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From our Mail Box : "The Only Hope"

on Wednesday, 01 December 1954. Posted in From Our Mail Box

From Our Mail Box DEC 1954


Cape Town (South Africa) Congratulations on the publication of Social Credit. I have been a propagandist Douglasite since 1924. During the late war, as an Engineer officer, it was my privilege to meet the splendid workers for Social Credit in Australia. In these far away corners of the world, we have received enormous encouragement through the knowledge of the great work Čanadians are doing. In Social Credit lies the only hope of general welfare and peace, Keep on going on!



Garrett, Indiana (U.S.A.)

It is very encouraging to see the progress you have made since you started, you might say from scratch and on a shoe string. It reminds me very much of another movement started and founded on poverty by Saint Francis of Assisi, and that succeeded in a big way...




 "A Real Smasher"

Coventry (England), Dec. 5, 1953

Dear Sir,

Thank you very much for your No. 1 "SOCIAL CREDIT", received this morning. May there be thousands like it. It's a real smasher, and should help very much your efforts to spread the gospel of Social Credit... I am one of the original of "Greenshirts" of Coventry and still true to my oath, 23 years pushing the truth.


(Mr. Syd Conn gets into print, twice a year, a four-page paper, also called "Social Credit", which he uses for propaganda. His address: 94 Beaks Avenue, Coventry, England).


Feadan, Lawers, by Aberfeldy (Scotland),

December 1st; 1953

Dear Mr. Even,

The arrival of "Vers Demain" never fails to cheer us up, and the appearance of the English version ("Social Credit") is a great event, and one on which you are to be warmly congratulated. The leading introductory article was very fine. I am looking forward to the next issue...


(Mr. Jensen's home is only a short distance from the house where Major Douglas lived his last years and died. Mr. Jensen is a great Social Crediter and an able writer. He did extensive research work towards unmasking the international plotters who would have the whole world brought into a slave State of which they would be the rulers visible or invisible. His address: Feadan, Lawers, by Aberfeldy, Scotland).


London, 18 November 1953

Dear Monsieur Even,

My sincere congratulations on the first number of "Social Credit" which has just arrived. The tone is just right simple, direct and with plenty of punch. I also like the firmness about the basic principles and its stress on the National Dividend, — its lack of all doubts and hesitation..."


(Mr. Eric de Maré is the Secretary of The Company of Free Men, a group of Social Crediters organized in Great Britain. They publish "THE SUN”, which they plan to put out monthly. Their declared aim: "The Company of Free Men exists to establish Social Credit". Address: 46 Gloucester Terrace,: London, W.2, England.)


Dear Mr. Even,

My congratulations for the magnificent — because it is so powerful and inspiring — first issue of your new paper, "Social Credit". May it long continue so. It will be invaluable here, as every one who has studied your work through "Vers Demain" must understand. From Vers Demain, many of us Social Crediters in Great Britain have been deeply inspired during the last ten years.


(His address Bridgefoot, Great Easton, Dunmow, Essex, England).

Why Subscriptions?

Social Credit – a better society built upon Christian principles — can only come when enlightened people demand it. But people cannot demand it until they first know something about it..

This journal, SOCIAL CREDIT — brings the information, knowledge and understanding, which constitutes the very basis and foundation of effective action towards a saner order.'

Subscribe today. "Pass, your copy along. Take other subscriptions. Use stub on page 4, or just any piece of paper, to write the name and address, and send along with $2.00, for 12 issues.


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