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At our Congress, we acclaimed the apostles who sacrificed themselves and who continue in the apostolate

Written by Yvette Poirier on Tuesday, 01 October 2002. Posted in Social Credit apostolate

What a magnificent Congress we had on August 31st, September 1st, and 2nd, 2002. On Sunday afternoon, Miss Therese Tardif, who had lived beside Mrs. Cote-Mercier for 48 years, spoke to us on the edifying life of our dearly departed Mrs. Gilberte Cote-Mercier, a heroine who gave her life to defend the poor. The theme of our Congress was the message that our venerable directress left us before leaving us for the other side of the veil: "Do not change your vocation". It means to remain faithful to your vocation as apostles of justice, to work for the Triumph of Christ the King over the nations.

Honor to our apostles

On the walls of the hall during the Congress was spread the roll of honor, proclaiming the total subscriptions taken during the year by each of those who attained at least 150 subscriptions. They are the names of those apostles who sacrificed themselves to spread the "Michael" Journal during the year 2001-2002. Two apostles were listed as Marshals among our local workers: Mrs. Simone Gingras, 2,091 subscriptions; and Mr. Bertrand Gaouette, 2,000 subscriptions. Eight were listed as Colonels, 1,000 subscriptions or more; 8 crowned as Lieutenant-Colonels, 500 subscriptions or more; 15 as Great Pilgrims, 250 subscriptions or more.

If we made a supreme effort, it is without a doubt that we could easily multiply the number of apostles by ten. We should make an examination of conscience often to eliminate obstacles that prevent us from being apostles of fire. Here is the list of "Marshals" and "Colonels":

Mrs. Simone Gingras 2,091

Mr. Mrs. Bertrand Gaouette 2,000

Janusz A. Lewicki, Poland 1,512

Mrs. Diane Mayer 1,275

Mr. Mrs. Benoit Ouellet 1,273

Mr. Mrs. Bernard Roy 1,207

Mrs. Marie-Jacqueline Potvin 1,199

Mr. Mrs. Yves Jacques, USA 1,081

Alyre Richard 1,007

Our champion

Mrs. Simone Gingras put forth a lot of effort to gather 2,091 subscriptions during the year. In the month of August, she participated in a tour of apostolate in the Ottawa and Pontiac areas with Miss Lucie Parenteau, Miss Yvette Poirier, and Mr. Gerard Migneault, who was their driver. Our champion of the year gathered 266 subscriptions in 10 days of Rosary Crusade.

Our other General, Mr. Bertrand Gaouette signed this year for an objective of 3,000 subscriptions. He already has 698 subscriptions gathered for the new year of apostolate (which began with the Congress). Last August, in the Buckingham area, Mr. Gaouette and Mr. Lionel Bournival gathered 300 subscriptions in 8 days. They had days of 42, 49 and 60 subscriptions. We believe that Mr. Gaouette will have a considerable competitor this year in the person of Mr. Lionel Bournival. Thanks to a reserve bank of subscriptions, the former already has 1,025 subscriptions accumulated for the new year of apostolate.

Young patriots on the battlefield

On the Sunday afternoon of the Congress, we heard the enthusiastic reports of young Pilgrims who went on tours of apostolate in the month of August. Dominique Bourdon, Christian Burgaud, Patrick Tetrault and Mathieu Couture made a magnificent Rosary Crusade tour of door to door in the areas of Baie Comeau, Port Cartier and Sept-Iles, Que. The people were edified by these young men who knocked at their doors to ask them to recite a decade of the Rosary. They prayed in 126 families in all and gathered a total of 272 subscriptions in about 10 days.

Mr. Christian Burgaud, our Full-time from France, a Colonel with 2,394 subscriptions, returned to France on September 3rd. He had been with us since the end of July. Having some difficulty walking, after his tour of apostolate on the North Shore, his companions-in-arms were be happy to learn that his return trip took place without problems. Arrived in France, he sent us a telegraph with the following message: "With all my thanks for your good prayers. I had help all along the way from competent people. I only had to walk a little bit. Thanks to Our Lady of Loreto, patroness of flyers." Let us pray for a prompt recovery of our great apostle from France whose devotion is unlimited.

Two days after the end of the tour of apostolate on the North Shore, Dominique Bourdon left with Guillaume Rodrigue, Vincent Rodrigue, and Yvan Cote for a Rosary Crusade tour in the welcoming families of Madawaska, New Brunswick. They were given shelter in the welcoming home of Mr. and Mrs. Marc Roy (Guylaine Soucy) who were edified by the young apostles. Joel Roy went out every day with the team. Andre, Michel, and Francois Roy also consecrated several days to the Rosary Crusade. They are, the four sons of Mr. and Mrs. Marc Roy. One, day, Mr. Yvan Côté went out with Vincent Rodrigue. They gathered 15 subscriptions. The young children of Mr. Denis Bernier and Mr. Yvan Roy also wanted to do their part in going on the leaflet distribution. In eight days, 155 subscriptions were gathered and 88 families prayed with the Pilgrims.

During the Congress, Dominique Bourdon made a program of action for the month of September. On September 3rd, he left Rougemont to go out for about twenty days with Yvon Daigle and Mr. Armand Albert in the areas of Rogersville and Caraquet in New Brunswick. At the beginning of the month of October, Dominique Bourdon organized a battalion of twelve soldiers for Western Canada: himself, Mr. Yves Jacques and two of his sons, Michael Louis and Gaetan, Guillaume Rodrigue, Mr. Benoît Ouellet, Patrick Tetreault, Daniel Fournier, Vincent Rodrigue, Mathieu Couture, André and Joël Roy.

On the night of the September 29th meeting, three cars with twelve Pilgrim-warriors left Rougemont in the direction of Western Canada. They traveled all night to arrive in Winnipeg as soon as possible. Mr. Melvin Sickler left on Monday morning to go join the team in Manitoba. After the two week-tour in the Winnipeg area, he went to visit families in North Dakota, Minnesota, and Wisconsin.

Nine Pilgrims visited families for two weeks in Manitoba. On the first day, Tuesday, the nine Pilgrims gathered in all a total of 76 subscriptions; the second day, 80; and the third day, 90. Good Polish families received them to sleep. Mr. Donald Morin, who owns a religious gift shop, helped them, and his house was always open to receive the Pilgrims.

For one-month-and-a-half, the other four Pilgrim-warriors, Dominique Bourdon, Michael-Louis Jacques, Guillaume Rodrigue, and Patrick Tetrault visited families in Saskatchewan. The first day of apostolate in Saskatchewan, the four lively-young men gathered 100 subscriptions to the "Michael" Journal. They went out separately. In the morning, Michael-Louis Jacques and Dominique Bourdon had gathered 43 subscriptions. Dominique Bourdon reached 70 subscriptions by the end of the day.

Set for yourselves a subscription objective

Set for yourselves a subscription objective for the new year of Social Credit apostolate. Make a supreme effort for the year 2002-2003 that we are beginning. See the small number who devote themselves. Support these zealous apostles. We are all responsible for advancing the Work of "Michael". The Rosary Crusade in the door to door, subscriptions to "Michael", and the state of grace are the road to arrive at the Triumph of Christ the King over the nations.

"How numerous they are, unfortunately," said Mrs. Gilberte Cote-Mercier, "those who do not do their part for 'Michaeľ ! And yet 'Michaeľ grows stronger year after year. What would it be like if all the Social Crediters would do at least a little bit every year? These thoughts are not meant to be discouraging, but a simple invitation to reflection and good resolutions."

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