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Fantastic apostolate work in the U.S.A.

on Saturday, 01 April 2006. Posted in Social Credit apostolate

Mr. Pierre Marchildon and Mr. Patrick Tetreault did a tour of apostolate in the U.S.A. from September 18, 2005 to March 19, 2006: six months of intense apostolate work, including three months in California, and several weeks in Texas. They also toured neighboring States.

During our "Siege of Jericho" in Rougemont last March, Mr. Marchildon gave us a good summary of their six-month tour. They held about a hundred meetings. In California, most of the meetings were organized by Filipinos. At these meetings, Mr. Marchildon gave a good explanation of the creation of money by banks. Mr. Tetreault and Mr. Marchildon offered to people our leaflets The Money Myth Exploded and It is urgent to put an end to the scandal of poverty, and other leaflets to revive the Catholic Faith. People took several bundles to distribute in their areas. Many subscribed to our journal and took bundles of leaflets to distribute around them.

During these six months, our two fiery apostles distributed 13 skids of leaflets, which amount to 15 tons of newsprint. Each skid contains 45,000 leaflets, which means a total of 585,000 leaflets were distributed. The equivalent of a skid of leaflets was also mailed to those who ordered leaflets from our office in Massachusetts. Following this leaflet distribution, Miss Marie Anne Jacques of Massachusetts, whose phone number is printed on each leaflet, was flooded with phone calls; and Mr. and Mrs. Yves Jacques (also of Massachusetts), whose address appears on each leaflet, was flooded with phone calls; and Mr. and Mrs. Yves Jacques (also of Massachussetts), whose address appears on each leaflet, were flooded with letters. Mr. Bob Lambert of Massachusetts lent his cell phone to our two apostles on the road. Miss Jacques kept in touch with them regularly to give them the names and addresses of people who called for more information. Many of these then organized meetings in California and Texas.

In six months, Mr. Marchildon and Mr. Tetreault gathered 3,109 subscriptions to our "Michael" Journal. Also, over 600 subscriptions were mailed in to our office in Massachusetts. Congratulations to all who had participated!

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