Page 3 - michael-journal-2019-may
P. 3
Letter from the Editor
Come Holy Ghost, Renew the Face of the Earth!
The Holy Ghost may be invoked less often than sources and the fruits of progress. In this way, the
Jesus and God the Father, but as the third person principle of the social doctrine of the Church, which
of the Holy Trinity, His power is extraordinary. It is states that earthly goods are created by God for all
the Holy Ghost who at Pentecost made the apostles men, would be perfectly applied. The Social Credit
the true champions of the faith, fearing no human Dividend would solve the financial headaches of
authority nor persecution in witnessing the risen individuals, families and governments, and would
Christ (Acts 2: 33-36). As a matter of fact, it is at keep us from worrying about tomorrow.
Pentecost that the Catholic Church was founded. This is why you will find enclosed a 16-page
We can also recall the prophetic words that document on the Social Dividend (see pages 26
Saint John Paul II spoke on the eve of Pentecost through 47). In addition to increasing everyone’s
1979, at Warsaw’s Victory Square, during his first purchasing power, the Dividend would solve the
trip to Poland as Pope, words which touched every- problems caused by automation whereby jobs
one’s heart: “Let Your and wages are being
Spirit descend! May it re- eliminated. The Dividend
new the face of the earth, would put a stop to the
of this soil.” The face manufacturing of use-
of Poland would soon less goods and end over
change with the success consumption, one of the
of the Solidarity Move- main causes of pollution
ment and the fall of the and the destruction of the
Soviet empire. environment. Contrary to
Louis Even was struck all other types of social
by the Holy Ghost when programs, the Dividend
he discovered the writ- would not be financed
ings of Scottish engin- through taxation. It would
eer, Clifford Hugh Doug- be financed by using new
las. He exclaimed: “This money, created interest-
is a light upon my path. free by society (see page
I must make this known 46).
to everyone (see page 8). Pope Emeritus Ben-
His life was changed and, edict XVI, in an excep-
thanks to this ‘light’, he tional essay, explained
founded VERS DEMAIN the causes of the sexual
and MICHAEL. abuse crisis in the Church.
We proceed with our It is ultimately about “set-
series of articles on Louis ting God aside.” This
Even’s charism and on leads us to the point in
the goals of MICHAEL (see page 4). Saint Paul VI history in which “what is evil and destroys man has
wrote in his 1967 encyclical, Populorum Progres- become a matter of course” (see page 16).
sio: “More than any other, the individual who is ani- God does not abandon us. He sends us His
mated by true charity labours skillfully to discover Mother, the Virgin Mary who, in all her apparitions
the causes of misery, to find the means to com- upon the earth, entreats her children to return to
bat it, and to overcome it resolutely.” Please study her Son, by reciting the Rosary and by taking part
Louis Even’s writings published within this issue in the sacraments (see page 22).
and you too will become convinced there is a solu- Happy reading, but first say a prayer to the Holy
tion to the problem of poverty. Ghost in order to have a fuller understanding, to be
Money should be based on a country’s capacity filled with love for the poor and to thirst for justice!
for production and be distributed as Dividends given Alain Pilote
to each citizen as co-heirs of the nation’s natural re- Editor MICHAEL May/June/July 2019 3
Jim Caviezel s’adressant aux étudiants