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u  international  aid agencies. Even though  these do-  We must befriend them and share in their concerns.
        nations are laudable and can bring relief to some    The Holy Spirit guides the work of the apostolate.
        people for a few days or a few weeks, the causes of      Justice is one of the four cardinal virtues. Saint
        poverty will not be eradicated by charity.           Thomas Aquinas defined justice as “rendering to each
            The problem must be solved at  its root. We      person what he is owed.” We know everyone is owed
        must tackle the very causes of poverty. Every hu-    a Dividend since we each inherit the earth’s natural
        man being must have their fundamental right to a     resources and are beneficiaries of progress. Saint
        minimum  of earthly  goods restored.  The  dignity   Thomas Aquinas added: “What is God owed? He is
        that  belongs to a  person created  in  the  image  of   owed our adoration.” Our first duty is to adore God.
        God must prevail.                                        The love of God, through adoring Him, and the
            “More than any other, the individual who is ani-  love of neighbour, through a Dividend, go hand in
        mated by true charity labors skillfully to discover   hand.  Some  of our critics will say: “There  is too
        the causes of misery, to find the means to combat    much religion and not enough Social Credit.” Co-
        it, and to overcome it resolutely” (Populorum Pro-   founder, Mrs. Mercier, reminded us in a taped com-
        gressio, n. 75). This describes very well the action   mentary that contrary to what some might think, it
        of  Louis  Even; he  really  sought to  educate  people   is through Rosary processions that we will realize
        on the causes of poverty — the current debt-money    Social Credit, and not through the empty promises
        system — and the means to combat it — the Social     of politicians. Political parties are a dead-end. What
        Credit (or Economic Democracy) financial proposals.  is needed is the education of the people.
            The fifth question we asked our members was:                   Social Credit Means
        “What  virtues  must we  defend  today?” We  know             We Have Faith in Each Other
        there are three theological virtues, faith, hope and
                                                                 Social Crediter, Geoffrey Dobbs, is regularly quot-
        charity, and that there are four cardinal virtues, pru-  ed in our study sessions. Mr. Dobbs defined social
        dence, justice, fortitude and temperance. There is   credit as the faith we have in each other. He called it
        another  virtue  that  is practiced  daily  by the Pil-  the mutual confidence we have in one another with-
        grims of Saint Michael: humility.                    out which life in society would be impossible. Dobbs
            It takes a good measure of humility for an adult,   held that this confidence reaches its apex when
        and  any  student  of economics, to  admit  that  we   people abide by Christian values, the Ten Command-
        were taught falsehoods. We are all victims of the    ments, and respect each other. Social credit reaches
        financial system. When Pilgrims visit families in the   its lowest level when people abandon Christian val-
        door-to-door  crusade, we have  no choice but to     ues and the Ten Commandments.
        practice humility. We seldom get the last word! Our         There is more to securing a better world than
        purpose is not to argue with the people we meet.     a simple matter of monetary reform. Mr. Even would
                                                             say that we will not have a better world unless we
                                                             follow the teachings of Christ and of His Church. To-
              “Modern times are                              day, the Catholic Church is attacked from all sides.
           dominated by Satan                                According to Cardinal Sarah, the Church is being
           and will be more so in                            crucified. We must not abandon Her, no more than
           the future. ...The con-                           the inhabitants of Noah’s Ark could consider jumping
           flict  with Hell  cannot                          overboard. If a clergyman commits an error, there is
           be engaged by men,                                no need to leave the Church, as outside the Ark one
           even the most clever.                             will drown. Mr. Even and Mrs. Mercier taught us to
           Mary  the Immaculate,                             never leave the Church.
           alone,  was  given  the                               Our Social Crediters were asked another ques-
           promise of victory over                           tion: “What does it mean to be a Pilgrim of Saint Mi-
           Satan by God.                                     chael?” We could answer that a Pilgrim is another
              “However,  assumed into  Heaven,  the          Louis Even. He showed us the way by his example
           Mother of God now requires our cooper-            and by his teachings. We must be apostles and, like
           ation. She seeks souls who will consecrate        Louis Even, bring VERS DEMAIN and MICHAEL’s
           themselves  entirely  to  her,  who will  be-     message to our brothers and sisters and fellow cit-
                                                             izens. A Pilgrim is someone who is on the move!
           come in her hands effective instruments for
           the  defeat  of Satan  and  the  spreading  of                     A Call to Youth
           God’s kingdom upon earth.”                            MICHAEL carries a beautiful message. It is a mes-
                                           Saint Maximilien Kolbe  sage more relevant than ever. People are needed to
                                                             spread this message. The most important challenge

        6      MICHAEL  May/June/July 2019                                    
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