS DEMAIN, now in its fifteenth year.

The same Institute directs a Social Credit movement which has grown to an appreciable size in the province of Quebec and in sections of New Brunswick and Ontario.

This movement is now going through an unexpected expansion, and at high speed. For the past two months, the force of active Social Crediters built around our French paper VERS DEMAIN has doubled in number.

From the point of view of the cause, it is surely good news; and the Institute of Political Action is glad to acclaim a result which it has spared nothing to promote.

But this means also a tremendous increase of work for the directors of the Institute. Our movement is not led by persons quietly seated in their office and issuing instructions. No. Personal contacts are the lifeblood of our movement.

We have a dozen full-time missioners, constantly on the roads throughout the province of Quebec and the French-speaking parts of Ontario and New Brunswick. But our two chief directors, Mr. Louis Even and Mrs. Gliberte Côté-Mercier have it in their program to visit periodically the various centers of action, where they meet personally the Social Credit workers of the district in special gatherings. This means thousands of miles and a number of days for a round visit of the existing centers.

And when new centers are multiplying rapidly, as is the case in the present development, it is taxing more of the time and brainwork of our directors. Other functions assumed by them have also to meet the increased requirements.

All through this, Mr. Even has to edit the French paper, VERS DEMAIN, issued regularly twice a month. He is also the only one in charge of the preparation of the English paper for the printer. This accounts for the delay in putting out this issue of SOCIAL CREDIT.

We must say further that Mr. Even, who is now past 69, has been warned by his medical advisers not to over-exert himself under penalty of having to take a complete rest for many months. And this may affect the future of this paper, particularly if the rate at which subscriptions are coming in does not warrant an undue expense of time and energy.

SOCIAL CREDIT was intended to come out regularly - not every month, but every second month, as indicated on the front page. Each issue was supposed to cover two months: · November - December, January - February, March - April.

The next issue, then, should be May-June. But, if for reasons given above, it became impossible to carry on regularly, the term of subscription will be extended, so that the subscriber will still get 12 issues for his two dollars.

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