Page 5 - HQ May June July 2020
P. 5
“From the absolute evil — the
death of Jesus on the Cross —
God brought forth the greatest
good – resurrection and eternal
Everyone wonders how long we will be trapped
by this virus. One answer, among many, is that on a
global level, scientists will find an effective vaccine so
that the coronavirus is contained. But we should not
be fooled into complacency. God is still involved and
sent us a warning through His Mother; He is waiting
for a response from us. Throughout history He has
used catastrophes like wars and natural disasters to
call people to repentance. It is not enough that we
only pray for relief from this worldwide disease, we
must also do something, and that is resolve not to sin
anymore. As St. James said “faith without works is as
dead as a body without breath” (James 2:26). (End of
Fr. Scanlon’s article.)
* * *
During this pandemic, there has been a good deal
of discussion regarding what is an ‘essential service’.
For a Christian, our main concern is heaven. Whether
on the blog, Commentary on Catholic Issues, Father rich or poor, we pass temporarily through life on earth
Regis Scanlon O.F.M.Cap., wrote: while our souls are eternal. Eternity will either be spent
Did God send the coronavirus to punish the people in the bliss of heaven with God, his angels and saints
of the world and particularly the people in the U.S.A.? or we will suffer an eternity of misfortune in hell with
I do not believe that God “sent” the coronavirus to satan and the fallen angels. It depends on our choices;
anyone. Apparently, it originated in China and there our actions on earth. These weeks of confinement of-
is speculation that it was a result of the carelessness fer opportunities to reflect more on both the meaning
of scientists working in laboratories with this virus, or of this life and on the afterlife.
because the population consumed harmful foods and It was the wickedness of men who created the
animals, like bats. virus and caused the upheaval of society. God is not
It should be obvious to all that God does not have responsible. Even if the international financiers wish to
to send viruses in order to punish people in the United capitalize on the virus and move rapidly toward their
States or any other place in the world. People, includ- plan of a one-world government, God, in His divine
ing the Church and civil governments, are quite ca- providence, also has a plan. He can use the virus for
pable of messing things up on their own. Where God’s conversion.
punishment does come in is in the fact that God per- Later in this issue, we will discuss that the pan-
mitted this virus to happen (He could have prevented demic has the capacity to make us understand the
it) and now He is not stopping it. problems of the current financial system and its rulers
Why would God permit the virus in the first place? who create money in the form of debt for global dom-
If we believe in the prophecies of Our Lady, He permit- ination. We hear that the world will ‘never be the same
ted the virus so that people would repent of their sins again’. That can be true. We can present the solution
and change their evil ways. He permitted this virus to a society and economy based on love and service
to paralyze every country in the world so that people through Economic Democracy, also known as Social
would wake up, quit committing sins of impurity and Credit (but not the social credit system of Communist
stop killing their children through abortion. China (see page 45).
But there is more. God cannot and will not stop It is up to us to seize this opportunity to make a
this virus unless He sees that the individual person or blessing, not a punishment, of the pandemic. Let the
nation intends to stop sinning — particularly by acts financiers believe the pandemic will enable global to-
of impurity and abortion. This is because God cannot talitarianism while we cooperate with God’s grace to
cooperate in evil. This is because He is a good God bring good out of evil and establish a Social Credit
and can never be involved in helping evil. To help evil economy. Indeed, the world would never be the same
to flourish is the work of satan and his minions. again! v
Alain Pilote MICHAEL May/June/July 2020 5