Page 3 - HQ May June July 2020
P. 3
Letter from the Editor
The coronavirus crisis:
A time to reflect and to change
We cannot ignore the matter. Today’s corona- emergency payments to individuals and business-
virus pandemic, also known as COVID-19 (an acro- es, at the cost of indebting themselves (society) like
nym for COronaVirus Infectious Disease 2019) is never before. Some day, the debts will have to be
unique and could well change history. It is not man- paid (see page 24). On the other hand, Douglas’ So-
kind’s first encounter with a pandemic: the bubonic cial Credit Dividend would be providing income in a
plague in the 1300s took the lives of 30 to 50% of logical, efficient and effective way and without rely-
Europe’s population within a five year span and ing on debt-based financing (see page 28).
caused the deaths of some 25 million victims. In All are hoping for an early return to normal life.
1918-1919, the Spanish Flu affected more than one- No one knows whether and when this will happen.
third of the world’s population, killing an estimated Instead, we are told that things will never be as be-
30 to 100 million people. fore, that the future will hold a “new normal”. We
The COVID-19 pandemic has taken a turn never know that the world will change, that many jobs are
before seen. Society was changed overnight. More gone forever and that we might be required to wear
than half of the world’s population is locked down. face coverings for years to come.
Work has essentially stopped unless it is deemed It is a known fact that world financiers have been
essential; sports and cultural events have been working for a long time to create a One World Govern-
cancelled, sit-down restaurants shut, schools are ment, whether by force or by consent, as Paul War-
closed and people restricted in their movements burg told the American Senate in 1950. It would ap-
and association, etc. Public Masses are forbidden, pear that the COVID-19 pandemic might just be what
something unheard of since the Roman Empire and they needed to implement their plan (see page 10).
the catacombs. Even during the 1st and 2nd World From a spiritual point of view, what meaning
Wars, public Masses were not suspended and no could the pandemic have? Is it a chastisement,
communist dictator, including Stalin, Lenin, Mao a punishment from God? No, it is a warning. God
and others, succeeded in preventing the offering of loves us infinitely and wants our salvation. In His
public Masses. omnipotence, God turns evil into a greater good. In
Two new words or expressions have been add- the present situation, God uses a virus, one He has
ed to our vocabulary: social distancing and confine- allowed to persist, to awaken us, to pull us out of
ment (also known as lockdown). These are the very our slumber.
opposite of normal life. We are told we must ‘shelter In fact, we are experiencing positive offshoots.
in place’ to get through this. We are told that lives We are locked in so we can use the occasion to re-
will be saved by staying at home and doing nothing. flect on what is truly essential and to pray as a family
During these days of confinement, demonstrating and reflect on consumer society and our consump-
love and duty no longer include visiting our relatives tion patterns. Furthermore, during this episode we
and the elderly, but rather, in not doing so. can see the real limitations of the financial system
The world is standing on its head. Confinement is and trends toward globalization. The world’s finance
proving to be very difficult and everyone is becoming elites will attempt to impose a tyrannical one-world
unhinged to one degree or another. A climate of fear government. Why not advance a financial system
is exacerbated by snitch lines. A neighbour or co- solution that is respectful of individuals and con-
worker could infect us with the virus, and people are trary to centralized control? This system, Economic
unhesitant in reporting any perceived slack in sani- Democracy as taught by Douglas and Louis Even,
tary standards. Common trust is at its lowest. Sadly, features a Social Dividend payment to each per-
this is the opposite of social credit (see page 27). son that would guarantee security and freedom to
The shutting of economic activities has led to all persons within a truly love-filled civilization. The
worry and anxiety. Many people have lost their pandemic can be either a punishment or a blessing.
sources of income and do not know if they will be It is for you and all in society to decide. And if we
able to meet their mortgage payments and feed make the correct choice, “everything will be alright”
their families. Governments have had to disburse as they say. v Alain Pilote, Editor MICHAEL May/June/July 2020 3
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