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           Pope Francis Denounces the World Financial System

            An essay written by                                                     tion, isolated from all other
        Louis Even, “The  Biggest                                                   considerations, leads to a
        Thief of All is Still at Large,”                                            model of exclusion – auto-
        was published in the August/                                                matic, no? – that violently
        September 2019 edition of                                                   inflicts on those who suf-
        MICHAEL. The thief in ques-                                                 fer its social and economic
        tion?  The  financial  system                                               costs in the present, while
        which creates money as                                                      condemning future genera-
        debt. The essay concluded:                                                  tions to pay for its environ-
        “The [current] financial sys-                                               mental costs.
        tem is a rat that lays waste:                                                   “The first thing jurists
        a  thief,  swindler and extor-                                              should    ask   themselves
        tionist. It is all these things                                             today  is what they  can do
        which leave in its wake vic-                                                with their own knowledge
        tims suffering from want,                                                   to counter this phenome-
        privation and insecurity...                                                 non, which puts democra-
        Yet nothing is done to halt                                                 tic institutions and the very
        the predation of this infamous thief. It has the elected   development of humanity at risk…
        representatives of the people as its protector.”         “One of the frequent omissions of criminal law,
            There are laws to arrest “petty” thieves who steal   a consequence of selectivity in sanctioning, is the
        hundreds or thousands of dollars, but there is no law   scarce attention – or lack therefore – to crimes
        for those who steal billions of dollars from the popula-  committed by the most powerful, in particular the
        tion, purloining a nation’s credit (the capacity for pro-  macro-delinquency of corporations. I am not exag-
        duction) and then creating debt by issuing loans. Not   gerating with these words. I appreciate that your
        only are these thieves not arrested, they receive pro-  Congress has taken this issue into consideration.
        tection under the law since their system of creating
                                                                 “Global financial capital is the source of serious
        debt-money is legal and sanctioned by governments!   crimes not only against property but also against
            In an address to the participants at the XXth    people and the environment. It is organized crime
        World Congress of the International Association of   that is responsible, among other things, for the
        Penal Law, given on November 15, 2019 at the Vati-   over-indebtedness of states and the plundering of
        can, Pope Francis spoke on the same theme as Louis   the natural resources of our planet.
        Even. He lamented “the scarce attention – or lack the-   “Criminal law must not remain unconnected
        refore – to crimes committed by the most powerful”,   with conduct in which, by taking advantage of
        even comparing the global financial system to orga-  asymmetrical situations, a dominant position is
        nized crime, adding that it “exercises more power    exploited to the detriment of collective welfare…
        than the States themselves”. Excerpts from the Holy   These are crimes that have the seriousness of cri-
        Father’s address follow:                             mes against humanity, when they lead to hunger,
            “Today, some economic sectors exercise more      misery, forced migration and death from avoidable
        power than the States themselves: a reality that is   diseases, environmental disaster and ethnocide of
        even more evident in times of globalization of spe-  indigenous peoples.” v
        culative capital. The principle of profit maximiza-                                                       Pope Francis

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