Page 17 - Michael Journal 2020 March
P. 17

Accessing Goods Requires Money-Tickets

                         by Louis Even                           This pattern is true for all goods despite inten-
            When we speak about economics we are re-         sive sales and marketing strategies.
        ferring to the process by which the goods of the         Goods, wealth in other terms, exists. Access,
        earth meet and serve the needs of the population.    in the form of money,  is missing.  Essentially,
            The cycle is incomplete  if we consider pro-     goods are made for the public but the public does
        duction alone. We can say that                                        not have the money to obtain
        economics has not met its goal                                        the same goods.
        if goods do not meet their des-                                                    Money
        tination, which is consumption.                                           Money  is  the  essential  in-
        It is not enough to grow wheat:                                       gredient in obtaining available
        bread must make its way to the                                        products. If there were no goods,
        stomach. Similarly, shoes must                                        money  would  be  useless.  Since
        shod bare feet, clothes cover                                         goods are available but money is
        naked backs, homes must have                                          not, the public is deprived of an
        necessary furnishings and wood                                        abundant production of goods.
        must make its way to stoves and
        fireplaces.                                                               Which is more difficult? Pro-
            Economics     is   successful                                     ducing food, clothes, homes and
                                                                              furnishings  or  ensuring  access
        when the cycle of production and                                      to  them?  Even  though  produc-
        consumption is satisfied. It is un-                                   tion  is  more  difficult  we  have
        successful when the goal of con-                                      an ample supply; access is the
        sumption is not met or only met                                       problem in modern economies.
        for a privileged elite.                                                   Access to goods is by a stan-
            Each person is entitled to an                                     dard route: coins, printed paper
        optimum  amount  of  the  earth’s             Louis Even              money  or  bank  account  entries.
        goods, at least in an amount suf-                                     The key is the possession  of
        ficient  to  provide  for  life’s  necessities.  A  system   these forms of money.
        that does not guarantee these necessities of life to
        all members of society falls short. The Church has       Who adds wealth to the world? Workers.
        asserted this.                                           Who creates access to the world’s wealth?
                      Wealth is abundant                     Bankers.
            Food,  clothing,  dwellings,  furnishings,  fuel,    Workers, aided by technology create an abun-
        medicine, education — these are the goods that       dance of wealth. Bankers, abetted by a diabolical
        support and enrich life.                             system, cause scarcity by restricting and control-
            Today,  it  is  straightforward  to  produce  these   ling credit.
        essentials.  Everywhere  these  items  can  be  pur-     Money, the ticket to goods, is scarce for two
        chased.  Buyers  are  what’s  needed  today,  not    reasons. First, the banker, when issuing money-
        workers.                                             tickets into the world, places them in circulation
            The issue today is not growing wheat but en-     for  a  limited  term  before  requiring  they  be  re-
        suring that bread is in the pantry. Shoes can be     turned. Secondly, he requires that more money be
                                                             returned than he issued. It is no wonder that the
        readily manufactured but ensuring feet are shod is
        a  challenge. Why is this so?                        tickets become scarce. There would be less than
                                                             none left were it not for public debts, mortgages
            Indeed, the hungry person needs food. Why        on farms and houses and numerous bankrupt-
        does  the  satisfaction  of  hunger  not  match  the   cies, all of which represent tickets that were not
        ample  availability  of  food?  Coal  is  available  and   returned at the end of the term set by the banker.
        stoves need coal. Why are stoves empty while the
        coal miner sits without work and children shiver in      The money makers, the bankers, determine
        unheated dwellings?                                  the quantity of tickets and therefore determine our
                                                             standard of living.
            Why are sick persons and the medications they
        require not congruent?                                   We do not eat in relation to the quantity of food

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