Page 6 - Michael Journal — 2019 October
P. 6
Syria” — and here in this church sits a Syrian woman money. The Church must be demolished because it
who was a victim — and so we waged war on Bachar stands fast; it refuses to capitulate.
el-Assad. This is why I say NO! I have just turned 85 and I
This is not to say that these dictators were an- have another 35 years to go [laughter from the con-
gels. We removed one demon to replace him by gregation erupts]. Yes, I believe this since it is the
seven others worse than he. Lord who has told me. And I will fight till my last
Wars are declared. What purpose does the Syr- breath. I beseech you, this very morning, to enlist in
ian war serve? That a pipeline might be built from the same fight. Only one thing matters.
Qatar to Turkey; for this Syria must be subdued. The Your cats and dogs are all very nice. Your song-
regime must be overthrown, a war must be waged, birds, your pet birds and the like are all fine. I have
weapons must be sold and people must die: at first nothing against them, but there are more important
10,000 dead, then 50 and 100 thousand. Later, there matters in the world.
were 200,000 dead and still later there were 300,000 I read a piece in the daily Metro about someone
dead, in Syria, my homeland. in Australia who owned an 11 cm. fish that swal-
Nowadays, human beings no longer have any lowed a pebble. The fish was sedated and had sur-
value. People have lost all value and in Northern Iraq gery performed on it at a cost of $500.
and Syria, human beings are being sold. We thought I have nothing against fish, cats, dogs and other
that slavery was a thing of the past. It is now prac- animals. I like them all. But let’s look beyond to see
ticed in marketplaces. Today, girls are sold for $35 to what is going on. Let us open our eyes.
$135 each! Today, for money. So, today, we must make Amos’ cry our own
We could make the words of Amos ours to- and tell ourselves: “We will establish a new soci-
day. We need prophets like he to slap their hand ety to counter this corrupt society. The Church is a
on a table, to protest against things, to take to the counter-society and we must invent this new society
streets, to shout: “It’s enough! Enough is enough!” to counter the power of money, corruption and injus-
With what can we oppose these evils? There is tice which pervades the world today. The Gospel will
the message of Jesus, a message of love and shar- prevail. Christ will prevail. He told us on the eve of
ing. And there is man. His passion, His death and apparent defeat: “In the
At the center of our decaying society, there is world you shall have distress. But have confidence.
money. At the center of the Gospel, there is the hu- I have overcome the world (John 16:33).” Amen. v
man being, love, respect and justice. The Church is Father Henri Boulad, SJ
now in complete disarray but things will begin anew,
I promise you, we are already on an ascending path.
We are responsible for building the Church of tomor- In Memoriam
row differently but based on the same Gospel and on
the same message. Gerard Migneault, a full-time Pilgrim for MI-
The only power that can resist this fraud is the CHAEL since 1956, died on October 10, 2019,
Gospel and the Church. It has no army, no planes, at the age of 88. In 2009, after a serious heart
no armoured vehicles and no weapons. The Church attack, Mr. Migneault was miraculously healed
has nothing but her moral weight... but what weight! through the intercession of Pope St. John Paul II.
I remember giving a conference on Development Gertrude Parenteau of Edmonton, Alberta,
and Demography, in 1994, in Cairo at a UN inter- daughter of the dedicated Social Credit family
national Congress. During the presentations, partici- of Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Albert of Caraquet, N.B.,
pants would go for a coffee at the cafeteria, to eat a passed away on October 5, 2019, at the age of
sandwich, talk or chat. All of a sudden, a message 87. She was a full-time Pilgrim for MICHAEL in
was heard over the P.A. system announcing that the Rougemont, Canada for several years.
representative of the Holy See would speak next. Gervais Larochelle of Worcester, Mass.,
Everyone left their coffee and their sandwiches and died on October 3, 2019, at the age of 63. Raised
returned to the hall and it became filled in no time. in a Social Credit family, he devoted some of
When the smallest state in the world speaks, when his years to apostolate work as a full-time Pil-
the Vatican or the Pope speaks, everyone listens. grim of St. Michael in Rougemont, Canada.
The only entity that has sufficient moral weight Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord and
in the world today is the Catholic Church. This let perpetual light shine upon them. May their
is why her enemies want her destroyed. Behind souls, and the souls of all the faithful depart-
the systematic persecution of the Church, of the ed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
churches and Christians throughout the world, lies MICHAEL October/November/December 2019 7