Page 11 - michael-journal-2019-may
P. 11

Social Credit:  Exact, Logical and Humane

                         by Louis Even                                  Money without Inflation
            Social Credit operates with realities. It refuses to   The present financial system is vulnerable to in-
        be hypnotized by ‘the halo’ with which finance has   flation. Inflation means that prices increase.
        been surrounded.                                         As money is only created when a loan is issued,
            The economic realities are, on one hand, produc-  thereby  creating  a  debt,  it  is  essential  that  ways  be
        tion (not only the existing production, but the produc-  found to extract from the purchasing public more
        tion immediately possible; the capacity for produc-  money than was initially put into circulation, in order
        tion) and on the other hand, human needs.            to repay the original debt plus the interest on the debt.
            Social Credit gives priority to the realities over   Taxes are added to prices which serve to diminish pur-
        the financial representations that are not realities.   chasing power. Prices are increased all the way down
        The financial representations must faithfully conform   in the productive process because not only the money
        to the realities. Social Credit accomplishes this feat.   to pay for manufactured goods must be recouped, but
                                                             also the interest on loans must be conjured.
               Real Credit and Financial Credit                  Social Credit would suppress this cancer, this
            This is why Social Credit distinguishes between   ‘tumor on prices’, since production results in an in-
        two terms: Real Credit, the reality, and Financial   crease in wealth, and not in an increase in indebted-
        Credit, the representation.                          ness.
            The word ‘credit’ comes from the Latin word          Prices paid by purchasers would be lowered. The
        ‘credere’ and carries the idea of confidence. Even in   basis for this feature is that the community must only
        everyday language, when we give credit to someone    pay for what is consumed; not for all that is produced.
        are we not saying we have confidence in that person?     For example, if the consumption of the entire popu-
            Social Credit states that the Real Credit of a nation   lation was only equal to three-quarters of that which
        is what inspires confidence in that nation; confidence   was produced, purchasers would only pay three-quar-
        that one can live there without too much difficulty.   ters of the accounting prices. The National Credit Office
        The Real Credit of a country is its productive capacity,   would take responsibility for financially compensating
        which is described as the ability to produce and de-  producers so that their entire price was paid.
        liver goods to meet the needs of the population.         This means that the amounts included in prices,
            Social Credit expects that Financial Credit will   but which have not reached the hands of the public,
        exactly represent Real Credit. It is therefore the pro-  or have been placed either in savings or investment
        ductive capacity that must determine and drive the   rather than toward the purchase of the production,
        movement of finance. It is absolutely not correct that   would be replaced or compensated by the National
        finance either commands, paralyzes or limits the cap-  Credit Office to the benefit of consumers. This sys-
        acity for production.                                tem would prevent the accumulation of products in
            This is why Social Credit demands the establish-  the face of a population’s unmet needs. Additionally,
        ment of an Office of Credit which would keep an ac-  the  mechanism  would  reduce  prices  and  therefore
        count of national (or provincial) credit. Any produc-  eliminate any inflationary pressure.
        tion, whether of consumer goods or capital goods,                A Dividend to Everyone
        would be recorded as an increase in wealth. All
        consumption (including destruction and deprecia-         The periodic Dividend distributed to each person
        tion) would be entered as a decrease in wealth. The   in the nation is a central Social Credit feature. It, too,
        change in the nation’s or province’s wealth would    conforms with economic realities.
        be calculated by a simple calculation: Production -      The abundance of modern production is in-
        (minus) Consumption = Net Wealth.                    creasingly the result of applied science, inventions
            There are exceptional cases in which a country   and improvements in production techniques. These
        lives at the expense of another. Generally, however,   factors constitute a community good: a heritage in-
        production surpasses consumption and nations be-     creased and transmitted from one generation to the
        come more prosperous over time. It is therefore il-  next. Modern production is less and less the result of
        logical to say that a nation is ‘going into debt’. Public   the labour of one individual.
        debts are an absurdity.                                  Expecting to distribute the ample production by
            When a country is increasingly prosperous, its   way of the wages of human labour is therefore con-
        citizens must certainly benefit. Social Credit recog-  trary to the facts. It is impossible. The money distrib-
        nizes this when it advocates a Dividend to all instead   uted as recompense for work will never buy the prod-
        of debts and taxes to everyone.                      ucts whose prices contain other elements.          u
                                                MICHAEL  May/June/July 2019    11
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