Page 5 - Michael Journal 2020 March
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u  rived his singular dignity and his rights in regard to   unceasing holy watch over the family of Nazareth, so
        Jesus. “It is certain that the dignity of the Mother of   now does he protect and defend with his heavenly pa-
        God is so exalted that nothing could be more sub-    tronage the Church of Christ.”
        lime; yet because Mary was united to Joseph by the       This patronage must be invoked as ever neces-
        bond of marriage, there can be no doubt but that     sary for the Church, not only as a defense against
        Joseph approached as no other person ever could      all dangers, but also, and indeed primarily, as an im-
        that eminent dignity whereby the Mother of God tow-  petus for her renewed commitment to evangeliza-
        ers above all creatures. Since marriage is the high-  tion in the world and to re-evangelization in those
        est degree of association and friendship involving   lands and nations whereas I wrote in the Apostolic
        by its very nature a communion of goods, it follows   Exhortation  Christifideles Laici  – “religion and the
        that God, by giving Joseph to the Virgin, did not give   Christian  life  were  formerly  flourishing  and...  are
        him to her only as a companion for life, a witness of   now put to a hard test.” In order to bring the first
        her virginity and protector of her honor: he also gave   proclamation  of  Christ,  or  to  bring  it  anew  wher-
        Joseph to Mary in order that he                                          ever it has been neglected or
        might  share,  through  the  mar-                                        forgotten, the Church has need
        riage  pact,  in  her  own  sublime                                      of special “power from on high”
        greatness” (Leo XIII, Quamquam                                           (Lk 24:49; Acts 1:8): a gift of the
        Pluries).                                                                Spirit of the Lord, a gift which
            This bond of charity was the                                         is not unrelated to the interces-
        core  of  the  Holy  Family’s  life,                                     sion and example of his saints.
        first in the poverty of Bethlehem,                                          Besides trusting in Joseph’s
        then in their exile in Egypt, and                                        sure protection, the Church also
        later in the house of Nazareth.                                          trusts in his noble example,
        The  Church  deeply  venerates                                           which  transcends  all  individ-
        this Family, and proposes it as                                          ual states of life and serves as
        the model of all families.                                               a model for the entire Christian
            “St. Joseph is the model of                                          community,  whatever  the  con-
        those humble ones that Christi-                                          dition and duties of each of its
        anity  raises  up  to  great  destin-                                    members may be.
        ies; he is the proof that in order                                          As the Constitution on Div-
        to be a good and genuine fol-                                            ine Revelation of the Second
        lower of Christ, there is no need                                        Vatican  Council  has  said,  the
        of great things – it is enough to                                        basic  attitude  of  the  entire
        have the common, simple and                                              Church must be that of “hear-
        human virtues, but they need to                                          ing the word of God with rever-
        be true and authentic.”                                                  ence,” an absolute readiness to
                                                                                 serve faithfully God’s salvific will
               Patron of the Church in our day               revealed in Jesus. Already at the beginning of human
            At a difficult time in the Church’s history, Pope Pius   redemption, after Mary, we find the model of obedi-
        IX, wishing to place her under the powerful patronage   ence made incarnate in St. Joseph, the man known
        of the holy patriarch Joseph, declared him “Patron of   for having faithfully carried out God’s commands.
        the Catholic Church” (Decree Quemadmodum Deus,           Pope Paul VI invited us to invoke Joseph’s patron-
        December 8, 1870). For Pius IX this was no idle ges-  age “as the Church has been wont to do in these recent
        ture, since by virtue of the sublime dignity which God   times, for herself in the first place, with a spontaneous
        has granted to his most faithful servant Joseph, “the   theological reflection on the marriage of divine and
        Church,  after the Blessed  Virgin,  his  spouse,  has  al-  human action in the great economy of the Redemp-
        ways held him in great honor and showered him with   tion, in which economy the first – the divine one – is
        praise, having recourse to him amid tribulations.”
                                                             wholly sufficient unto itself, while the second – the hu-
            What are the reasons for such great confidence?   man action which is ours – though capable of nothing
        Leo  XIII  explained  it  in  this  way:  “The  reasons  why   (John 15:5), is never dispensed from a humble but
        St. Joseph must be considered the special patron of   conditional and ennobling collaboration. The Church
        the Church, and the Church in turn draws exceeding   also calls upon Joseph as her protector because of a
        hope from his care and patronage, chiefly arise from   profound and ever present desire to reinvigorate her
        his having  been  the  husband  of Mary and  the  pre-  ancient life with true evangelical virtues, such as shine
        sumed  father  of  Jesus…  Joseph  was  in  his  day  the   forth in St. Joseph” (Discourse, March 19, 1969).
        lawful and natural guardian, head and defender of the    One hundred years ago, Pope Leo XIII had already
        Holy Family.... It is thus fitting and most worthy of Jo-  exhorted the Catholic world to pray for the protection
        seph’s dignity that, in the same way that he once kept

        6      MICHAEL  March/April 2020                                      
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