Page 19 - HQ May June July 2020
P. 19

The two meanings of the word salus                   An important point now highlighted by the

            The term salus means both health and salvation   coronavirus  crisis  is  the  subsidiary  role  of credit.
        in the ethical-spiritual and especially religious sense.   Blocking large sectors of the economy to ensure
        The  current  experience  with  the  coronavirus  dem-  greater health security and reduce the spread of the
        onstrates that the two meanings are linked. Threats   virus is causing an economic crisis, particularly in
        to the health of the body cause changes in attitudes   terms of liquidity, for companies and households.
        and ways of thinking and require a defense of certain   If shutdowns last for a long time, a crisis in the
        values. The moral reference system of society as a   cycles of production and consumption can be ex-
        whole is tested. Ethically valid behavior is demanded   pected, with the specter of great unemployment.
        and selfish, disengaged, indifferent and exploitative   In the face of these needs, the role of credit can be
        modes of thinking are called into disrepute.         fundamental and the financial system could redeem
                                                             itself from its many reprehensible practices of the
             There is heroism in the common fight against    recent past.
        contagion and, at the same time there is plundering
        by those who would take advantage of the situation.          Sovereignty and globalization
        The fight against contagion requires a moral rebuild-    The  current  experience  with  the  coronavirus
        ing of society in terms of healthy and respectful be-  also  forces  us  to  reconsider  globalization  and  na-
        havior and solidarity, which is perhaps more import-  tional  sovereignty.  Globalization  views  the  planet
        ant than the rebuilding of resources.                as a system of rigid connections and articulations,
            The challenge of physical health is therefore    an artificial construction governed by insiders with
        linked to the challenge of moral health. We need to   seemingly  unshakeable  communication  systems.
        profoundly rethink the immoral drifts of our soci-   However, such a concept is weak, because a strike
        ety, at all levels. Often, misfortunes are not entirely   to the system creates an avalanche or domino effect.
        natural, but have behind them man’s morally disor-       Epidemics can put the health system in crisis
        dered attitudes. The origin of COVID-19 has not yet   while quarantines put the productive system in crisis,
        been definitively  determined. Even if  a natural  ori-  causing the collapse of the economy, unemployment
        gin is found the social impact calls into question the   and poverty. The credit system runs out of fuel, as
        community ethic. The answer is not and will not only   it were, while the weakening of the population ex-
        be scientific-technical, but also moral. After the tech-  poses it to new epidemics and so on in a series of
        nical response, the serious coronavirus crisis should   vicious circles of global proportions.
        revive public morality on a new solid foundation.        Until ‘yesterday’, globalization presented the
              Contribution to the common good                splendors and heights of perfect technical func-
            Ethical participation is necessary because the   tioning and confirmation of the obsolescence of
        common good is at stake. The coronavirus epidemic    states and nations. It presented the absolute value
        contradicts all those who have argued that the com-  of the “open society”: one planet, one religion, one
        mon good as a moral end does not exist. If this were   universal morality, one globalist people and one
                                                             world authority.
        the case, what would all people inside and outside
        institutions be engaged in and fighting for? What        A virus may be enough to bring down the sys-
        commitment would citizens be called upon to make     tem, since any non-global levels of response would
        if not a moral commitment to the common good? On     have been unavailable in a globalist system. Our ex-
        what basis is it said that a certain behavior is “manda-  perience warns us against an “open society” under-
        tory” at this time? Those who have denied the exist-  stood in this way, both because it is in the hands and
        ence of the common good or who have entrusted        power of a few and because a few other hands could
        its implementation to techniques alone, but not to a   bring  it  down  like  a  house  of  cards.  This  is  not  to
        moral commitment for the good, are today contra-     deny the importance of the international collabora-
        dicted by the facts. It is the common good that tells   tion that a pandemic requires but such collaboration
        us that health is a good that we must all promote. It   has nothing to do with collective, mechanical, auto-
        is the common good that tells us that the word salus   matic and systemic global structures.
        has two meanings.                                    The European Union’s death by coronavirus
            Will this experience with the coronavirus deepen
                                                                 This experience has demonstrated a divided and
        and broaden this notion of the common good? As       ghost-like European Union. Selfish differences have
        we fight to save the lives of many people, abortions   arisen  between  member  states  rather  than  cooper-
        have not stopped, the sale of abortificatients has not   ation. Italy has remained isolated; it has been left
        ended, euthanasia continues, the sacrifice of human   alone. The European Commission intervened late and
        embryos proceeds and many other practices against    the European Central Bank intervened badly. Faced
        life and the family continue.                        with the epidemic, each state took separate steps to  u

                                                MICHAEL  May/June/July 2020    19
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