Page 5 - Michael Journal March 2020
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word” (Lk 1:38), show all of us how to abandon our- The Magi teach us that people can come to
selves in faith to God’s will. By her “fiat”, Mary be- Christ by a very long route. Men of wealth, sages
came the mother of God’s Son, not losing but, thanks from afar, athirst for the infinite, they set out on the
to him, consecrating her virginity. In her, we see the long and perilous journey that would lead them to
Mother of God who does not keep her Son only to Bethlehem (cf. Mt 2:1-12). Great joy comes over
herself, but invites everyone to obey his word and to them in the presence of the Infant King. They are not
put it into practice (cf. Jn 2:5). scandalized by the poor surroundings, but immedi-
At Mary’s side, shown protecting the Child and his ately fall to their knees to worship him. Kneeling be-
Mother, stands Saint Joseph. He is usually depicted fore him, they understand that the God who with
with staff in hand, or holding up a lamp. Saint Joseph sovereign wisdom guides the course of the stars
plays an important role in the life of Jesus and Mary. also guides the course of history, casting down the
He is the guardian who tirelessly protects his family. mighty and raising up the lowly. Upon their return
When God warned him of Herod’s threat, he did not home, they would certainly have told others of this
hesitate to set out and flee to Egypt (cf. Mt 2:13-15). amazing encounter with the Messiah, thus initiating
And once the danger had passed, he brought the the spread of the Gospel among the nations.
family back to Nazareth, where he was to be the first Standing before the Christmas crèche, we
teacher of Jesus as a boy and then as a young man. are reminded of the time when we were children,
Joseph treasured in his heart the great mystery sur- eagerly waiting to set it up.
rounding Jesus and Mary his These memories make us all the
spouse; as a just man, he en- more conscious of the precious
trusted himself always to God’s gift received from those who
will, and put it into practice. passed on the faith to us. At the
When, at Christmas, we same time, they remind us of
place the statue of the Infant our duty to share this same ex-
Jesus in the manger, the nativ- perience with our children and
ity scene suddenly comes alive. our grandchildren. It does not
God appears as a child, for us matter how the nativity scene is
to take into our arms. Beneath arranged: it can always be the
weakness and frailty, he con- same or it can change from year
ceals his power that creates and to year. What matters is that it
transforms all things. It seems speaks to our lives. Wherever it
impossible, yet it is true: in is, and whatever form it takes,
Jesus, God was a child, and in the Christmas crèche speaks to
this way he wished to reveal the
greatness of his love: by smiling us of the love of God, the God
and opening his arms to all. who became a child in order to
make us know how close he is
“Life was made manifest” to every man, woman and child,
(1 Jn 1:2). In these words, the regardless of their condition.
Apostle John sums up the mystery of the Incarnation.
The crèche allows us to see and touch this unique Dear brothers and sisters, the Christmas crèche
and unparalleled event that changed the course of is part of the precious yet demanding process of
history, so that time would thereafter be reckoned passing on the faith. Beginning in childhood, and
either before or after the birth of Christ. at every stage of our lives, it teaches us to contem-
As the feast of Epiphany approaches, we place the plate Jesus, to experience God’s love for us, to feel
statues of the Three Kings in the Christmas crèche. and believe that God is with us and that we are with
Observing the star, those wise men from the East set him, his children, brothers and sisters all, thanks to
out for Bethlehem, in order to find Jesus and to offer that Child who is the Son of God and the Son of the
him their gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. These Virgin Mary. And to realize that in that knowledge
costly gifts have an allegorical meaning: gold honours we find true happiness. Like Saint Francis, may we
Jesus’ kingship, incense his divinity, myrrh his sacred open our hearts to this simple grace, so that from
humanity that was to experience death and burial. our wonderment a humble prayer may arise: a
As we contemplate this aspect of the nativity prayer of thanksgiving to God, who wished to share
with us his all, and thus never to leave us alone.
scene, we are called to reflect on the responsibility
of every Christian to spread the Gospel. Each of us Given in Greccio, at the Shrine of the Nativity,
is called to bear glad tidings to all, testifying by our on December 1st, in the year 2019, the seventh of
practical works of mercy to the joy of knowing Jesus my Pontificate. v
and his love. Pope Francis MICHAEL January/February 2020 7