Page 18 - Michael Journal 2020 March
P. 18
in the country; our dress is not in accord with the citizen in proportion to a nation’s productivity.
quantity of clothes and shelter is not available to The reader is invited to study Social Credit to
the extent that construction materials exist. All understand:
these are constrained by the quantity of money 1. that everyone has a right to the necessities
that the banking system permits us to have. of life;
Despite denunciations by various Popes it con-
2. that money should be at the service of
tinues in this manner. man, not man at the service of money;
When and how do banks issue money and
when and how do they destroy it, and thereby re- 3. that money should be issued according to
strict the tickets necessary to live? production, and consumption not be limited by
the supply of money;
The government and money 4. that “systems are made for man, and not
The government neither creates nor issues man for systems”; and
money. 5. that money should not restrict the freedom
It taxes and borrows in order to have money. and development of the human person.
When private individuals cannot be taxed further Today’s economic system is based on money.
the government borrows from the banks. This means that finance governs production and
Banks received permission to create and issue production governs consumption. Consumers
money from the government itself. When the must adapt to what is available and are restricted
government wants money it indebts itself to the by the number of tickets in their possession. This
banks. What an outcome for the privilege govern- is backwards.
ments graciously granted to them! A Social Credit economy will begin with the
It is society itself which should issue money person. The consumer will direct production
according to the total quantity of useful things which will respond to the expectations and wish-
that could be for sale in the country. Instead es of the consumer. Finance will have an official
thanks to governments, society submits itself to assignment: meeting the desires of consumers to
the bankers’ will. People, like the government it- secure the goods they want by issuing credit to
self, suffer from the lack of money. the limit of what is possible.
Thus private interests rule governments and Is there a place for morality in this system? Yes.
the people become slaves of these private inter- The free person will use reason to guide his ac-
ests. tions as a consumer. Morality, faith and education
Those who study the question are astounded will be his intervenor. Today, finance is the inter-
at such disorder, and more and more they demand venor. Finance has usurped reason in directing the
that the government itself issues money according actions of men.
to the needs and possibilities of the country. Social Credit will restore order. This sound
This does not mean that the government philosophy exists more firmly in the mind of a So-
should issue the money according to the caprice cial Crediter than in the head of a banker. v
of men who are in power, nor that they should use Louis Even
this money as they please. Vers Demain, February 15, 1941
Producers make goods and consumers use
them. Governments can act in an accountants’
capacity, determining the total volume of produc-
tion and consumption, and issue money accord- Rougemont monthly meetings
ingly. House of the Immaculate
An accountant does not own the money he
counts; he merely records figures. He does not 1101 Principale Street, Rougemont, QC
create facts pertaining to production and con- March 22, April 26, May 24
sumption but simply reports on these matters.
Social Credit 10:00 a.m. Opening and Rosary
It is on the principles expounded in numerous 11:00 a.m. Holy Mass
articles in the journal, MICHAEL, that Social Credit 1:30 p.m. Rosary and Conferences
monetary principles provide a Dividend for each MICHAEL March/April 2020 19