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P. 21

What will the world of tomorrow be?

            Fabian Society socialists and founders of the    gods! Only — as I see it — the alternative to their
        London School of Economics, Sydney Webb and          adoption is the chaos of Communism. All the intent
        George  Bernard  Shaw,  shared  the  same  ideas  as   of the tragic transition from Capitalism to Com-
        Karl  Marx.  Their  disagreement  with  Marx  was  in   munism now centers exclusively in finance.”
        how their theories should be achieved. Marx advo-        The following article was written by Louis Even
        cated violent revolution whereas the Fabians recom-  in 1960. Note that after this date, communism fell in
        mended a step by step gradual implementation of      the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. The best al-
        centralization and socialism.                        ternative to a one world government, the vision of
            We should remember that the 1917 Russian         Marx and the Fabian Society, is the financial system
        Bolshevik  Revolution  was  financed                                 known as Social Credit, advanced in
        by Wall Street bankers with the goal                                 MICHAEL, and which Fr. Coffey de-
        of  eventually  establishing  a  world                               scribed. It respects the human per-
        government,  a  “New  World  Order”.                                 son and offers the best remedy to a
        Today’s  financial  elites,  aligned  with                           globalist take-over.
        the powers of darkness, appear to be                                          by Louis Even
        taking advantage of the coronavirus
        pandemic to impose their scheme of                                       A Change is Inevitable
        a one world government, with a sin-                                     No one, except perhaps the priv-
        gle world currency, etc. Full of pride                               ileged elite in the existing system,
        and arrogance, they believe they are                                 would  agree  that  the  present  state
        already victorious.                                                  of affairs in the world is satisfactory.
            Divine  Providence  however  can                                 Practically the entire population of
        expose and foil their plans.                                         almost every nation is in some form
            Father Peter Coffey, Doctor of                                   of protest.
        Philosophy, Professor of Metaphys-                                      Employees protest the condi-
        ics and Logics at Maynooth College in   Louis Even (1885-1974)       tions  under  which  they  work.  Em-
        Ireland, wrote the following to a Can-   Founder of MICHAEL          ployers protest against financial re-
        adian Jesuit priest in March 1932:                                   strictions, government interference
            ”The difficulties raised by your questions can   and the difficulties under which they are obliged to
        be  met  only  by  a  reform  of the  financing  system   conduct  their  businesses.  Citizens  buck  vigorously
        of Capitalism, along the lines suggested by Major    against  the  ever-growing  burden  of  taxation  im-
        Douglas and the Social Credit school of credit re-   posed upon them. The unemployed, the needy and
        form.  It  is  the  accepted  system  of  finance  that  is   the penniless all protest their desperate lot.
        at the root of the evils of Capitalism. The accuracy     Protesting is a natural reaction against unfair
        of  the  analysis  carried  out  by  Douglas  has  never   conditions and is not necessarily a bad thing. It is
        been refuted, and his reform proposals, with their   the reaction of men who will not permit themselves
        famous price-regulation formula, are THE ONLY re-    to be belittled, harmed and destroyed. Protest is the
        form that will go to the root of the evil.           first step in the process of rectifying terrible condi-
            “Personally I am convinced that capitalist fi-   tions and is the precursor of fundamental reforms or
        nance must inevitably breed wars, revolutions and    the overthrow of an existing system.
        artificial starvation of millions in a world of poten-   Today,  protest  is  widespread  and  is  growing.
        tial plenty. I have studied the whole subject for 15   We can see with certainty that radical changes are
        years, and I believe that such a financial reform as   inevitable.  It  is  frequently  said  that  the  world  is  in
        proposed by Douglas is essential to the reinstate-   the pangs of giving birth—but what will be born is
        ment of a Christian economic system of widely        not yet known. Will it be a revolution and a state of
        diffused ownership, and is therefore the only al-    chaos that results in dictatorship? Or will changes be
        ternative  to  a  revolutionary  violent  and  Godless   brought about leading to a satisfactory political and
        Communism.                                           economic solution?
            ”As to whether the constructive proposals for             A Common Social Objective
        reform  advocated  by  Douglas  are  possible  in  the
        concrete — with the mass-psychology of a doped           Each  and  every  association  of  men  has  as  its
        public and all the propagandist power of the Cap-    goal  the  attainment  of  commonly-held  objectives
        italist press against them — that is in the lap of the   which  can  be  achieved  more  easily  and  efficiently  u
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