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A good seed of “Michael” in Italy

Written by Pierre Marchildon on Wednesday, 01 August 2001. Posted in Social Credit apostolate

Italy salutes you and the Pope blesses you. I went to Italy with our good Social Crediter, Angelo Federico from Toronto. He has been with the "Michael" Movement for many years. He has already translated several leaflets into Italian. This year he has translated "The Money Myth Exploded" and "Give to Caesar". I went to distribute leaflets in the ancient city of Caesar, Rome. These two leaflets are greatly appreciated in Italy. We printed 20,000 of each kind.

Mr. Federico was born in Bolognano in Italy, a small village of 100 families. His house is the House of Saint Michael in Italy. His cousin, Mario DiMatteo, came with his car at the airport. Then Mr. Federico's neighbor, Mario Ginello, lent us his car, and we did all the parishes in the surrounding area. We emptied our leaflet bags every day. Mr. Federico's niece, Cynthia Digiantomasso, comes from Australia, she is perfectly bilingual, English-Italian; she was our translator. She will maintain our center for leaflets in Italy.

A zealous priest

Father Samuel Migido Wandu, an African from the Congo, is pastor of Mr. Federico's parish. He serves three parishes. He had read "The Money Myth Exploded". He was already convinced. We told him we wanted to hold a meeting. He spoke of it immediately after Mass. We made a small leaflet against globalization and the microchip card. He gave us permission to copy hundreds of them on his photocopier. He put some in the back of his three churches. He spoke of them after every Mass. He organized a meeting for us in Piano d'Orta, at the Church of the Sacred Heart. We announced it. The Pastor announced it at all the Masses. He had the church bells rung to invite everyone. The Pastor and the people who came were very interested. It was a preparation for future meetings.

We went to distribute leaflets in Lanciano, in Mount Gargano, and in San Giovanni Rotondo. There are buses arriving and departing all the time. Mario Ginello launched himself in the crowd, speaking Italian; he invited people to take leaflets.

Father Rocco D'orazio, who came to Toronto, organized for us an interview on St. Peter's TV station. It is a Catholic program. The priest who is in charge is very sympathetic. We spoke for 30 minutes. The subjects included: Social Justice, the Social Doctrine of the Church, the application of the Social Doctrine, monetary reform and canceling the debts.

Father Rocco also organized a meeting for us in his parish. It was all young people who came, 20 years of age, they were very interested. One of them had read "The Money Myth Exploded", therefore he understood the explanations that I gave on Social Credit; he could not believe it. It was a complete revelation to him as it was to Father Samuel. Father Rocco really liked his meeting because we gave many details. There was time for questions.

An old friend of Mr. Federico, Mr. Monaco, drives buses to Pilgrimage sites during the summer. He has great occasions for distributing leaflets, so we gave him some. Amedia Diblati, a farmer, is in trade. He attended our meeting. When we arrived at his home, he was reading 'The Money Myth Exploded', and he was bitten. He brought us to Our Lady of Loretto. It was Sunday, the first Masses begin at 7 a.m. and there are some at every hour. The churches are full. The buses come in constantly, one after the other. After having attended Mass, we each placed ourselves at a door and distributed the leaflets. We put leaflets on different buses.

We held another meeting in Mr. Federico's village. Father Samuel, the pastor, announced it at all the masses. One announcement was written at the door of the church. We had 17 people. They were very interested. We had 15 minutes of questions. The priest was enflamed; he took the microphone and he himself explained "The Money Myth Exploded" in Italian, the whole thing. We began to accumulate names of leaflet distributors.

Father Rocco brought me to Rome for the last few days. I went with leaflets and distributed them on the streets of Rome.

Wednesday audience with the Pope

On Wednesday, we had an audience with the Pope. Since I was with Father Rocco's group, we went into the enclosure where the Pope goes around in a jeep. I saw the Holy Father very close. We received the Pope's blessing for our group. I bring you the Pope's blessing for the Work of "Michael" and for each of you.

Thursday, June 14, Feast of Corpus Christi, I went to distribute leaflets at the church of St. Mary Major. The Mass was at St. John Lateran. The Pope was there at 6 o'clock for the Mass. After the Mass, it was the Corpus Christi procession. There were a lot of people, hundreds of groups, flags, and banners, followed by thousands of priests and religious and Bishops. The Pope passed close by us. He was kneeling in the popemobile before the Blessed Sacrament exposed in the monstrance.

One of the Papal Guards came to me. He was curious about the beret; he asked me where I was from, I told him that I was from Canada and I gave him some leaflets. He began to give them to his companions. The head of the papal guards came to ask me for some; an hour later he asked for more. It was great propaganda, every one around me saw this. After the procession, people came to me and extended their hand to get leaflets. There were at least 100,000 people. I would have liked to have 100,000 leaflets. I also did some apartments in Rome. The center of Rome is not like in our cites where the banks dominate, but here the churches do. I had one bundle of leaflets left. I distributed them on Saint Peter's Square.

Mr. Federico is very happy with our tour. He resolved to go to pass 3 or 4 months in Italy to distribute leaflets. We made a beginning. We found leaflet distributors and a center for the leaflets. If we return, people will organize meetings for us. It is your sacrifices and your perseverance that make the work of 'Michael' march forward in the entire world.

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