Page 21 - Michael Journal 2019 August
P. 21

u  Then there is ever-increasing advancements in   meet the needs of all men, and must be put at the   all production to each person. This would happen   Pope Paul VI, in his encyclical letter Populorum
 the means and methods of production; we can call   disposal of all of them, as justice and charity require.  without impoverishing or impacting owners. Rath-  Progressio on the development of peoples, wrote
 the advancements progress, achieved by past gen-  “Every man indeed, as a reason gifted being,   er, a service would be bestowed to owners, since   that the pursuit of development called for “the deep
 erations as well as the present generation. This is a   has, from nature, the fundamental right to make   their products (if the products are necessary) would   thought and reflection of wise men in search of a
 progress whose growth and transmission is due to   use of the material goods of the earth, though it   be easily sold in a marketplace in which consum-  new humanism, one which will  enable  our con-
 association; to life in society and of which no indi-  is reserved to human will and the juridical forms   ers have sufficient purchasing power to provide for   temporaries to enjoy the higher values of love and
 vidual or group can pretend to be the exclusive heir.   of the peoples to regulate, with more detail, the   their basic needs.  friendship, of prayer and contemplation.”
 It is this common  heritage, a real capital of great   practical realization of that right.”  An answer to two accusations  This reminds us of the remarks of French Chris-
 value,  that allows society to produce ever more   What  juridical forms or laws have  ever  pro-  tian philosopher Jacques Maritain, who said that
            An accusation has been advanced that the con-
 even with fewer people employed in production.  posed a method as effective as a Dividend issued to   centration of wealth in the hands of a few leads to   progress that is used wisely should not lead to a civil-
 Suppress the community heritage and today’s   each and every person; a basic income to actualize   Communism. This is true because the concentra-  ization of work but to a civilization of contemplation.
 production would not reach one-hundredth of what   the right of every man to use the material goods of   tion of wealth and power can make the masses,   Would not this new humanism, sought by the
 it is currently, even if all available manpower were   the earth? This could be done so easily, at least in   the have-nots, vulnerable to communist or socialist   Pope, allow man to free himself from materialism
 hired and much money was invested.  developed countries where the most serious eco-  propaganda. State intervention to break monopol-  and to “enjoy the higher values of love and friend-
 This is  why  we  say   nomic problems are not   ies and nationalize big industry can lead to state So-  ship, of prayer and contemplation?” Would the aim
 that  each and every   about production but   cialism. One should not conclude that sound cap-  not be well served by the adoption of the Social
 member of society is   about the sale of goods.  italism is wrong because of these risks. Indeed, it is   Credit financial  proposals? These  proposals were
 born an  heir  and  the   The  Pope  added:   the present financial system that leads to the con-  conceived in 1917  by a genius, Scottish engineer
 owner of real capital,   “Such  an  individual  centration of capital in the hands of a few thereby   Clifford Hugh Douglas, but have been persistently
 the  preponderant  factor   right  cannot,  by  any   vitiating  capitalism and opening  the  way to Com-  denigrated, even by university professors and other
 in  today’s  production.   means,  be  suppressed,   munism.  members of the elite.
 Everyone  must have   even by the exercise of   One also hears the accusation that the present   Catholic and Social Crediter
 rights as a capitalist over   other  unquestionable  capitalist system creates new artificial needs in or-  The Catholic who is also a Social Crediter has all
 an increasing portion of   and recognized rights   der to sell its abundant production and thus leads to
 the fruits of production   over natural goods.”  consumerism and materialism just as efficiently as   the tools needed to face the communist and social-
                                                             ist propaganda  in  both  the  spiritual  and  temporal
 without  affecting  the   These  other  un-  do the atheistic and materialistic laws of Commun-  realms.
 wages  and  salaries of   questionable  and  rec-  ist countries.
