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on Sunday, 01 July 1956. Posted in From Our Mail Box


It is most gratifying that the provincial Liberal party of Quebec have seen the absolute necessity of making financially possible anything physically feasible and desirable. This is a gigantic stride toward the objective of Social Credit technique.

It goes without saying that unless and until there is made available sufficient funds, necessary projects (housing; irrigating, domestic, etc.) are restricted (many begun and left unfinished) and prevented.

All representative governments are fully aware that financial restriction is the problem. That we have ample resources, materials, skilled and unskilled labor, with which to achieve anything essential to the welfare of the community at large, commercial expansion at home and abroad, needs no comment. We all know that the minerals, lumber, fishery, scenic, wealth of Canada is welnigh inexhaustible.

Science has solved all productive problems. What we want, we can produce and make, any time, anywhere, by power-mechanism. Given the financial green light, "nothing is impossible to whom who believeth" in his own ability, plus his faith in (of) his God.

Any government can, if so disposed, implement the above policy, easing the unemployment situation toward extinction, hence, the burden on the taxpayer.

The more purchasing power is distributed, the greater the freedom in and of the economic body. This fact is so obvious to the observant that even the unenlightened can locate the trouble spot and, collectively, urge a repair job on the new model.

To avoid final defeat, we must make money-credit our national servant, even as we have harnessed invisible power, channeled through mechanical control. Automation is posing a new problem that can be solved only through the freer circulation of purchasing power, making automation our greatest ally... This atomic era demands a flexible financial policy — or the Frankestein will turn and rend you. The golden rule gives the cue and clue to economico satety.



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