Page 10 - HQ May June July 2020
P. 10

The Aim of the Financiers

                  is a One-World Government

      and COVID-19 is a golden opportunity to execute their plan

                         by Alain Pilote                     demic (COVID-19). This is an ideal situation for glo-
            The basic flaw of the present financial system is   balists to push their action plan at high speed: a one
        that banks create money as a debt and charge interest   world government and total dictatorship, with a sin-
        on the money created. Banks do not create the inte-  gle digital currency for the entire world.
        rest due on loans, and therefore, the resulting debts    The average person does not have the ambition
        are unpayable. This system is fundamentally defective   to seek or wish to control the planet; self-control is a
        and financiers know that it is impossible for countries   sufficient and difficult task for most of us! However,
        to pay their debts. Only conflict and crises can follow   human history has examples of rulers and despots
        and this appears to be precisely what financiers want.  who wanted dominion beyond their regions and over
            As Clifford Hugh Douglas wrote: “The Money Power   the entire known world, such as Alexander the Great,
        does not, and never did, want to improve the money   Napoleon, Stalin, etc.
        system — its consequences in war, sabotage and so-       There  is  really  no  need  for  wars  and  combat  to
        cial friction are exactly what is desired.” But why?  achieve this conquest as it has been accomplished
            The  financiers  believe  they  are  the  only  group   by finance. What is left to do when your surname is
        capable  of governing  mankind  and  the  planet.  They   Rockefeller or Rothschild and you already have billions
        created  the  debt-money  system  in  order  to  impose   and trillions of dollars that cannot possibly be spent
        their will upon every individual and control the entire   in one lifetime? The deep thirst for money is followed
        population of the world. The goal is for every nation   by a deep thirst for power. The elites have a desire to
        to be in a state of crisis so that countries believe there   control everything and impose their will on all.
        is only one alternative: the forfeiture of sovereignty,   In his encyclical,  Sollicitudo  rei socialis (On the
        complete centralization, a single currency and a one-  Social Concern), John Paul II wrote: “Among acts or
        world government.                                    attitudes contrary to the will of God and to the good
            We are in a state of crisis of gigantic and global   of neighbor and the “structures” which they induce,
        proportions brought about by the coronavirus pan-    two elements seem the most characteristic today: on

        10     MICHAEL  May/June/July 2020                                    
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