 those who directly par-  ognized rights obviously               A Catholic who, out of ignorance, complicity
 ticipate in the productive   include the right to prop-  Here again, one must indict the financial system   or abdication,  accepts  the  present  financial  sys-
 process.   erty — land, production   and not accuse capitalism. The financial controllers   tem may possess solid spiritual arguments against
        refuse to distribute purchasing power in ways other
 According to Doug-  concerns,  means  of  than  through  employment  in production: no job,   Communism. However, he will be pitifully empty-
 las’ teaching, an  in-  transportation,  stores,  no  money.  Progress, which  should  be  a  blessing   handed when the time comes to present a Christian
 crease in productivity   etc.  These  goods are   by freeing man from the need for employment, be-  solution to the scandal of goods being destroyed
                                                             when human needs are unmet.
 should be reflected in   legitimately managed by   comes on the contrary a curse and problem when
 the Dividend comprising   The fall of Marxism in Eastern Europe does   their  owners, who can   incomes dry up because jobs become automated.   How can a Catholic condone subordinating the
 an  increasing  percent-  not necessarily mean the triumph of capital-  draw profit from them,   One then looks for solutions in the production of   real potential of both public or private production to
 age of purchasing power  ism, since capitalism must have its financial   which is for an owner   new material goods. These new goods must be   the conditions imposed by a financial system that
 relative  to  that  deriving  flaws corrected.   equivalent to the wages   sold, and  to  this end,  artificial  needs  are  created.   has become an end in itself rather than a means,
 from wages and salaries.   paid to employees. The fact remains that the abso-  People must be convinced that they need these   a master instead of a servant? How can a financial
 This is because the community heritage  re-  lute owner of everything is God. He is the first au-  new products, which brings us to blatant material-  system that consents to function only by dictator-
 sults in increased productivity. The source of the   thor of any potentiality of production and He wants   ism. The dignity of man is ruthlessly sacrificed to   ship and debt be acceptable to a Catholic? How can
                                                             this tyranny be preferred to a flexible financial sys-
 increase is not the personal contribution of produ-  every human being — all of His children — to enjoy   the  need  for production to  continue  to roll even
 cers. The increase would then be rightly distributed   the fruits of His work. This is why the Church re-  though  what  has already  been  produced is more   tem that fits the physical possibilities of production
 in the form of Dividends to all while jobs, which are   minds us that private property has a social function   than sufficient to meet the basic needs of all. It is   with a guarantee to cover the basic needs of each
                                                             and every human person without humiliating ques-
 becoming more unnecessary over time, make up a   to fulfill and must serve the common good and not   certainly a drive toward materialism. (Editor’s note:   tions, conditions or debt?
 smaller contribution.  solely benefit an owner.   It also contributes to the unnecessary plunder of re-
                                                                 Father Thomas Landry O.P. said
 In keeping with God’s plan  Today, the social function has become difficult   sources and destruction of the environment.)  to  a  group  of  Social  Crediters  in  a
 This  method  of compensation  for an  ever-in-  to fulfill because often owners must battle to save   In a Social Credit financial system, human greed   homily on March 7, 1937: “How good
 their properties from ruin in a world of unrestrained
 creasing growth in productivity would destroy any   competition where financial privileges accrue to the   — one of the consequences of original sin — would   it is to be a Catholic when one is a
 communist or socialist propaganda  at  its root. It   powerful and where taxes are an ever-growing bu-  still exist, but it would not be aggravated or imposed   Social Crediter and how good it is to
 would also be the most effective way to recognize   rden.   by the need to have purchasing power tied to em-  be  a  Social  Crediter  when  one  is  a
 what Pope Pius XII called the fundamental right of   ployment. The social Dividend to all would dissoci-  Catholic!” Yes, Father, the Pilgrims of
 every human being to the goods of the earth in his   The  social  function  of private  property  would   ate — in an ever-growing measure — purchasing   Saint Michael are convinced by per-  Fr. Landry
 famous radio address on June 1, 1941:  be wonderfully and naturally met through a social   power from employment in production and would   sonal experience that this is true. v
        lead society in a direction opposite to materialism.
 “Material  goods  have  been  created  by  God  to   Dividend which would give a claim to the fruit of                                                       Louis Even

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