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A Light Out of New Zealand

on Wednesday, 01 July 1959. Posted in Social Credit apostolate

We have in hand a letter from Mr. William T. Bicknell of Auckland. Mr. Bicknell is the secretary-treasurer of an association known as the Penrose Social Credit Industrial Group. We think that the significant portion of this letter is well worth quoting.

" I am writing to you on behalf of the above group (The Penrose Social Credit Industrial Group) which three of us formed lost March. We have made some progress having now some 30 members as well as many supporters, but of course, little funds. To increase interest and get more members we are starting a monthly news letter. By chance we got hold of one of your papers and this gave us an inspiration as the articles were very good. There are few journalists in our movement so we thought of picking the articles out which would suit our group and reprint them with the author's permission. If some of your readers would adopt our group and send us any spare literature or books to help us get on the way we would appreciate it. We are only three working men and have gone into this full of spirit and high hopes. We feel if the many will help us few, then the few will convert many to our cause. We feel we can do better than electoral branches as the same few attend these each month. We want to take our Social Credit to the workers, not ask them to come to it. We must break the hold of the Labour party over the unions. We must let the workers know more about Social Credit. At present they think us a crazy lot who only think of monetary reform. They only know what the National party tells them."

We said that this letter was well worth quoting. It is the story of any great movement and might very well be the story of any of the Social Credit movements about the world which today are flourishing and marching forward. There is the foundation, the small group of dedicated men, with little in the way of material riches but possessing a wealth of courage and principle, impatient of a system which takes all and gives little; men who have found the tool with which to work the necessary reformation; men of ideals who are willing to commence in a small quiet way and patiently work, rejecting the hurlyburly, the froth and utter inconsequence of electioneering with party politics in favor of going straight to the people to bring them the light and the knowledge of the true way. These are men who are willing to put up with the sneers and the derogations of lesser men who have neither the qualities nor the courage to launch a movement for the betterment of their fellowmen.

May their example be a guiding light for others who may be conscious of the evils of the system under which we live, and anxious to work for the inauguration of a system which will give men their just dues while recognizing and respecting the liberty and dignity of men. We wish them God's blessing in their work and courage and perseverance.

E. M.

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