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Letter from the Editor
  For the Triumph of the Immaculate
 77e année. No. 939                     août-septembre 2016                      4 ans: 20,00$
                         For Integral Human Development

            Some readers of MICHAEL prefer to read only re-  tion (Real Credit) (see page 10).
 A journal of Catholic patriots   For social justice through Economic Democracy   ligious articles and say: “Economics...politics, it does   St. Thomas Aquinas stated that it takes a min-
 Let Us Entrust Ourselves to Mary,   for the Kingship of Christ and   in accordance with the teachings of the Catholic
 She Will Lead Us to Jesus  not interest me; it’s not religious.” Others only read   imum of material goods to practice virtue. Some have
 Mary in souls, in families   Church through the vigilant actions of heads of
 63rd Year. No. 406                August/September 2019              4 years: $20.00  articles on economic reform, saying: “Religion does   this minimum of material goods, but avoid practicing
 and in nations  families, and not through political parties
 MICHAEL Journal  not interest me. It is outdated; we do not need that.”   virtue, and therefore jeopardize the salvation of their
        The correct perspective is that we must be interested
 Engish Edition – No. 406                                    souls. All should practice the Cardinal Virtues: pru-
 August/September 2019  in both the spiritual and material realms. We have   dence, justice, strength and temperance (see page 6).
 Publication Date: August, 2019  both a body and soul, and therefore we have material   Justice is particularly important because it allows
 Publisher  Contents  and spiritual needs. That’s why MICHAEL discusses   human beings to live together and respect the rights
 Louis Even Institute for Social Justice   both the spiritual life and monetary reform in every   of all. St. John Paul II says: “To define justice, and
 (Canada)   issue of our magazine.                                                    above all to put it into
 non-profit association    3  For Integral Human Development
 Senior English Editor  Pope  St.  Paul  VI,  in                                      practice — is a great thing
 Alain Pilote     Alain Pilote  4   1967,  in  Populorum  Pro-                        through which every man
 Assistant editors    4    The Virtue of Justice   gressio  on the develop-           lives, and thanks to which
 Yves and Anne-Marie Jacques,    ment of peoples, offered                             his life has a meaning”
 Melvin Sickler, Robert Carré     St. John Paul II  the formula:  “In order to
 Headquarters                                                                         (see page 4).
 Canada: MICHAEL Journal    6    The Four Cardinal Virtues   be  authentic, human de-    The Church  teaches
 1101 Principale St., Rougemont QC, J0L 1M0     Catechism of the Catholic Church  velopment must be  inte-  that an economic system
 Tel.: (450) 469-2209, (514) 856-5714  gral, that is, promote the                     will be good or not inso-
 Fax: (450) 469-2601    7    “You shall not steal.”   good of every man and of  13  the whole man.” That we                                 far  as  it  applies  the  prin-
 Representatives     Catechism of the Catholic Church                                 ciples of justice taught by
 USA: MICHAEL Journal  10    The biggest thief is still at large!   are beings endowed with   the Magisterium. Thus St.
 P.O. Box 86, South Deerfield, MA 01373  both a body and soul, and   Benedict XVI  St. Paul VI  John Paul II described lib-
 Tel.: (413) 397-3730  Louis Even   thus possess the material                         eral capitalism and Marxist   and spiritual dimensions, are fundamental to integral
 Australia and New Zealand:   12  The late Mrs. Carmel Parenteau  development.  collectivism as two “concepts being imperfect and
 MICHAEL Journal  13    Social Credit? Some Questions        in need of radical correction… This is one of the
 32 Dundee Ave, Holden Hill, SA 5088,   18  In 2009, Pope Benedict XVI also wrote an encyc-  reasons why the Church’s social doctrine adopts a
 Australia (write cheques to: Alex Stirrat)     Answered.  Frances Hutchinson   lical letter on integral human development, elaborat-  critical attitude towards both liberal capitalism and
 Tel.: (08) 8261-0729  16  Money Must be Created by the   ing on the meaning of Paul VI’s reference to “every   Marxist collectivism” (see page 22).
 Poland: MICHAEL Journal     Inhabitants.  Gilberte Côté-Mercier  man and the whole man”:  The problem with capitalism is that it has been
 ul. Traugutta 107/5, 50-419 Wrocław   “The Gospel reminds us that man does not live   vitiated by the financial system. The Church wants
 Tel.: (71) 343-6750  18    Capitalism Versus Communism   on bread alone: it is impossible to satisfy the pro-  for all to be truly capitalists and owners of a social  Louis Even   found thirst of the human heart solely with material
 South America: Revista SAN MIGUEL                           capital. This is taught by the principles of Economic
 Tel.: (2) 226 2361; (2) 099 70 78 79   22  Catholic Social Teaching on Capitalism   22  goods. The human horizon is undoubtedly higher   Democracy (also known as Social Credit) dissemin-
 Quito – Ecuador  and broader; for this reason every development   ated by MICHAEL. We hold that every human being     Alain Pilote  28  program must consider, alongside the material,   is a co-heir to a common capital, the natural wealth
   Edited in English, French, Polish and Spanish  25  One does not dress anymore   the spiritual growth of the human person, who is   and inventions of past generations, and that this in-
 Canada & USA: ..................... 4 years – $ 20     Gilberte Côté-Mercier  endowed with both a body and a soul. This is the   heritance must be represented by a social Dividend,
 Australia & NZ: ................... 2 years – A$ 32  integral development to which the Church’s social   a sum of money paid monthly to each citizen (see
 Europe: ................................. 2 years – 20 €  28  We Live to Love and to Be Loved   doctrine constantly refers.”  page 18).
 Poland: .................................. 2 years – $20     Maria Zboralska
 South America: .................... 2 years – $ 20  It is a common mistake to reduce religion to a   We therefore strongly encourage all our readers
 Other countries, air mail: ...... 1 year – $ 20  purely private aspect as if it had no impact on so-  to study the important doctrine of Economic Democ-
 Subscriptions can be paid by personal cheque    cial life. Some are not aware that the Church has an   racy, not only by reading the articles on this subject
 or postal money order made out to: MICHAEL   entire set of teachings about justice, called the “So-  that appear in each issue of MICHAEL, but to read
 Journal and sent to the addresses provided
 above. (In Australia, make it out to Alex Stirrat.)  cial Doctrine of the Church”. The social teaching on   more in-depth texts, booklets and books available
 © 2018 Pilgrims of St. Michael. Articles and   Our website has a lot of informa-  justice is explained in the Catechism of the Catholic   on our website. The best way to gain a fuller under-
 Illustrations may be reproduced as long as full   tion on our work, past issues, etc. You   Church in the article concerning the Seventh Com-  standing is to attend our Study Session on Economic
 credit is given to the MICHAEL Journal.  can even pay for   mandment, “Thou shalt not steal” (see page 7). Louis   Democracy in 14 Lessons, which will take place in
 Editors reserve the right to shorten text sent   your subscription   Even teaches us that the greatest theft is committed   Rougemont, Quebec, September 22-27. All are wel-
 and modify all titles and subtitles.  or send a donation   by private banks who steal, appropriating for them-  come! (see page 32). Good study! v
 PUBLICATION MAIL AGREEMENT No.   online through   selves the right to create money (Financial Credit)
 40063742  PayPal with your   based on the production capacity of the whole na-           Alain Pilote, Editor
 Legal Deposit – Quebec National Library  credit card.
 Printed in Canada                                            MICHAEL  August/September 2019       3
                                                                     Jim Caviezel s’adressant aux étudiants
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