Page 30 - Michael October 2021
P. 30

u      That’s fair enough, you might say. But wait. The     The banks are really financial cuckoos in the com-
        banks lend money against the assets of the commun-   munity’s  nest.  The  banks  issue  and  cancel  money
        ity. These assets were created by the total efforts of   without any regard to the total production of goods
        the community. They were created by the resources    and services. They cancel financial credit arbitrarily,
        of enterprising individuals, skilled executives and ad-  unscientifically, sometimes causing deflation and de-
        venturous management in producing articles or ser-   pression.
        vices to satisfy a public need.                          As we go on, we shall see that the ownership of
            The banks made no contribution whatsoever to     the real credit of the community is the great issue
        the development of a farm, a business, or a manufac-  that must be solved if Australia — and all nations
        turing company in its early formative years. The bank   which work under the same monetary system — is
        comes into the picture when most of the hard pion-   to survive as a free democracy or as a slave state.
        eering work is done and by granting a loan — a costless   Today, the banks enjoy a monopoly of the pub-
        and  effortless  proced-                                                          lic credit. They create
        ure — it merely monet-                                                            and  cancel  (destroy)
        izes the REAL CREDIT                                                              money  as  though  the
        created by a functioning                                                          real credit was created
        industry and a consum-                                                            by them. Whereas they
        ing public.                                                                       haven’t  lifted  a  little
            In other words, the                                                           finger in its creation.
        banks  merely  create                                                                But by usurping the
        — by the stroke of a                                                              nation’s sovereign pre-
        pen, mark you, or fig-                                                            rogative to issue all its
        ures  in a bank  ledger                                                           monetary requirements
        — the financial credit                                                            — not merely the small
        which is backed by the                                                            change  (the  legal  ten-
        real credit created by                                                            der) — the banks have
        the joint operations                                                              established  a  powerful
        of producers and con-                                                             monopoly of credit  by
        sumers. The people do                                                             which  they  wield  the
        all the work and run                                                              greatest power with-
        all the risks. The bank                                                           out  any  responsibility
        does nothing — noth-                                                              whatsoever.
        ing to create the assets — and runs no risk whatso-      This monopoly of credit by the banks is not new.
        ever with the credit it lends.                       It has been going on for over 100 years and during
            Real credit may be defined as the faith or be-   that time, the banks have consolidated their position
        lief (credo, I believe) that a free community has the   to one of almost unassailable power.
        knowledge,  energy,  and  capacity  to  cooperate  in          The power of life and death
        satisfying its needs. This is its power in association,
        and the end product is the sum total of the commun-      It charges interest upon this  credit  creation  and
        ity’s real credit.                                   when the loan is repaid, both the debt and the money
            We see, therefore, that the real credit of a nation   used  in  payment  of the  debt  are  automatically  can-
        is created by the people through their abundant and   celled. (Their cancellation, of course, does not apply
        many  sided  energies  —  what  economic  textbooks   to any cash or legal tender used in the repayment of
        refer to as “the increment of association”.          the bank’s loan, but legal  tender usually represents
                                                             no more than a very small percentage of bank trans-
            Now, the financial credit of a nation should be a   actions.)
        reasonably correct reflection of its real credit. Since   The banks have the power to call up the overdraft
        money is merely a convenient token system to en-     partly or wholly at any time they decide. The fate of
        able the people to purchase goods and services, it   companies and individuals — and governments — is
        should be issued at the same rate that goods and     entirely  at  their  mercy.  Their  power  is  stupendous,
        services are produced, neither more nor less.        both in the creating and granting of loans and in their
                      Cuckoos in the nest                    arbitrary recall, with or without notice!
            But even more important is this point: since the     The banks give and the banks taketh away. They
        community creates all real credit, the ownership     hold the power of life and death over the whole econ-
        of the financial credit which should reflect the real   omy.
        credit — the goods and services — also belongs to        As practically all money issued has its origin in
        the people. But it doesn’t! It belongs to the banks!   interest-bearing debt, it follows that all forms of taxa-
        Or rather, it has been appropriated by the banks.    tion must increase, inevitably, mathematically and re-

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