Page 12 - Michael Journal 2019 August
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u  business districts in their grip.                                                                                      Social Credit? Some Questions Answered
            Today,  producers find themselves  unable  to                  In Memory of
        sell their goods, unemployment results, and there                                                                        In 2002,  Frances Hutch-                         everywhere.
        are financial obligations which are literally impos-         Carmel Parenteau                                        inson,  who currently chairs
        sible to meet. The consumer suffers from both high                                                                   the Social Credit Secretariat                            1. What is ‘social credit’?
        prices and insufficient purchasing power. Every-                                                                     (formed  in 1934  by Clifford                            Social  credit  is  the  wealth  of  society,  compris-
        one suffers from the multitude of taxes which have                                                                   Hugh Douglas to promote                              ing the resources of land, labour, capital goods and
        been grafted onto the system. However, regardless                              Mrs.  Carmel  Paren-                  study and debate on the sub-                         equipment, and the skills and knowledge of how to
        of whether society is at peace or war, in boom or                           teau (née Boudreault),                   ject of Social Credit), wrote a                      use those resources. Social credit is the real wealth
        recession, the financial system works profitably —                          wife of Lucien Parenteau                 booklet, “Social Credit? Some                        of the community, but is currently controlled by pri-
        that is, for the financiers.                                                of Digby, Nova Scotia,                   Questions  Answered”.  Here                          vate financial interests. Since the 1920s the popular
            The budget of every public institution has one                          passed away on July 2,                   are some excerpts:                F. Hutchinson      Social Credit movement has sought to create local
        sacrosanct  budget  line:  Debt  Service.  This  is  the                    2019  at  the  age  of  77.                          by Frances Hutchinson                    economic democracy through promoting study and
                                                                                                                                                                                  research into how the money system works. The
        capital and interest costs which must be paid to the                        From a family of 16 chil-                    Social credit is a fact of economic life. Money   concept of economic democracy is fundamental to
        financiers. Other budget lines can be reduced or                            dren,  her  parents,  Mr.                represents society’s credit, presently created as debt   social credit economics. Political democracy, the
        even  eliminated, but Debt Service must never be                            and Mrs. Charles-Eugène                  to  be  redeemed  through  paid  employment  in  the   right  to  vote,  is  weakened  by  the  absence  of  eco-
        touched. It is the tribute due the masters who are in                       Boudreault, from St-Gé-                  market economy. All economic agents who ‘make’       nomic democracy, the right to income security for
        charge of the population and even in charge of the      déon,  Quebec,  were  dedicated  Social  Cred-               money, whether as bankers, commercial interests or   all, independent of a private or state employer.
        populations’ representatives  in government.  Debt      iters. Several of her sisters are in the Social              wage and salary earners, remain in debt to society
        Service costs are like a ransom which must be paid      Credit fold, including Mrs. Adrienne O’Donnell               and the natural world for the real goods and servi-      2. How did the Social Credit movement origin-
        in exchange for the right to live.                      of Ontario and Mrs. Alfred Boudreault of Lac                 ces supplied to them by right of their possession of   ate?
            Before World War II, Canadians paid $125 mil-       St-Jean, Quebec.                                             money.                                                   Social credit economic theory derives from the
        lion to service the debt in the federal budget. In 1959     Widowed in 1974 with 4 children from a                       Money takes the form of the legal endorsement    writings of Clifford Hugh Douglas (1879-1952). In the
        [when this article was first published], after a war    first marriage to Mr. Wilbrod Laforest, Carmel               of society’s credit. Once this is understood, the next   development of his ideas, Douglas worked closely
        which  Canadians  fought  and  for which  they  sup-    homeschooled her children. Her Chicoutimi                    stage is to examine ways in which individuals and    with Alfred Richard Orage (1873-1934), editor of the
        plied  all  the  necessary  materials,  more  than  $600   home hosted the monthly meetings of the Pil-              groups have sought to retain and regain control over   weekly paper, The New Age. Douglas' earliest books,
                                                                                                                                                                                  Economic Democracy, Credit-Power and Democracy
        million was required to service the debt. In 2018,      grims of St. Michael in the region. In the 1980s,            their own work and the intellectual and natural re-  and The Control and Distribution of Production were
        Canadians paid $22 billion for the same budget line,    she married Lucien Parenteau, a Social Cred-                 sources inherited from past generations through      first serialised in The New Age. Douglas also wrote
        Debt Service. For whom was the war won? For the         iter from Western Canada. The family moved                   gaining control over their finances. Freedom from
        extortionist; the thief who is not arrested and who     to  British  Columbia  and  then  to  Peace  River,          wage and debt slavery is an essential first step to   Social Credit and The Monopoly of Credit, together
                                                                Alberta. She had two children from this union,
                                                                                                                                                                                  with a host of smaller booklets, pamphlets and arti-
        somehow commands respect from the ordinary fel-         including Lucie Parenteau who was a full-time                regaining  the  fundamental  conditions  of  economic   cles. He gave evidence before the Canadian Bank En-
        lows who must beg for the right to live and breathe.                                                                 democracy.
