Page 24 - Michael Journal 2019 August
P. 24

u      Money should be a servant but the bankers, in    when banks create new money in the form of loans,                  One does not dress any more, one undresses
        appropriating control over its creation, have made   they ask the borrowers to pay back more money
        it an instrument of domination. Since people can-    than was created. Banks create the principal por-
        not live without money,  governments,  corpora-      tion but not the interest. Since it is impossible to                     Clothing was made to ennoble, not to seduce
        tions and individuals must submit to the conditions   pay back money that does not exist, debts pile up
        imposed upon them by banks to obtain money.          or one is forced to borrow the amount needed to
        Money is vital if one is to live in so-                            pay the interest. This does not solve                   Modesty is a politically incorrect subject today,  man and woman to one another be fulfilled. Mod-
        ciety today which results in the bank-                             the problem because debts become                     invoking fear that someone will be offended if it is  esty is decency. It inspires one’s choice of cloth-
        ers’ ability to establish a real dictator-                         ever deeper.                                         raised. Nevertheless, it is a subject of great import-  ing. It keeps silence or reserve where there is evi-
        ship over economic life.  In this way,                                This creation of money as debt                    ance as it concerns the salvation of souls. The Cat-  dent risk of unhealthy curiosity. It is discreet.
        bankers have become the masters of                                 by the international bankers is the                  echism of the Catholic Church notes that the Ninth
        our lives. Pope Pius XI was quite right                            means of imposing their will and ul-                 Commandment states: You shall not covet your         “There is a modesty of the feelings as well as
        when he said in Quadragesimo Anno                                  timately controlling the world:                      neighbor’s wife. Our Lord added (Matthew 5:28):   of the body. It protests, for example, against the
                                                                                                                                                                                  voyeuristic explorations of the human body in cer-
        (n. 106):                                                             “Among the actions and atti-                      “Everyone who looks at a woman lustfully has al-  tain advertisements, or against the solicitations of
            “This power becomes particu-                                   tudes opposed to the will of God, the                ready committed adultery with her in his heart.” In   certain media that go too far in the exhibition of in-
        larly irresistible when exercised by                               good of neighbour and the ‘struc-                    the chapter on the 9th Commandment, under the     timate things. Modesty inspires a way of life which
        those who, because they hold and                                   tures’  created by  them, two are                    The Battle for Purity, one reads the following (p.   makes it possible to resist the allurements of fash-
        control money, are able also to                                    very typical: on the one hand, the                   2251-2254):                                       ion and the pressures of prevailing ideologies.
        govern credit and determine its al-                                all-consuming desire for profit, and                    “Purity requires  modesty, an integral part of    “The  forms taken  by  modesty  vary from one
        lotment, for that reason supplying,             Pius XI            on the other, the thirst for power,                  temperance. Modesty protects the intimate center   culture to another. Everywhere, however, modesty
        so to speak, the lifeblood to the                                  with the intention of imposing one’s                 of the person. It means  refusing to unveil what   exists as an intuition of the spiritual dignity proper
        entire economic body, and grasping, as it were,      will upon others.” (St. John Paul II, encyclical letter            should remain hidden. It is ordered to chastity to   to man. It is born with the awakening conscious-
        in their hands the very soul of production, so       Sollicitudo Rei Socialis, n. 37.)                                  whose sensitivity it bears witness. It guides how   ness of being a subject. Teaching modesty to chil-
                                                                                                                                one looks at others and behaves toward them in
        that no one dare breathe against their will.”            Since money is an instrument that is basically                 conformity with the dignity of persons and their   dren and adolescents means awakening in them
            It is impossible for any nation to become debt-  social, the Social Credit doctrine proposes that                   solidarity.                                       respect for the human person.”
        free in the present system because all money is      money  be  issued  by  society  and  not  by  private                 “Modesty protects the mystery of persons and      Modesty in dress is a subject that must be taken
        created as a debt. All the money that exists comes   bankers for their own profit. Pope Pius XI stated in               their love. It encourages patience and moderation   seriously and especially put into practice! Here is
        into circulation only when loaned by a bank and      Quadragesimo Anno:                                                 in loving relationships; it requires that the condi-  an article on the subject written in 1963 by Mrs. Gil-
        with interest charges added. When the loan is paid       “There are certain categories of goods for                     tions for the definitive giving and commitment of   berte Côté-Mercier.             Alain Pilote
        back  to  the  bank  it  is  withdrawn  from  circulation   which one can maintain with reason that they
        and ceases to exist. In other words, new money is    must be reserved to the community when they
        created every time a bank makes a loan and this      come to confer such an economic power that it                              by Gilberte Côté-Mercier                  you think, my friend?
