Page 5 - michael-journal-2019-may
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From 1939 to 1974,  Mr. Even  wrote several          Of course a Dividend for everyone is needed so
        articles to consider whether VERS DEMAIN had re-     people can satisfy their basic needs. On this topic,
        mained faithful to the objectives set out at its foun-  Bishop Mathieu  Madega  likes to quote  from the
        dation. The original text can be found on the first   Book of Proverbs (30: 8-9): “Remove far from me
        page of the first issue of VERS DEMAIN, dated Nov-   vanity, and lying words. Give me neither beggary,
        ember 1, 1939. From the article titled: Here We Are,   nor riches: give me only the necessaries of life: lest
        we read: “With modest means, but with persever-      perhaps being filled, I should be tempted to deny,
        ance, VERS DEMAIN will seek to develop within        and say: Who is the Lord? Or being compelled by
        the population an ever larger elite who, through     poverty, I should steal, and forswear the name of
        reflection,  study and action,  will  determine  new   my God.” If people spend their Dividend indulging
        currents in the walk of history.”                    in vice, drugs and in drinking, the situation would
                                                             become worse. Social Credit is a means to secure
                                                             earthly goods, but our ultimate goal is the salvation
                                                             of souls. Our soul’s life cannot be ignored.
                                                                 An illustration is provided in Paragraph  14 of
                                                             Saint Paul VI’s encyclical Populorum Progressio (on
                                                             the  development  of peoples): “The development
                                                             we speak of here cannot be restricted to econom-
                                                             ic growth alone. To be authentic, it must be well
                                                             rounded; it must foster the development of each
                                                             man and of the whole man.”  This refers to man in
                                                             both his body and soul. MICHAEL will never aban-
                                                             don the teaching of Social Credit (also called Eco-
                                                             nomic Democracy), which is why it was founded,
                                                             but to be authentic and respond to the needs of to-
                                                             day, MICHAEL cannot neglect religion, morals and
                                                             the conversion of hearts.
                                                                  In the Here We Are article already mentioned,
                        MICHAEL’s Founders:                  Mr. Even wrote:  “VERS DEMAIN  seeks to de-
            Louis Even, Gilberte Côté and Gérard Mercier     velop  an  elite,  an  aristocracy  of citizens  capable
                       For a Better World                    of thinking for themselves. These citizens will be
            The  founders, Louis Even and  Gilberte Côté,    found within the population at large, and not only
                                                             among those who have benefited from a greater
        named  the  new  publication  VERS DEMAIN since      education. The last three years have taught us that
        their work was moving society toward a better fu-    the population is highly educable.”
        ture and better world.  Indeed, until 1961 our Move-
        ment was called “The Pilgrims for a Better World”.       Apostles are not usually found among scholars
        The term ceased being used because Father Ricar-     and intellectuals. Mr. Even realized that if he were
        do Lombardi in Italy asked that we stop using the    to count only on people with a higher education, it
        descriptor as he had already founded a “movement     would lead nowhere and he would achieve  noth-
        for a better  world.” The  founders determined  his   ing.  Mr. Even  instead  enlisted  humble  people  to
        request was a sign from Heaven that the Pilgrims     spread the VERS DEMAIN message. Some of these
        should be named in honour of Saint Michael, the      could neither read nor write.  Louis Even’s genius
        great archangel to whom they already had a great     consisted of using plain language  that  could be
        devotion, since he was God’s great defender and      understood by all in order to explain the economic
        the patron saint of justice.                         and technical notions taught  by Douglas.  A good
                                                             example is The Money Myth Exploded which is a
            The Pilgrims of Saint Michael continue to strive   story even a child can understand. Often children
        for the advent of a better world by advocating for the   understand  better  than  adults,  since they  are  not
        reform of the financial system along Social Credit   biased. They have not yet been misled by the antics
        lines. We can ask if monetary reform is the only re-  of a deceitful financial system.
        quirement to obtain a better world. We also must
        have a world that is morally better. The founders        There are many ways to help our needy broth-
        did not call the publication “Social Credit” because   ers and sisters. We can feed the hungry, give drink
        we must speak not only about monetary reform but     to the thirsty, shelter the homeless, visit prisoners
        also about a world that conforms to the teachings of   and the sick, etc. Some people send donations to
        the Roman Catholic Church.                           local  charitable  organizations  or send  money  to  u
                                                MICHAEL  May/June/July 2019      5
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