Page 7 - michael-journal-2019-may
P. 7

“More than any other, the individual who

            is animated  by true  charity  labors  skillfully
            to discover the causes of misery, to find the

            means to combat it, and to overcome it reso-
            lutely.” – Paul VI, Populorum Progressio

        we face is undoubtedly our future. Whether we like it   Einstein’s definition of insanity. Let us be bold and let
        or not, we become older with each year that passes,   us ask the Holy Spirit what needs to be changed or
        and no one lives forever. The soul does of course,   adapted, without changing our message.
        but not the body. If no one replaces us, the number      We might ask ourselves what is the best way to
        of full-time and local Pilgrims will decrease until there   make our message known as far and wide as pos-
        is no one left. Mr. Even and Mrs. Mercier invited the   sible. In an article recognizing the 19th anniversary of
        young to come and give a few years of their lives:   VERS DEMAIN, Mr. Even explained the advantages
        one, five or ten years. They could later marry and re-  of the written word. “VERS DEMAIN is more than a
        main friends of the Movement. They imagined that     professor’s chair; it is a teacher who visits the homes.
        over the years, full-time Pilgrims would be replaced   The journal adapts itself to everyone’s schedule.
        by younger people. But the young no longer come.     Each member of the household dedicates the time he
            Many reasons can explain why this is so. Religion   wants to spend on his reading, at the time and at the
        is no longer taught in schools. We can also ask our-  speed that suits him best. There is no such thing in
        selves whether there is a fault in how things are done   the teaching given orally in a public meeting or over
        in Rougemont. If Social Credit can be defined as the   the radio, where the rate of talk is the same for all
        confidence we have in each other, we can examine     listeners,  and  where  a  sentence  once  spoken  does
        the extent to which we live social credit among our-  not return.”
        selves.                                                   We are told that young people no longer read
            What can we do to engage the young? An exam-     today and that they can only be reached over the in-
        ination of conscience is warranted. Should we listen   ternet. Without abandoning the printed word, we can
        to their grievances? Should we ask them why they no   consider how to reach the young using other media.
        longer come to Rougemont, whether as full-time or    Let us not  forget  that  people are  not won  over  by
        as local Pilgrims? We can acknowledge that the same   what they read or hear, but rather by our dedication
        situation exists in local churches and in other move-  to our apostolate. In the words of Saint John Paul II,
        ments; the young have left there also. Without new   the financiers’ greed will only be vanquished through
        members, VERS DEMAIN and MICHAEL are bound           the gift of self, which is the opposite of that offered by
        to disappear. We can go on saying: “We have always   the Financiers. Let us spread the MICHAEL message
        acted this way, we will go on doing the same thing   and ask that God change hearts and minds. Thank
        and things will work out.” But doing the same thing   you. v
        over and over again and expecting different results is                                                          Alain Pilote

                                                         Prayer to the Holy Ghost

                                        Come Holy Ghost, fill the hearts of Your faithful and kindle
                                    in them the fire of Your love. Send forth Your Spirit and they
                                    shall be created, and You shall renew the face of the earth.

                                        O God, Who by the light of the Holy Ghost, did instruct the
                                    hearts of the faithful, grant that by the same Spirit we may be
                                    truly wise and ever rejoice in His consolation, through Christ
                                    Our Lord, Amen.

                                                MICHAEL  May/June/July 2019      7
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