        same money is destroyed when the loan is paid        cannot, without danger to the common good, be
                                                                                                                                                                                      As I said, one does not dress any more; one un-
        back.                                                left to the care of private individuals.” v                                   A Change of Morals                     dresses. Fashion’s goal has always been to clothe
            The fundamental flaw in this system is that                                                           Alain Pilote   My dear friends, my sisters, women and young     women in the most elegant and decent way for the
                                                                                                                             girls of my time, I ask you to dispose yourself to-  occasion. Today’s goal is undressing, albeit without
                                                                                                                             ward charity before reading  and  not to condemn     clashing too much with the demands and expecta-
                                                                                                                             my  words in  advance.  Please,  generously  open    tions of social life.
                                             MICHAEL is published in four languages                                          your heart.
                       2018 CALENDAR
                 For the Triumph of the Immaculate   Pour le Triomphe de L’Immaculée                                                                                                  This represents a radical change in morality. For-
                                                Did you know that MICHAEL is published in four languages —                       First, let us look around us on this fine summer   merly, men and women had their bodies covered in
                                            English, French, Polish & Spanish? They are all now published in                 day,  on the  street  and  on lawns, balconies, cities   public. Today, they show themselves with uncov-
                                            magazine format. If you know someone who can read one of these                   and the countryside; let us look at people. How are   ered bodies. This changes social relations, contact
                                            languages, do not hesitate to offer them a gift subscription, or sub-            they  dressed? It is shocking.  Our contemporaries   between people, and has moral consequences.
             Jesus, Mary, Joseph, protect    100 ans de Notre-Dame de Fatima                                                 do not dress; they undress.
             the families of the whole world!  Canonisation de Jacinthe et François  scribe yourself to improve your skills in a second language! The price                           Formerly, we saw each other as reasonable indi-
                                            is the same for each of the four editions: $20 for 4 years (20 euros for                                                              viduals ruled by the spirit with the body presenting
            61st Year. No. 946           October/November/December 2017             4 years: $20.00
                            78e année. No. 943                  mai-juin-juillet 2017                       4 ans: 20,00$        What a change from the past! My father, who
                                            two years in Europe).                                                            has been dead for the past 50 years, had never seen   a discreet elegance.  Both business dealings  and
                      Edycja Polska. Rok XV. Nr 76                                                                           anything like this. If he were to come back today he   contact with friends was guided by this spirit. One
                       marzec-kwieciń 2014     Send your check or money order (and do not forget to mention in
             Św. Janie Pawle II                                                                                              would have a terrible fit of anger. Then seeing his   shook hands, looked at a beautiful face, intelligent
             - módl się za nami             which language you want the magazine) to:
                                                                                                                             powerlessness to change  anything,  he  would cry    eyes, an innocent smile, and sometimes tears. The
                                                   Canada:  “Michael” Journal, 1101 Principale St.,                          even though he was not a man who cried easily or     head led the body and was the subject of interest;
                                                   Rougemont, QC, J0L 1M0; Tel.: 1 (450) 469-2209                            often. He would be afraid of people in their state of   the body was the docile servant of the head.
                                                   USA:  “Michael” Journal, P.O. Box 86,                                     undress; he would also be ashamed on their behalf.
             Kanonizacja  Jana  Pawła  II  •  Polscy  święci  Jana  Pawła  II  •  Abp  Stanisław  Wielgus  Nowa  ideologia  zła                                                       This has changed.  When one meets an un-
             •  Jan  Paweł  II  13 maja, godzina  17.17  •  Włodzimierz  Bojarski  Zamach  na  Polskę  •  Ks.  kard.  Karol  Wojtyła
             Rewolucja ducha • Ks. kard. Karol Wojtyła Droga Krzyżowa • Ks. Eduardo Volpacchio 14 (złych) powodów aby
                                                   South Deerfield, MA 01373; Tel.: 1 (413) 397-3730                                                                              dressed individual,  the  face  receives a  fleeting
             się nie spowiadać • Franciszek To skandal, że w świecie wciąż istnieje głód • Louis Even Zapewnienie
             bezpieczeństwa ekonomicznego • Melvin Sickler Złowroga działalność  masonerii                                   Your fathers and grandfathers who have passed,
                                                                                                                             would they not react like my own father? What do                                                        u
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