                                                                Pilgrim in Rougemont, Quebec for 13 years. In                                                                     quiry in 1923 and the Macmillan Committee in 1930,
                      An insatiable rodent                      more recent years, the couple moved to Digby,                    Although social credit economics has been in the   on the latter occasion being interviewed by John
                                                                Nova Scotia. A big thank you to Mrs. Parenteau               public domain for eighty years, it has been effect-  Maynard Keynes.
            In past issues of MICHAEL we have written
        about the financial system, an ubiquitous and vor-      for raising her family in the Catholic faith and in          ively silenced by a mass media and an educational        3. What is the social credit idea simply stated?
                                                                                                                             system locked in the illusion of technical ‘progress’
                                                                accordance with the principles of Social Cred-
        acious rodent who is present everywhere. Here is        it. Dear apostle of MICHAEL, it is only a brief              perpetrated by the purveyors of a vast array of con-     Modern economies in the West have developed
        another  example of how this animal  gnaws away         goodbye. We will meet again in the heavenly                  sumer products. The necessity to produce in order    technologies capable of producing enough to meet
        at the sum and substance of our wealth until there      homeland one day.                                            to consume, to buy all the ‘right’ products so as to   the needs of all the people of the world. Through so-
        are but a few crumbs left to toss among the people.                                                                  keep up with the latest trends, has overtaken virtu-  cial credit economics it becomes possible to ensure
            During one of our Annual Congresses, a mayor                                                                     ally all other reasons for existence. Today social rela-  that all citizens in each country have secure access
        told us that the taxpayers of his town, Kenogami,    thief, swindler, and extortionist. It is all these things       tions are overwhelmingly mediated by money, with     to the necessities of life without any conditions or
        Quebec,  would be  paying  the  extortionist  (whom   which leave in its wake victims suffering from want,           all political and economic policy decisions being de-  obligations being attached to this right. Society owes
        we  are  calling  a  rodent)  for their  aqueduct  three-  privation and insecurity. It humbles proud nations        pendent upon the availability of money.              every human being the right to livelihood, with the
        and-a-half  times over: once for the  actual  cost of   and  forces governments  to go down on bended                    Although money is a socially engineered phe-     time to enjoy the fullness of spiritual, emotional and
        the job and two-and-a-half times more.               knee to ask for that without which any nation can               nomenon, the people who do the work of society,      cultural life.
            This devouring rat is everywhere — in the bricks   survive. It will not hesitate  to foment nation-de-           and who stand to suffer as the natural environment       Through the implementation of social credit eco-
        which go into your house, in the medicine you pick   stroying wars in order to keep the world subject to             disintegrates, have no control over the money cre-   nomics, consumption and production can be brought
        up at the drugstore, in the theatre ticket, in the food   it, paying tribute.                                        ation processes which dominates their lives... It’s   into a balanced relationship such that production
        in your plate, for the taxes which are levied. In one    Yet nothing is done to halt the predation of this           actually the global financial system that’s in charge.   keeps pace with consumption. Income security can
        way  or  another,  the  rat  chews  on  everything  we   infamous thief. It has the elected representatives of       Much of the dysfunction in our economic system can   offer sufficiency for all without the necessity to sub-
        use, as one of the primary functions of the finan-   the people as its protector. It has as its defenders            be explained by the fact that the ruling financial elite   mit to drudgery, or to engage in fraud and corrupt
                                                                                                                                                                                  speculative practices. It eliminates the need to pro-
        cial system is to attempt to satisfy a hunger that is   the very men who should lead the charge, casting             has largely detached itself from anything real. It pur-  duce armaments and consumer goods designed to
        insatiable.                                          off injustice and defending the oppressed. v                    sues its own independent agenda, and in the course   become obsolete and discarded merely in order to
            The financial system is a rat that lays waste; a                                                          Louis Even  of doing so is wreaking havoc on human societies   maintain incomes through employment.            u

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