Page 15 - michael-journal-2019-may
P. 15

“It is also significant that the fire in Notre-Dame   moral life, especially among priests. (...)
        occurred at the beginning of Holy Week, which is           “The  tragedy  of  Notre-Dame  spontaneously
        the heart of the liturgical year for all Catholics. As   brought  to my mind  the  following  words  of  Our
        the facts in the case are still unknown, we have no   Lord: “Or those eighteen upon whom the tower in
        evidence on which to base allegations of a plot to   Siloam fell and killed them, do you think that they
        destroy the cathedral. Yet one is left with a queasy   were worse offenders than all the others who dwelt
        feeling inside, especially as one considers the chain   in Jerusalem? I tell you, no; but unless you repent
        of systematic anti-Catholic events, marginalization,   you will all likewise perish” (Lk 13: 4-5).
        discrimination and ridicule which the Catholic faith      “May the fire at the Cathedral of Notre-Dame
        has undergone at the hands of the French political   de Paris, however sad and deplorable it is, rekindle
        establishment and French media landscape, both       — especially in the shepherds of the Church — a
        of which are firmly in the hands of the current anti-  love and zeal for the true Catholic faith and for the
        Christian freemasonry forces in France.              ardent evangelization of all those who do not yet
             “Notre-Dame is not only the most symbolic       believe in Christ. And may they be mindful not to
        cultural and religious sign for the Catholic Church   marginalize and cowardly exclude the Jewish and
        in France. Given that France bears the title, ‘eldest   Muslim people from this outstanding form of char-
        daughter of the Church’, her main cathedral also     ity.  May  the  fire  at  Notre-Dame  also  serve  as  a
        has deep cultural and religious significance for the   means to inflame in the shepherds of the Church a
        entire Catholic world.                               spirit of true repentance, so that God might grant to
             “The destruction of a visible sign of such vast   all the grace of a renewal in the true faith and in true
        proportion as the Cathedral of Notre-Dame de Paris   love for Christ, Our Lord, Our God and Our Savior.
        also contains  an unmistakable spiritual message.        “When  the  Cathedral  of  Notre-Dame  de  Paris
        The fire of Notre-Dame is without doubt a powerful   began to burn, there was a group of faithful, with
        and stirring sign which God is giving to His Church in   children and young people among them, who knelt
        our day. It is an appeal for authentic conversion, first   on the ground and sang the Hail Mary. This was
        and foremost among the shepherds of the Church.      one of the most touching and spiritually powerful
             “The fire has largely destroyed Notre-Dame,     signs in the midst of a great tragedy. May Our Lady,
        a centuries-old masterpiece of the Catholic faith.   Help of Christians, intercede for us, that the shep-
        This is a symbolic and highly evocative representa-  herds of the Church might begin, with the help of
        tion of what has happened in the life of the Church   the lay faithful, to rebuild the spiritual ruins in the
        over the last fifty years, as people have witnessed a   life of the Church in our day. In the Church, as in
        conflagration of the Church’s most precious spirit-  Paris, a process of repairing and rebuilding is a sign
        ual masterpieces, i.e., the integrity and beauty of   of hope.” v
        the Catholic faith, the Catholic liturgy and Catholic

                    Notre-Dame de Paris before the fire. Will it be rebuilt as it stood before April 15, 2019?

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