Many crediters are astonished at the length of time it takes to convince men's minds of the truth of Social Credit principles and to have its monetary propositions legislated into existence in the country.
The doctrine of Social Credit is, in fact, so logical, so in conformity with reason, and at the same time so filled with the spirit of true humanism, that it ought to be acclaimed by the whole world at its first appearance. A financial system that put into practice the principles enunciated by Douglas would put a definite end to many of the financial and economical headaches presently afflicting society, both for consumers as well as for producers, that no one should hesitate to demand its immediate realization without any delay.
This is all very true. But, on the other hand, there are tremendously powerful interests strongly anchored in the great concetrations of industry, with tentacles reaching out to and deeply imbedded in all industrial countries, interests which are not at all interested in losing their hold over and domination of our economic life.
In addition, these masters of our econoinic life have their little foremen, their vassals, who, while remaining victims of this system, are satisfied, for a few paltry privileges, to become the defenders and promoters of this evil system. These men, whose talents and capabilities should make them defenders of the people's liberty, do, in fact become the supporters of a system which exploits the people, rations out to them the wealth they produce and in effect holds them in slavery.
These obstacles in no way detract front the value or the dynamism of Social Credit, but they do require that those who are working to propagate Social Credit work with a tenacity that nothing will discourage and a devotion that will stand up under the test of time.
The work which our Institute of Political Action is pursuing is a grand, a glorious work. It must, therefore, expect to share the lot which has fallen to all great works in the past present. Its apostles must be indefatigable workers, undeterred by any obstacle. They must be men and women who "have faith in the justice of their cause, who will fight for it, who will be dominated by the will to serve", and not by the desire for personal gain. Let each one who toils for our cause read and meditate on these words of the Roman Pontiff, Pius XII, uttered June 10, 1953, and quoted by Father Lombardi in his work, "Pie XII pour un monde meilleur" (Pius XII for a better world):
"History teaches with what slowness the most fruitful ideas make progress when they come up against interests opposed to them. Experience has proven this a hundred times; in order to make the most reasonable solutions prevail, reason alone is not sufficient. He who represents the interests of others, who fights for them, must be dominated by the will to serve. He must believe in the justice of his cause and must devote himself without any reserve to a great work."
Rougemont Quebec Monthly Meetings
Every 4th Sunday of every month, a monthly meeting is held in Rougemont.