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would be purchased and banknotes would not be ac-    other side of the veil as well) I will be blessing the
        cepted for trade without an up-to-date stamp. After   good Lord for putting Social Credit upon my path
        two years, there was no room to affix more stamps    in this life. I will always remember that fateful day
        and the banknote would be taken out of circulation.   in 1934 when I was riding on the train that was tak-
        The total of the stamps purchased would provide the   ing me from Montreal to my job in Sainte-Anne-de-
        government with the price of the banknote. The new   Bellevue. I was privileged to read a 96-page pamph-
        banknote was thus already paid. Louis Even did not   let that explained Social Credit to me [J. Crate
        like the theory very much as the individual was incen-  Larkin’s From Debt to Prosperity]. I was not looking
        tivized to spend his money quickly in order not to see   for Social Credit on that particular day. However, I
        his money lose its value. Louis Even saw this concept   was looking for something that would put an end
        as contrary to the freedom of choice of the individual.  to the stupid financial crisis with which we were all
                       A Stroke of Light                     struggling during that time.
                                                                 “I  had  read  many  things  that  day  besides  hav-
            One day, the mail brought                        ing worked at my regular job. I was an instructor for
        a  simple  96-page  pamphlet                         the workers of our printing house. Every week we
        entitled  From  Debt  to  Pros-                      held a study session with the more than 100 work-
        perity, written by J. Crate Lar-                     ers. We had chosen for that particular day a session
        kin, of Buffalo, New York. It                        on the question of money and credit. Therefore, we
        was a summary of the monet-                          were looking for accounts on the subject. I had read
        ary principles of Clifford Hugh                      many manuscripts, a few small pamphlets and differ-
        Douglas. Louis Even read the                         ent books that had been sent to us. In all of these, I
        book during his daily train                          found that efforts were being advanced to improve
        commute between Montreal                             the situation. But there were things that were ridicu-
        and Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue                          lous, and there were problems in all of them. They
        and was immediately con-                             were saying that one could come to the help of the
        vinced of its significance.                          people but not without requiring something, such as
            He recognized a group of principles which, when   that programs were put together, or that a dictator-
        applied, would make a perfect monetary system; a     ship was installed, or that socialism was established.
        system of finance flexible enough to answer all the      “When I came upon Social Credit, I said: ‘This is
        situations of economics, capable of bending itself   fantastic!’ It hit me straight between the eyes like
        to the facts of economics, rather than dictating or   a thunderbolt, and I made up my mind immediately
        contradicting their reality. The system respected the   that I had just discovered a ‘truth’ on my path. The
        freedom of choice of individuals, served both the    other books all had shadows in their overall portray-
        systems of production and consumption, and would     al of the problems with the financial system at that
        meet the needs of society and economics.             particular time. There were no grey areas in Social
            Immediately, Louis Even thought to himself:      Credit’s overall picture of the exact problem with
        “Everyone must be made aware of this!” From then     the financial system; a very great truth had fallen
        on all his thoughts would be directed toward realizing   onto my path.
        this wish.                                               “After reading a few pages on Social Credit, even
            Two more books, more exhaustive than Larkin’s    before I had completed the entire book, when I saw
        pamphlet, were also forwarded on the topic of So-    what Social Credit was all about, I said to myself:
        cial Credit: Social Credit for Canada by W. A. Tutte,   ‘This is so wonderful that all people have to come to
        and  Economic Nationalism by Maurice Colbourne.      know what Social Credit is. It came upon my path; it
        Later, Louis Even acquired other works by Douglas    has to be put onto the path of all people.’ It is Provi-
        and other writers on the same topic, all written in the   dence who put Social Credit onto my path, and even
        English language.                                    though I was not very wealthy at that particular time
            At the request of Louis Even, Mr. Harpell agreed   in my life and I did not know how to go about making
        to publish Larkin’s pamphlet, From Debt to Prosper-  this great truth known to everyone, I had the desire
        ity, in French. Larkin’s book was the beginning of   to do so. I was practically vowing that I would start
        French language publications on Social Credit, and   to make this great truth known to everyone as soon
        Louis Even was the translator.                       as possible. I kept working at my regular job, and I
            In 1959, the Movement held a congress in Al-     could only give time to the cause of Social Credit on
                                                             weekends. Then one day, thanks to the initiative and
        lardville, New Brunswick, Canada. On that occasion,   support of Mrs. Gilberte Cote-Mercier, I was able to
        Mr. Even explained how he came across Social Credit:  leave my regular job at the printing house [on Sept.
            “As far as I am concerned, every day of my life   4, 1938] and become a full-time Pilgrim for the great
        (and I  am  sure  it  will  be the  same  for me  on  the   Social Credit cause.”                       u
                                                MICHAEL  May/June/July 2019      9
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