Page 41 - Reflexions of African Bishops and Priests
P. 41
Prayer, Action and Fasting it is not an occasion to be discour-
aged; on the contrary, we must al-
ways forge ahead.
Here are some thoughts of What we have just learned
Most Rev. Anatole Milandou, arch- of Social Credit is an extra string
bishop of Brazzaville, Congo: to our bow… So we pay homage
y finding myself here, it was a to the Pilgrims of St. Michael for
kind of continuing education what they are doing here and all
B – just like when we bishops over the world, for their profound
go to Rome once in a while – that conviction because in the face of
deepened my understanding of the tepidity that is gaining ground
the Social Doctrine of the Church. more and more in the Church of
We have really discovered many the western world, the old church-
aspects to which we were not pay- es that evangelized us, there are
ing attention. I think that this invites those who are renouncing their
us to deepen our understanding of Christian roots and soliciting re-
this Social Doctrine that is part of vival churches and all other reli-
the Magisterium. gions. I think it is groups like this,
When we see these banking like yours, that will make the faith
systems that lead a multitude of Africa, we say: ‘We throw rocks triumph, the faith of the Church. In
people to their death, there is really only on a tree that bears fruit’. If a all of this, we congratulate you for
something that shakes us up, we tree does not have any fruits, we your profound conviction.
the bishops of Africa. We must re- have no interest in it, but if the tree May St. Michael defend us!
flect on this question in a serious produces fruit, we throw rocks at it. Myself I have a parish, a shrine
manner. No, we do not know the If you encounter difficulties today, dedicated to St. Michael, be-
Social Doctrine of the Church cause the first diocesan priest
well enough, and we should. who founded this parish had
It has been often repeated a devotion to St. Michael. He
to us here: “My people perish was a miracle-worker and those
for lack of knowledge.” (Hosea, miracles he accomplished, he
4:6.) I am afraid these words attributed to St. Michael. This
apply to Africa now. Hence the devotion developed in our
urgency of the course given country, at least in our Arch-
here on Social Credit. Come to diocese and in almost all of the
teach our Christians in Africa. countries in Congo. There are
The doors of our dioceses are many movements of apostol-
wide open to us, because we ate dedicated to the devotion
have understood your message. of St. Michael. This is because
When I see statesmen like the first veteran priest, founder
Lincoln and Sankara who were of the first parish, dedicated it
assassinated, I realize that we to St. Michael. Many people go
are dealing with financial pow- there on pilgrimage.
ers that are really monstrous. This means that St. Mi-
Then I understand why here chael should defend us in the
you link action and prayer be- battle, in difficult moments.
cause Jesus said that “this kind You carry the torch of this
(of demons) does not come out faith. One throws rocks only
except by prayer and fasting.” on a tree that bears fruit. Re-
(Matthew 17:21.) So I really member this. Thank you for
understood this connection: the invitation. Thank you for
prayer and action because the the fraternal reception that we
wolf may loose his teath, but have received here. I think that
never his nature. So, we must it is a bit in the image of the
be very careful, we are facing a first Christian community. Con-
system of monsters… tinue to “cast off into the deep”
(Luke 5:4), as Pope John Paul
I thank all the members of
this work: women and men. I II said.
encourage you to continue. In Most Rev. Anatole Milandou 2010 session 41