Page 15 - HQ May June July 2020
P. 15

fectious diseases: clean water, hygiene, nutrition,
                                                             and economic development. The Gates Foundation
                                                             spends only about $650 million of its $5 billion dol-
                                                             lar budget on these areas. They say he has diverted
                                                             agency resources to serve his personal philosophy
                                                             that good health only comes in a syringe.
                                                                 In addition to using his philanthropy to control
                                                             WHO, UNICEF, GAVI, and PATH, Gates funds a pri-
                                                             vate pharmaceutical company that manufactures
                                                             vaccines and is donating $50 million to 12 pharma-
                                                             ceutical companies to speed up development of
                                                             a coronavirus vaccine. In his recent media appea-
                                                             rances, Gates appears confident that the Covid-19
                                                             crisis will now give him the opportunity to force his
                                                             dictatorial vaccine programs on all American chil-
                                                             dren – and adults. v
               Bill Gates, the “commander in chief”                                                        Robert Kennedy Jr.
                       of global vaccination

              Chinese “social credit”                            Mass surveillance of the population, not
                                                             only on the internet, but also by millions of sur-
                                                             veillance cameras installed across the country
                Since 2018, the Chinese government has
             developed  a  so-called  “social  credit”  system.   is essential for such an ambitious scheme. Im-
             Please  note, this  is  not  the system  of Social   agine that every deed and gesture of a Chinese
                                                             population of 1.3 billion people can be collected
             Credit conceived by Douglas and advanced by     and assessed in individual profiles!
             Louis Even. In China, the words “social credit”
             have a completely different meaning and refer       Every aspect of life becomes controlled. Are
             to  a  citizen’s  rating  system,  aimed  at  control-  you  late  for  a  professional  meeting  or  offend
             ling the population by rewarding good behav-    social network norms established by the state?
             ior and punishing                                                         Your  social  credit
             bad behavior. Each                                                        score is reduced.
             citizen  is  awarded                                                      Are you a pedes-
             1000  points,  which                                                      trian  and cross  the
             is affected by their                                                      street at a red light?
             actions. Did you                                                          You lose 50 points,
             throw paper on the                                                        and  in  less  than
             floor rather than in                                                      three  seconds,  a
             a  trash receptacle?                                                      camera has identi-
             Such  incivility  will                                                    fied you thanks to a
             cost 50 points. A                                                         sophisticated facial
             donation can earn                                                         recognition  system
             50    points.   Re-                                                       containing the faces
             porting suspicious                                                        of all Chinese cit-
             behaviour can add                                                         izens. In Shenzhen,
             200 points and thus                                                       for example, the
             snitching on others           A true tyrannical system: eveybody is       faces and identities
             is encouraged.  Low      encouraged to become a spy for the government    of  ‘guilty’  pedes-
             scores result in re-                                                      trians are displayed
             striction on travelling by train or plane, renting   on  a  giant  screen  until  their  fines  are  paid.  Is
             an apartment, or even accessing a bank ac-      such a system destined for the west? May God
             count, etc. The project is expected to be fully   deliver us from such a technocratic dictator-
             operational across China by the end of this year.   ship! v

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