Our latest word from Mr. Urbain Lajeunesse, who spent several weeks this early winter in Nova Scotia, says: "I spent 20 days in Digby and Yarmouth Counties, and left this western N. S. district with 400 families subscribed to Social Credit and Vers Demain. I'm now in Richmond County, and the way Nova Scotians are co-operating, we should have at least a thousand subscribers by Christmas.
Mr. Lajeunesse expresses his heartfelt thanks for the wonderful hospitality and generosity of the people who helped and cooperated with him in Nova Scotia.
The growing Social Credit interest is evident from the fact that its French-language organ, "Vers Demain", in its Dec. 15th issue announced the receipt of no less than 6,192 subscriptions during the preceding week.
Rougemont Quebec Monthly Meetings
Every 4th Sunday of every month, a monthly meeting is held in Rougemont.